
ReportViewer scroll issues in IE

Hi, I've deployed a report using reportViewer on my local machine. It's a wide report so requires a horizontal scroll bar across the bottom of the report but fits fine vertically. This is fine in FF, however IE renders it with the vertical scrollbar as well and no matter what I do I cant get rid of it! Is this a problem with IE? Can I...

SSRS centering issues

I read in a reply here to a question about the differences between CR and SSRS. One person named Yosif I believe). Here is a quote: You cannot center align complete report body. For possibility, i've played with the rendered HTML for hours and figured out exact replacements to make that works I wanted to know what he actually did ...

reporting services maintain scrollbackposition

I wonder if there is any similar function to maintaine in scroll backposition in reporting services as following in webforms. I have searched and not found any solution that solved this. maintainscrollbackposition=true ...

viewstate in reporting services

I work as a consultant at a company that have around 30 reports in a reporting services 2005 server. All of the reports use around 10 parameters to change the data loaded into the report. The parameters is depending on eachother also. The problem is that the reports causes long loadtimes for booth changing parameter and processing/loadi...

Web services and methods with array parameters

I'm trying to wrap ReportExecution2005 from SQL Reporting Services so that I can domain authenticate on behalf of a Windows Auth Services login. ReportExecution2005 defines SetExecutionParameters(ParameterValue[] Parameters, string ParameterLanguage) But when I put an array of any sort, even string[], in a method signature, the serv...

Comparison of reporting engines for

I'm investigating options for reporting on data in a custom salesforce application, since the built-in reporting tool is a bad joke. The requirements are that the data needs to be accessible on-demand through the Salesforce website (likely through a web-tab, visualforce page, etc.), and must be able to do arbitrary joins of the tables,...

How do you set SSRS report parameters for a linked report using the SOAP API?

I have a situation where I need my report server to be more-or-less publicly accessible, as we are using the ReportViewer control in an ASP.NET web application and groups of users will be accessing a variety of reports. This will be running against SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition. Security will be handled by creating linked reports (o...

SSRS Open report link URL in new window

Group, I am struggling with syntax. I have dynamic links in my report and when the link is clicked I want the window to open up target="_blank" I have tried the following, but I must be missing a ' or " somewhere because I am having no luck. The parameters are throwing me off. ="javascript:void('http://server/folder/filen...

Reporting Services 2005: Attempt to export to Excel gives "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error

I have a moderately complex report consisting of a lot of subreports. One particular one is causing an issue: if you run it standalone, it works fine. If you integrate it as a subreport, it refuses to allow you to export to Excel format (from Preview), with the following error: An error occurred during local report processing. An erro...

Calling SQL Server Reporting Services from PHP - authentication problem

We need to use SQL Server Reporting Services in a website with server-side php and php authentication. At the moment we have two separate logins/authentication – the php and the SQL Server Reporting Services one (which I believe uses something similar to ASP.NET authentication). We need to have only the php login and we also need the rep...

wget SSRS report

I'm trying to pull a report down using the following: https://user:[email protected]/ReportServer?%2fFolder+1%2fReportName&rs:Format=CSV&rs:Command=Render And it just pulls an html page and not the csv file. Any ideas? ...

Is there any way of troubleshooting Reporting Services formatting?

I'm using Reporting Services 2005, and keep running into issues like blank sheets between report pages. I'm trying to find some way of figuring out what I need to do to fix them. I'm assuming it's a border width issue or something. I've tried putting borders around items, but it doesn't seem to be telling me what to do to fix it. (Th...

SSRS 2008 Reports column and row header visibility while scrolling

For the tablix used in report keep header visible while scrolling options are selected for row and column headers during design time. Scrolling is happening during testing time on report server also. During deployment, the reports are hosted on a report viewer control in page. Auto scrolling is not happening. As the report's size...

SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 - How can I get the report to scale to one page wide when printing?

I have a report and it seems so insist on printing in portrait mode and splitting the report across two pages. How can I make the web version specify landscape automatically, and also have it scale to fit on one page? ...

Reporting Services: Creating user defined functions in report query. Is it real?

Is it possible to create and use a user defined function in a report query? Something like this: if OBJECT_ID('userFunc', 'TF') is not null drop function userFunc go create function userFunc(@id int) returns @tbl table ([id] int) begin insert into @tbl (id) values(@id) return end go select * from userFunc(1) if OBJECT_ID('userFunc',...

MySQL / SQL Server... working together as a total solution

Hi, I want to user sql server for analysis services, and a few other small apps. The majority of our systems are in MySQL. Things like user info, customer info, sales data I need to get into SQL Server. Obviously, there is much to debate here. What I was attempting to do is to dump a read only copy into SQL Server so I can user report...

Getting error from SSRS through http interface (SSRS2005)

I am writing something to get a report back and email it using SSRS' url interface. The code is simple: var string reportURI = "http://ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?/ReportNsmrs&rs:Command=Render&rs:Format=PDF"; var webRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(reportURI); ...

How do I select existing report in VS 2010 report control?

How do I select existing report in VS 2010 report control? I am trying to figure out how to use RDL reports that I already have with the Report control in Visual Studio. I understand that VS 2008 does not and will not support RDL. I downloaded the beta 2 of VS 2010 and after I added the control to an project I do not see where...

ReportingServices: Excel export How to force new sheet?

We have report with cover page (disclaimer) normally printed on separate page and on the other pages main data. Works well when printing, but when exporting the same report to Excel cover page and data are presented on same sheet. I need a way to force the cover page to be on separate Excel's sheet. I tried everything: page brakes, put ...

SSRS Broken Embedded Image

I have a SQL Server Reporting Services report with an embedded image in the header. It works fine in preview mode and if I inspect the RDL file, it has the encoded image stream in there. However, when I deploy the report to the server and view the report in the Report Manager, the image shows with a broken X icon. Has anyone experience...