
Anyway to load RDL report content into a WPF FlowDocument or similar?

I would like to know if someone have created a RDL report (running it in Reporting Services), and loaded it into a WPF component like FlowDocument. Since RDL is just a XML, perhaps there's a way to parse the result and avoid using this WindowsFormsHost in order to use the Report viewer control. Would be really nice to have another cont...

SSAS 2008 tutorial

Can anyone tell me the site for getting SSAS 2008 and SSRS 2008 tutorial ? In PDF file if possible ? ...

Disable caching in System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser

I am maintaining a .NET 2.0 application that uses a System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser to display reports from Reporting Services 2005. Caching is disabled for all reports on the server, and this seems to work as expected. The problem is that the WebBrowser control insists on checking Temporary Internet Files for a cached copy of the repor...

prevent Empty Alert in reporting services

I am using report services to send an alert to users daily; my data source is an oracle DB. I want to send the alert, when my SELECT returns some records and don't want to send empty table to my users; if you want more info, just let me know thank you ...

Tracking SQL Dependencies within Stored procs / SSIS / SSRS

Hi All, We have an environment where we develop within T-SQL, SSIS and SSRS. We have core databases for our own systems, but we have dependencies to another SQL system that we directly extract data from by calling tables, views and stored procs (not ideal, but that is for another day). As a developer I want to make sure that at any po...

SSRS -- possible to check if the User!UserID is in a network group from a dataset query?

Hi, I was wondering if there is a was to check if the "Current User" (User!UserID) running the report is in a network group, from the dataset query of a report? Currently we are restricting access to data based on the "CurrentUser" by checking in the where clause of a SQL query, for example, if the CurrentUser is the "Creator" of a dom...

Report Viewer Expression

Basically, I want to check if the value of field F1 is not empty. If the row not empty then I want to calculate F2 * F3 The following expression always print #Error =IIf(Fields!f1 ="" ,"" ,Fields!f2.Value* Fields!If3.Value) Please help ...

Formatting any date into MM/dd/yyyy

Hi I'm currently working on some SSRS reports and the data I am getting comes in quite a range. I'm getting dates in forms of: 6/18/2010 6:00:00 AM, 6/18/2010, 2010/6/18 I was hoping to be able to come up with a formatting code to use for the row so that it would convert any of these into the MM/dd/yyyy format and anything else just lea...

this expression always print #Error

This expression always print #Error on my report Plz help =IIF(ISNOTHING(Fields!f2.Value)," ", Fields!f2.Value* Fields!If3.Value) ...

SSRS Subreport not displaying Headers....

Possible Duplicate: Subreports page headers missing in main report, SSRS Hello...I have an SSRS report with several SubReports. When Displaying a subreport that spans multiple pages, I want the SubReport header to display so the user can see which subreport they are viewing by looking at the header on any given page. Howeve...

Hide Blank Data

I would like to hide empty fields, not show a blank line. How can i do this? ...

Multiple tables/tablix depending on query

Is it possible to display dynamic number of tablix(es) in a report? That is, if we do not know the number of tables/tablixes to be displayed in advance. The requirement is that all the output tables will have exact same structure (row and column lables, groupings, etc.). ...

I need help creating a new TFS project. I'm getting a Reporting Services error.

I recently inherited control of our TFS server. I am trying to create a new TFS project and get an error. Any help or clues to how to solve this would be greatly appreciated. Here is the exception message that is logged. ---begin Exception entry--- Time: 2010-06-22 11:09:47Z Module: Initializer Event Description: TF30207: Initializat...

Report Designer Select appropriate value

I am using Visual Studio to create a Report. I am having a problem getting the appropriate value into a text field. Bare with me, because I am new to using Report Designer. I have a DataSet with these values: InfoPathFormsWorkflow AvgProcessTime_Sum AvgProcessTime_Count This DataSet will only have 1 or 2 values in it. It is being popul...

SSRS WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() giving me NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE

Hi, I have custom code inside of a SSRS report that needs to get the current user. e.g. Dim myPrincipal As New System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal (System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()) I would have expected GetCurrent() to return the principal of the user that was accessing the report; however, it give...

Linking an SRSS report - Dropdown parameter not getting passed.

Sorry if this is a duplicate post, not sure what happened with my original one. I have a linked SSRS report (Report A) that links to Report B. One of Report B's parameters is controlled by a Dropdown/ComboBox. In the parameters dialog box that gets launched from the navigation tab, I have tried both 'VALUE' and simply putting VALUE with...

Reading XML in SSRS

I have a filed in a table in Oracle that contains and XML formatted string. In this string is a node value that I need. How can I parse an XML string contained in a database column/field? ...

SSRS 2008: iif IsNan statement Error wrong number of arguments

Hello All, when I run the SSRS report with the following expression below, I get an error that says: wrong number of arguments. I get this error at the ).IsNaN, part of my statement. I don't see what i'm missing. Can anyone please help? =iif( ( ( (Sum(Fields!UNITS.Value, "SFY2011_SW_T19"...

Change font color for a column when the value changes

if i have a column where the values are repeated across rows and i want to change the color of the font when the value changes, how do i do this? ...

SSRS Report remote connection timeout on IIS7

I have a set of SSRS05 reports being called through the 2005 web service from our site that runs on Win2k8 and IIS7. The reports are stored remotely on another server from the web server. In our QA environment, if we have a report that runs for longer than 2 minutes, I get the following error: Message : The underlying connection was c...