
ASP.NET ReportViewer Google Chrome CPU usage

Hello, We have found an interesting issue between ASP.NET 3.5 and ReportViewer with Google Chrome. Our set of pages work fine until a ReportViewer control displays a report. Google Chrome then eats up 50% of the CPU doing nothing it seems. I've extracted the ReportViewer control to a blank Web Forms project to confirm its that contro...

Reporting services 2008 chart X axis interval as 3 but show the first category

In X axis of a column Chart I have a Year (for ex, "2009") and Month (for ex, "Jan") category groupings, and I would like to show just the first month of every quarter like Jan, Apr, Jul, Out, ect. When I specified the Interval = 3 it gives me Mar , Jun, Sep, Dec… How can one set it so it returns the first value? ...

Open PDF Programmatically in One Page View

I have a 2005 Reporting Services report that I display as a PDF through the report viewer control. I would like to know how I can have the PDF be viewed in the "one page at a time mode". Right now it's going to the scrollable page mode. ...

SSRS and MDX causes VStudio to crush

Hi I am trying to generate a report using reporting services in visual studio 2005. the data source is in MDX DB and was created successfuly. When I save the query in the query builder window it closes and displays an alert : "the query cannot be read from the query window, please check for syntax errors" and then VS crushes! the query...

Render PDF in SSRS 2008 with digital signature block.

We are using SSRS 2008 to render pdf reports for our users. They would like the capability to digitally sign these reports. Is there anyway to add a digital signature block to a pdf file using SSRS 2008? ...

Defer report execution until after parameters are chosen

The first time a parametrized reporting services report is called it is automatically executed with the default parameters which takes too long. Is there a way to prevent the report from being executed until the "View Report" button is clicked when the correct and more restrictive parameters will be already chosen? ...

Report Builder 2.0 - SSRS - filtering in Row Groups: how to show only filtered values in the totals?

I have an aging report with totals per patient and per month. I need to have months as column groups and patients as row groups. plus I need to filter out patients, whose totals overall (for all months) were negative. I created a Row Group filter per patient with condition SUM(Totals) < 0. However, the row that shows the Grand total o...

high speed tracing

I have an embedded board with a 32 Micro-controller, and an custom built OS, Unfortunately, as of now, connection to the PC is only through serial port, Internal memory is limited to 512KB. There are at-least 10 tasks in the system Question, I want to capture the sequence in which task switch happens, And when I try to write in...

SSRS 2005: Group page numbers resetting, view xx from xx

I tried to find any solution, saw a lot of similar questions on different sites, but still have no appropriate solution. So, the situation is following: On SQL Server 2005, Reporting services I have printed form (ex. "invoice"), which can be multi-page. I need to print a lot of such forms (ex. all "invoices" for specified customer and ...

MS Reporting Services - columns from DataSource in one Textbox

I have the DataSource which returns columns ItemsName and I need to join these all names into one Textbox. The output should look like: "ItemName1, ItemName2", ItemName3, ..." I cannot figure out how use =Join() to do that. Thank you for any help. ...

Using a shared data source for dynamically generated and deployed reports

I'm dynamically generating RDL files for SSRS 2008, assembling my reports from "building blocks" which I defined as reports on Report Server, and which I use as subreports on my generated report. On my Report Server, I have a single, shared data source which does work as long as I run stuff directly on the report server. What I'm tryin...

Making sure values are treated as Numeric when SQL Reporting 2008 renders a report as Excel

When I save a SQL Report in Excel, a column containing numbers is treated as text in the resulting .xls file. On each row the cell has a green right triangle and a yellow diamond exclamation mark saying "The number in this cell is formatted as text or preceded by an apostrophe." Can someone explain to me how to make it so the rendered r...

App.config for Data Provider Extension in Sql Server Reporting Services 2008

I am trying to create a data provider extension for SQL Server Reporting Services that will call a WCF services. I have the data provider extension configured and executing, however, when making the call to the WCF service it cannot find the end point. I am assuming that I don't have the element in the proper place. Since I am only w...

Reporting framework that can export to a word document with editable charts.

Has anyone got any recommendations for a reporting framework, where it is possible to export into a word document and have charts editable inside MS Word. By this I mean the user should be able to double click on the chart and customize it, add trend lines, labels etc.. So far I have evaluated BIRT and SQL Reporting Services, but as far...

ReportViewer Table

Hi, Any idea how can i accomplish the next scenario in a rdlc? I have some rows (PrimaryKey,col1,col2,col3) I want to display a table like this: Labels of my fields......| FirstRowValues......| SecondRowValues |... Label for Primary key | PrimaryKey1.Value | PrimaryKey2.Value.|... Label of col1..............| Col1.Value(row 1)...| ...

Report fails with 'A severe error occurred...'

I have a report that calls 5 stored procedures, 3 of which are used for the display of data. The stored procedures work fine if called from Query Analyzer. However in Preview Mode in Visual Studio 2008 and on the Web Page it would throw an error on the last procedure - GenerateInstallReport. This report takes 4 parameters (customer ...

How to avoid summing of numbers in report model in SQL Server Reporting Services

In a report model I have some entities which have attributes which are integers (set to integer datatype) but should not be summed or aggregated in any way. For examples ID's. But when I create reports with the wizard, sometimes the report builder will try to sum the values even though it doesn't make sense to sum ID's. For example let's...

SSRS not working after Laptop Hibernating

Hi All, I have a colleague having trouble running any report in SSRS 2005 after hibernating a laptop. Restarting the service solves the issue but wondering if there is a long term fix? Thanks, Davy Mitchell ...

SSRS - How to render child datasets

I'm designing a SSRS report in Visual Studio for use as a local report (so a SQL Server is not involved). I have a table with customers/addresses that has the following columns: AddressID Firstname Lastname Street Another table keeps orders and looks like this OrderID CustomerAddressID ShopAddressID So two columns from my order ta...

Get list of reports from SSRS?

I've just started working with SSRS and so far I've been able to show reports in my Winforms app using the ReportViewer, by hard-coding the report path. I would like get a list of reports from SSRS so I can display them and let the user select which one they want to see. Is there a way to request the list of reports from SSRS? Thanks....