
Caching in SSRS before clicking View Report

I know that there is Sql Server Reporting Services uses caching. But, I would like to now if it caches the report before clicking the View Report button i.e. does it already cache the data for the report by merely changing the values of the dropdown Report Parameters. Here is the scenario: I call stored procedures to get the labels a...

ssrs external image from ashx

I'm trying to get a dynamic image loaded into SSRS 2005 from a handler. The handler works fine, when I set an asp:image src to it, it works as expected. When I add an image to an SSRS 2005 report and set the value explicitly in the value it shows the image in the designer. This is a local report being displayed in a ReportViewer contr...

Render html code in sql server client report (rdlc)

I am using the web application and microsoft visual studio reportviewer control and rdlc for creating a report ( not using sql server reporting). I used the Product table to view the result. It has five fields and I display all the itemsin the report. One field is Description and it store the html code as the value(eg: <div><ul...

querying data from Sharepoint using Report Builder 2.0: missing fields

I'm using SQL Server 2008 with Report Builder 2.0 to try and query data from a Sharepoint List, as described in this tutorial. The report is set up to use an XML data source with the connection string set to http://mySharepointSite/_vti_bin/lists.asmx. However, I cannot seem to get all the fields from the Sharepoint List, even if I spe...

Creating Reports using VS 2008

How do I create a report (RDL file) using VS 2008. I created one and it created a rdlc file which I cannot publish it to reporting server. I do not want to convert rdlc file to a rdl file. ...

SSRS report showing number of appointments per customer per week (layout)

I want to create a report that shows the number of meetings per customer per week in a calendar type of layout. I'm using SQL Server Reporting Services 2005. For simplicity lets say we have only these two tables: Customer Id Name Appointment Id Subject Date What is the most efficient way to produce a report with this layout? ...

Include Parameters in the Export To Excel

I'm using Report Viewer with Reporting-Services report embedded in it. I'm using external parameters - I'm setting the parameters into the Reporting server from the form that contain the Report-Viewer (using .ServerReport.SetParameters( instance>)). I would like to see the selected values of the input parameters in the Export To Excel re...

Sorting Dynamic column headings in SSRS

Trying to get my report to sort on column headings in a report. Can make it happen normally, but, the difference here is it is coming from a Stored procedure and the columns can be different each time. They are dates and the report shows 6 periods - and always just the 6 periods - but period 1 might be a week this time and a month the ...

SQL Reporting Services Expression to evaluate if field is null &| white space

I'm making a report and in a text box I want to show the Tax ID of a entity if one exists. However if a tax ID doesn't exist then that field is just white space. So if the field is white space I want to show nothing in the text box. IIF(IsNothing(Fields!TAX_ID.Value), "", "Tax ID: " & vbCrLf & Fields!TAX_ID.Value) What do I do? ...

SQL Server Integration Services SSIS 2005 - How to Let Users Run the Package?

So I made a package in SSIS to read data in from a text file and load it into a database table. What's the best way to set this up for non technical end users to run this when desired? My boss was thinking to have a SP launch it, and then have a report made in reporting services launch the stored procedure. Surely there's a better w...

How to find the Value & Label field used in a query based parameter in sql reporting services?

In sql reporting services, I have a parameter on a report that is query based called InstitutionID. I have specified the Value field as InstitutionID and the Label field as InstitutionName based on a dataset. By using the reporting services API or by querying the ReportServer database directly I need to know which fields were used as t...

Non text values not showing up in ms report control

Non text values not showing up in ms report control I created a new MS report for my MS report control in but not all of the data is showing. Data comes from a store procedure and when I run the stored procedure I see the data. All of the data items not showing up are not text items. I wouldn't think it would matter. For inst...

In SSRS, trying to use Last(), to return last row from dataset

I have an expression outside my table, where i'm trying to read the last record in from my dataset. Is Last() not a valid function or something? It's not erroring, just nothing is getting displayed. =Last(Fields!IntialBalanceRolling.Value, "SupplierTransaction") ...

using table in list data region for repeat data in rdlc

I use 2 table in a list data region for repeating data. I group data in list data region. My dataset that used in table have 3 data table. I can't use of all data tables as data provider for report. When I open Expression window and click on Datasets, all datasets shown to me but all of their fields use of an aggregate function like sum....

Grouping Hierarchical data (parentID+ID) and running sum?

Hello, I have the following data: ID parentID Text Price 1 Root 2 1 Flowers 3 1 Electro 4 2 Rose 10 5 2 Violet 5 6 4 Red Rose 12 7 3 Television 100 8 3 Radio 70 9 8 Webradio ...

How well does SSRS End User Designer work?

I'm trying to figure out if this tool will be good enough for my non-technical users to build reports themselves. I know they will need to have a lot of business/domain knowledge about the data model I present them. But how about the UI itself? Has anyone used the SSRS Report Builder in this way? What is your experience with it? Bui...

Dynamically set the height of a graphic in SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

HI, I have placed a graphic inside my report in SQL Server Reporting Services 2008. My only problem is that the natural behavior of the graphic is to have fixed width and heights, no matter how many items you have inside your graphic. Sometimes I have as few as 5 to 8 items in my Y axis, but sometimes I have some 20 or 25. What happens i...

Limiting selectable filter values in reporting services

Hi, I have a SSRS challenge. Hope someone out there can help me out. I have an analysis services data set where is use a date filter as a parameters. When I deploy my report all the dates from my date dimension are displayed as selectable values in the filter drop down. It would be nice if the users could only select the filter values w...

SQL Server 2008 Express SSRS: export to CSV

Do Reporting Services in SQL Server 2008 support export to CSV? I only see Excel/Word/PDF in the dropdown list on in the SSRS localhost server when previewing report. I found in internet that SSRS 2008 seems to support CSV but I don't see it; is it Express limitation? I haven't found any notes about this limitation. ...

How to setup the datasource to NOT require the end user to enter credential information for a report

I am fairly new to SQL Server Reporting. I am using SQL server 2008, running on a server using server 2008 standard and Business Studio to create the reports. I have built my report which can be accessed via a button on my secure (ssl) website and it all works great. However, I have yet to find a way to eliminate the need for the cred...