
Mode Statistical Aggregate Function in sql server Reporting Services 2008

I am trying to compute Mode along with a bunch of other aggregates (SUm,Min,StdDev) on a report. Currently there is a Row Group and a Column group. The row Group is by region and the Column Group is based on the results from a column. Following an tutorial online, I got this custom code working for it. Dim values As System.Collections...

CRM SSRS Subscriptions with default filters

I've managed to create a subscription for some of the standard CRM reports. I've basically followed this article: link text The remaining question I have is how do I set up each SSRS subscription to change the default filter options? I can set the report parameters but as each subscription is to provide information based on a defau...

How to hide subreport if no datas to be displayed,Error:subreport could not be shown!

Hi, how can i hide sub reports if in case of no datas to be displayed. I have a subreport where in some case i dont have any datas to be displayed and that is giving me error Error:subreport could not be shown. is there any way to hide the subreport? ...

The future of SSRS

Does anyone know of where future features of SSRS are listed? I found a page that describes the features that are released with SS2K8 R2 but they don't solve the main problem I have porting our Excel reports to SSRS which is vertical merging (plus rotated text to go in those cells) and horizontal tables. I would like to be able to tell...

Make SQL Server Reporting Services use metric measurements

I'm newly getting into creating and programming reports using SQL Server Reporting Services. One thing that bugs me right off the bat: I can't seem to find an easy way to tell the BIDS (Business Intelligence Dev Studio, a.k.a. Visual Studio) to use the metric system for measurements - you know - millimeters, centimeters etc., instead o...

ASP.NET Report Viewer control browser compatability issue

We render SSRS reports in ASP.NET forms using Report Viewer control (Remote Mode). The report renders fine in IE6 + but it does not render the following elements in Google Chrome. 1. Date Picker does not show up in the Parameter prompt 2. Tool Bar is distorted and does not show zoom, print and find options. Can anyone throw pointers on ...

Getting an error when using MS Reporting

I'm trying to use my simple data object: internal class BRInfo { public string Name { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public DateTime LastRun { get; set; } public string LastResult { get; set; } public string LastRunDetails { get; set; } public IList<string> DetailsList{ get; set;} public ...

Report rendering using SSRS in Google Chrome

Hey, In our project, we use SSRS integrated with forms to render reports. The report looks good in IE. when it comes to google chrome, there're some issues we face such as date picker not displayed in the parameter prompt distorted tool bar Does any one have any idea how to get around this problem in chrome? I appreciate yo...

How do I share an image between projects in Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2005?

I have a SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services solution containing several reporting projects. (I need separate reporting projects so that I can deploy reports to the correct folders on the report server.) We want to include our company's logo in the header of each report. I don't want to bake the logo image into each report ("embedded")...

How can I share a Data Source between multiple projects in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services and keep Visual Studio "Preview"?

I have a solution that contains multiple reporting projects (one per target deployment folder - I think this is the only way to achieve this effect, at least until I abandon Visual Studio for report deployment). I want to specify my data source information "once and only once" for all these reports. So far, I have created a separate re...

Using an expression to set the style of label font on a category axis in Report Builder

I am trying to set the bold style of a category axis label given a certain label value. I have added an expression to the style attribute of the label font in the category axis properties window. The expression doesn't evaluate. Here is an example of the expression I am trying to use: =IIF(Fields!FieldName.Value = "SomeValue", "Heavy"...

Dynamically render a DataTable into a Winform using the SSRS ReportViewer Control

BACKGROUND I'm writing a method that will (eventually) take as input a System.Data.DataTable and render it as an (simple,tabular) SSRS report into a Winform using the Microsoft's ReportViewer Control ( In order to do this I need to (1) dynamically create an RDL file based on the DataTable (2) load the RD...

Calling LocalReport.Render in background thread

I have been working with the Winforms ReportViewer control for a while now. I have added a custom toolbar, and am handling all report functions manually. My problem is with extra large reports. In order to render my reports to Image (which I use to print) I call the ReportViewer.LocalReport.Render method. Larger reports end up free...

Reporting Services - Header Columns not showing?

I'm using Reporting Services 2008 and Report Builder 2.0. I've used a tablix to display my data in a simple way - essentially each row in the database receives a row in the tablix - nothing fancy. I have a header row with a name for each column. I also have a super-header which groups together a few of the columns into logical groups (e....

How to add group, or page field in an existing .rdl report

Hello. I have several .rdl reports designed for our client. However, they need new ones, that are relatively similar to the old ones. Differences are in the "group" and "page fields" (these can be changed easily). I'm interested in adding new group and page fields. I would like to copy/paste the old report, and then add new (group and ...

Report Builder Entity navigation

Hi, I am trying to use Report Builder (ver 9) as bundled with SQL Server 2005. I am able to select my data source from the report server, and load all the relevant entities associated with the data source fine. However when I try and navigate entities I am unable to view the entire list of entities again. There is no 'back or forward na...

SSRS Conditional Top Border Not Showing

My issue is occuring in Sql Server 2005 Reporting Services. It is happening in the preview area within Visual Studio and when exporting the report to .pdf from the report server, but it is displaying correctly when to deployed to the report server. This wouldn't be an issue, except for that the higher ups often export these reports to .p...

Sql server reporting services select text

I'm using ssrs with the winforms ReportViewer control to display reports to my users. Sometimes they want to select some of the text that the report outputs. But the ReportViewer control does not give us that ability, it just renders the text. Is there some property that I can change in the .rdl report or some property in the ReportViewe...

Reporting Services 2005 configuration

I need help with configuring Reporting Services. I have the ReportServer and Report Manager running successfully under a virtual website and under their own virtual directories (Reports and ReportServer) on port 80. I then tried to set up another virtual website running on port 1001 with the same virtual directory names I am able to ...

Show Parameters for Reports In SSRS

I'm developing an SSRS in Visual Studio BIDS. In it, I have a link that links to another report (report A). Report A has 4 parameters (dates). When I click on that link, it goes to report A fine, but the 4 parameters in report A are hidden (I would have to click on the arrows to show them and edit them). How can I make the link link to ...