
Does the 2008 Report Viewer control support running reports from a 2000 SQL Server Reporting Service

I'm trying to verify whether or not you can run reports against from the 2008 Report viewer control against a 2000 SQL Server report server. There's not a lot out there on microsoft's sites about what versions it supports. I know it supports 2005 reporting services. ...

How do I keep colors consistent from chart to chart in Reporting Services 2005?

I created a custom color palette for my charts using a technique described on TechNet. I also have a series of drill-through column charts, where you click on one column and it passes a parameter through to the next chart and so on, giving the appearance of drill-down. My graphs consist of 3 types of labor, and have three colors on the...

Any way to have reporting services subscriptions email only when query returns results?

Users are only wanting emails when there are results from a there anyway to get a SSRS subscription to do this? ...

SSRS Code Shared Variables and Simultaneous Report Execution

We have some reports that are failing when two of them are executed very close together. I've found out that if two instances of an SSRS report run at the same time, any Code variables declared at the class level (not inside a function) can collide. I suspect this may be the cause of our report failures and I'm working up a potential fi...

Using SSRS with ASP.Net ReportViewer

I have set up SSRS on my localhost, and used BIDS to create a couple of reports on them. They access data from the same SQL Server where the SSRS is deployed, and when I preview them they run fine. Then I deployed them to my localhost SSRS and accessed them via the ReportManager web interface, again they ran just fine. Finally I deplo...

Right align a horizontally growing tablix in reporting services

I have a tablix which grows horizontally (it is actually acting as a legend. I would like to right align it with the edge of a chart. I cannot find a way to do this. The RTL property will reverse the order of my values but it still grows to the right. ...

SQL Server reporting services - is it possible to select database as part of the report

We have been trying out SQL server reporting services. We are using SQL 2008 and Visual Studio 2008. I Have a couple of linked reports, along the lines of Report1: Summary of tickets that are still open past the date that they should have closed. Click through on a line to: Report2: Details of a ticket and it’s dependant history data. ...

SSRS Reports Testing

Hi All, When I am Trying to test a Scorecard, There are few base measures which are based out of Views and Tables. Specifically these views have been created for this project only. When I asked to test the the Scorecard, Is newly created views also need to be tested or not ? What is the Scope as a Tester for Testing the Scorecard? ...

Why would System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer be undefined in a SSRS 2005 report?

I'm trying to serialize a data structure and pass it to another report via parameter, and this line of code: Dim s As New System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(GetType(System.Collections.HashTable)) Produces this error: An error occurred during local report processing. The definition of the report '/myReport' is invalid. There i...

How do I execute a custom code function only once on a reporting services report?

I need to execute a custom code function when the report first loads, and I need it to only run once. Where do I put it? ...

Missing expansion images on Matrix Report

Hi, I'm comparatively new to report-viewer control and SQL reporting services. We've developed a report with matrix control and integrated the RDLC file on the web page. It works perfect when published on the local development server with the expand and collapse functionality but when we published the web app to the production s...

How to open report in PDF inside in current browser windows, not a new browser windows from reporting services?

SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services allow to open report in PDF with following URL access: http://localhost:8080/reportserver?/MyReports/Report1&rs:Command=Render&rs:Format=PDF but the PDF will be open in a new browser window. How to set proper parameter and open it in current browser window? ...

Reporting services: Print all pages

In SQL Server Reporting Services I would like to have an option to print all pages of the report, even though the report is split into multiple report pages in the user interface. We currently have a report with the following: one page per item no option to print to pdf (intentionally removed per requirement; would otherwise be a poss...

Reporting Services add-in to Sharepoint: how to change report's data source programmatically?

We are using Reporting Services add-in for Sharepoint Technologies. We keep our report files in a document library list on Sharepoint. Then with some code we copy these reports to a different document library. The problem is that after copying, the report cannot be displayed because it has invalid Data Source. You have to go to "Manage D...

Joining DataSets in ReportingServices

I have a SSRS report. This report has two data sets from two different data sources. I need to do a conceptual join on these two data sets. For example, assume I have the following datasets A and B. DataSet A Data Source is SqlServer P SELECT user_id, user_name from users DataSet B Data Source is SqlServer Q SELECT change_id, user_i...

Merge cells in Table (RDLC)

Hi, Can I get merged cells in some rows while other rows cells remain not merged? Like this way: | group row 1                              | | cell1 | cell3 | cell4 | cell5 | cell6 || cell1 | cell3 | cell4 | cell5 | cell6 |... | group row 2                              |... I have to export to Excel content of datagridview with group ...

SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 - How to Put a Conditional Total in a Header Row

Let's say I have a table like this: Customer,Invoice Type,Balance A,Good,50 A,Good,10 A,Bad,20 B,Good,20 And I want to make a report like this: Customer,Invoice Type,Balance,Total Adjusted Balance A 40 Good 50 10 Bad 20 B 20 Good 20 Where total adjusted bal...

SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 attempts to store credentials fail

I'm trying to figure out which credentials I should be storing to enable use of Reporting Services' Data-Driven Subscriptions. Nothing I type in seems to work. It's all happening on localhost under XP-Pro SP3. A little background: I'm able to connect to the localhost server as a Database Engine in SQL Server Management Studio, using ...

Passing reportparameter array to web user control

Hi,I have a user control that contains a reportviewer control.And I want to send an array of reportparameter to my user control.But I can't figure out how to do.I'm getting "Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ".My param_reportParam variable is null in usercontrol. Any help is appreciated. My user control's parameter i...

Using Dynamic Connection Strings in SSRS2008

Hi, I have a bunch of SSRS 2008 reports which I'd like to run on several different machines (development, test, production). Each machine has it's own database, so I need to use different connection strings depending on where the report is running. One workaround I found is to specify the server and catalog name in a hidden parameter ...