
Report Builder 2.0 query: ElementPath with a space in a field name

I'm trying to use Report Builder 2.0 to query a Sharepoint List using an XML data source. I explicitly list the fields I want returned because otherwise I don't get all of them, due to some of them being null sometimes. However, one of the fields I need has a space in its name. If I do a query where I don't explicitly specify fields, ...

sql reporting server virtual directory

I have sql reporting services installed in my system. I can access it through the url http://localhost/Reports_SQLEXPRESS/ But the strange thing is I am not able to view this virtual directory in my IIS management console. I need to set the permissions for this virtual directory, but it cannot be found. What might be the problem? ...

Microsoft Reporting Service Table component and List in class

Hi! I have a problem :) I am using class which looks like this: public class OrderItem{ (some properties) public List<RecivedItem> RecivedItems; } Now i have a list of OrderItems and i want to display them on report. I need to use a table to do that. The problem is, that i also want to display in second row collection of RecivedIte...

Anyone used a WCF client with SSRS a web service?

I'm having issues using the WcfTestClient with a SSRS report asmx service. Has anyone gotten it to work? The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Negotiate,NTLM'. Server stack trace: at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelUtilities...

Can SQL Reporting Services 2008 integrate with a SharePoint 2007 installation running SQL Server 2005?

We have a production MOSS 2007 environment installed with SQL Server 2005. Is it possible to configure an instance of Reporting Services 2008 to operate in SharePoint integrated mode with MOSS on SQL Server 2005? ...

Open SQL Reporting Services Report Builder without browser

I'm opening ReportBuilder on an instance of SQL Reporting Services 2008 from within a WPF application. When I open it, I call it like this: string rptBuilderUrl = "http://localhost/ReportServer/ReportBuilder/ReportBuilder.application"; Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(rptBuilderUrl)); It opens OK, but it always fla...

How to do SUM(VacancyID) without Duplicates while also showing Count(VacancyStartID) in the same Group?

In SSRS 2005 I am reporting on all available posts by regional office, listed by region,office,vacancyID. I then display a total per office on how many people started in a particular vacancyID by doing a Count(VacancyStartID). In the same group row with the Count(VacancyStartID) I need to display SUM(VacancyID). However at present this ...

SSRS 2008 printing single page renders different for print

I have a problem with SSRS 2008 reports rendering differently on the reporting server than the way it renders when you print the report. I’m trying to figure out to print a single page and have the print show that same records as I see on the report on the screen. As a test, I created a simple report with no headers or footers and just a...

Visual Studio 2008 Code Changes between given dates

Is there a way in Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation System to produce a report showing "Between date 01/01/2002 and date 02/01/2002 the following code was added:": FunctionOne(Param one, Param two) { //Func one contents } FunctionTwo(Param one, Param two) { //Func two contents } The following code was modified: FunctionOne(Param one...

Sum values in a group header

I have a group in reporting services 2005. In one of the header cells i have the following expression: =IIF(Sum(Fields!DataInGb.Value) < 2, 0, Sum(Fields!DataInGb.Value) * 3 - 6) In the report footer I need to sum the values of this cell for each group. An example list of values returned by the dataset might be: Cust 1 | 0.5 Cust 1 ...

Using Database Projects as Data Sources for Report Projects

In Visual Studio 2008 I would like to create a Reporting Services project. I am also in the process of moving the database that the reports will target to a Database Project. Can the database project be a valid data source for my reporting service project or do I still need to have a concrete database? ...

Managing application and SSRS authentication with IE7 shared process state

I'm trying to understand an authentication problem that occurs in an MVC application that links to an SSRS report via html form / URL integration to SSRS Report Server. The other important piece is that the MVC application implements it's security using ASP.NET Membership System in conjunction with FormsAuthenticationService. The use p...

Parameters in a report

I am using microsoft reporting 2008 and I would like to set parameters in this report. I do not want to pull back a list that contains the same...such as year...I pull up my parameter and I have a hundred 2010...I just want one to appear in the parameter but I want my report to show all hundred. How do I do this? ...

ReportViewer cannot find data source remotely

Hi everyone, this is the first time I have tried this so I am probably missing something that is staring me right in the face. I have an ASP.NET page where the user fills in a request which then emails a PDF rendered from a ReportViewer instance. It all works fine when I run it locally through the ASP.NET localhost but when I try and r...

empty local report in sql server 2008 on windows 7

i have sql server 2008 on windows 7. am trying to design a very simple local report to display just about 10 records in a database table in a report-viewer control on a windows forms application startup form. when i run the application the report shows up, i can see the report header text but it does not show any rows(and there are rows ...

Accessing dynamic column in SQL reporting services - Matrix.

I have generated a Matrix report using SQL reporting services from a table in Database. Table Date - Item - cost 10/31/2009 - a - 1 10/31/2009 - b - 2 11/30/2009 - a - 5 11/30/2009 - b - 6 12/31/2009 - a - 9 12/31/2009 - b - 10 SQL Reporting Matrix Report Item - 10/31/2009 - 11/30/2009 -...

Jump to URL doesn't work

I have a report that contains a link to a Word document. I have created an Action on the textbox that is Jump to URL, with the URL populated. I have a PerformancePoint dashboard displaying the report, which is in a report library using SharePoint Integrated reports. The link is not working correctly. Following the recommendations of ...

How can I display the report information across and then down instead of just down multiple pages?

Using Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), I'm trying to display a report that has hundreds of results. These results are 3 digits numbers and I don't want to have a 10 pages report. I want the display of the information to go Across, and the down after it reached the end of the row (let's just say I want to have 6 results p...

Add Web Reference prompts for credentials with "Discovery Credential" dialog but won't accept valid credentials

I'm attempting to add a web reference to my ASP.Net 3.0 project. This is a reference to the SQL Server Reporting Services web service. I have verified the service is up and running, but when I try to add the web reference in my project, I am prompted for my credentials, which I enter, and then prompted again and again and again. I have t...

How can I get a static X Axis in SSRS?

I've got a pretty simple need for a graph, or at least I thought it was. We have a number of time based products and I'd like to have a chart that goes: <1 Hour 45 Mins 30 mins 15min OnTime But not all products have files arriving in every timeframe, so may appear as: 45mins 15mins As you can imaging this makes reporti...