
Run Reporting Service in local mode and generate columns automatically?

Hi, I have a SQL query right now which I want to use with the MS reporting services in my ASP.NET application. So I created a report in local mode (rdlc) and attached this to a report viewer. Since my query uses parameters, I created a stored procedure, which had exactly those parameters. In addition to that I had some textboxes which ar...

how to add file extension in url while passing it to ssrs

i want to save/open a file in txt format other then CSV in SSRS 2005. So any one who knows how to add file extension in url that can overirde default extension in SSRS 2005.. ...

SSRS Calculating counts across row and column groups

I'm building a report of case results with a parent-child grouping on the row group and single column grouping: Parent Row Group: Location Child Row Group: Result Column Group: Month Running across the report are months in the year, and running down the report are the location and the different result breakdowns for the location in...

Issues with format in reporting services

In a report a have a cell that contains a System.Decimal type value. I am using the cells format property to format the value to "D2". This works in VS but not when I run the report on the report server or in my application. If I switch the format string to "0.00" then it works. The confusing part is that it seems that sometimes it w...

Multiple group expressions in list (ssrs 2005)

Hi, I have a problem with group expressions in a list. I want to use two expressions: '=Ceiling(RowNumber(Nothing)/3)' and '=Cint(Fields!kpilevel.Value)' They work both individually, but when I insert them together only 1 works. I inserted them like this: Does anyone know how to solve this...

Creating reports in Silverlight 4. (PDF/Word export) What are the main options?

From my research it seems like the main option is to call up a HTML page from your Silverlight application and print from there.. So to use SSRS or Telerik Reporting for example. Is there anyway to just print and export to PDF/Word from inside the Silverlight application ? What options can I look into ? ...

inconsistent TablixHeader.Size in Report Builder 2

I get this nonsensical error seemingly randomly in Report Builder 2.0. Does anyone know why it comes up or how I can get rid of it? The TablixRowHierarchy in tablix 'Tablix1' contains an inconsistent TablixHeader.Size in one or more of the TablixMembers that contain headers for TablixRow 2. TablixRow 2 has an expected total header s...

How to display middle value in a RDLC report where count equals 3?

I'm currently using an RDLC report and ReportViewer control to display a report to the user. The report needs to be formatted in a certain way so just creating a table and iterating through won't work. My database is set up to be pretty normalized. For example, two tables I have are a "PersonalData" table with a ID and a "PhoneNumbers" t...

Using ReportViewer 9 control in VS 2010

Hi, I am writing an ASP.NET app that uses a SQL Server 2005 with SSRS setup. I want to use the ReportViewer control but I get an error when using ReportViewer 10 because it needs SSRS 2008. How can I use ReportViewer 9 within my application. I've added a reference to the Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms.dll version 9 and removed the r...

SQL Reporting Services 2005 - Date field based on a user entered date?

Hi, I have a report in report services 2005 that has two date fields. The problem is that if users run this for a large section of time it uses too much resources on our server. It is possible to only allow the end user to enter the start date and then the end date be auto populated/derived from this field (for example they enter the 1s...

Can MS report data be redirected?

Can MS report data be redirected? I have a MS report control and I want to be able to take the data that would go to the (MS report control) UI in some cases to instead of being viewed, go to a file. I don't see where that can be done but want to ask if anyone knew a way. I tried look at the datasource from the report but I don't see ...

Sharepoint SSRS: Unexpected Error Encountered

We are running an intranet website hosted on Sharepoint 2007, serving reports to users via SSRS. Recently, our users are experiencing error when trying to access certain reports with the error message "An unexpected error has occurred". After trying many things, to cut a long story short we manage to temporarily solve the problem by man...

Displaying a field as a comma separated list in Reporting Services 2005?

See title. Basically, the data in this report is set up such that each value in Field A has multiple corresponding values in Field B, and I need to display Field B as a comma-separated list. According to the internets, this is totally easy via a combination of Join() and LookupSet() in 2008... but I'm on 2005. Anyone know how I can do th...

Reporting Services Expression-based Connection Strings can't have any data driven parameters

I need my reports to have dynamic connections strings. We have multiple database servers and catalogs and only want to maintain a single Report file. The only solution I could find that would let me do this programmatically was "Expression-based Connection Strings". Basically I programmatically pass in parameter values to the report f...

Nvarchar + PDF encoding problem in Reporting Server 2005

I have a Report running on SQL 2005, say there are 2 fields I got from the database to show on the report: (A) =Field!FullName.Value (defined as varchar(250) in database) (B) =Field!Description.Value (defined as nvarchar(max) in database) When I export it to PDF, it shows up properly in Acrobat Reader. "FullName" (A) can be copi...

Open existing reportings sevices in Business Intelligence Development Studio

Hello, I've lost my Reporting Services project file for Business Intelligence Development Studio. How can I open the existing reports in a new project? Can I "open" the whole project like in SSAS? I want to get the datasets and data sources into the project again as well. ...

SSRS - Oracle DB, Passing Date parameter

Using SSRS with an Oracle Database. I need to prompt the user when running the report to enter a date for report. What is the best way to add in the parameter in my SSRS Report. Having problem finding the right date format. under the "Report Parameter" menu, I have setup the Report Parameters using the DateTime Datatype. Keep gettin...

SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services: How to count rows that are not null? Any hints for calculating totals?

Using Reporting Services in SQL Server 2005: Is there a way to count only records that are not null; similar to "COUNTA" in Excel? I would think this would be very simple process, but nothing I have tried has worked. For example, I have tried using the following expression for "Completed", which is one column I am trying to count: =count...

How to write a CASE WHEN statement with multiple DATEDIFF variables

I need to calculate the difference between two dates (facility_start_date, facility_end_date) for a report in Reporting Services in SQL 2005. If the facility_end_date is null then it needs to use the report parameter @EndDate in the calculation. However if the facility_end_date is greater than the parameter @EndDate, then it also needs t...

How do I bake relative dates into a data set in SSRS?

I'm trying to create a report that will always show yesterday's numbers but the SSRS documentation is weak on examples in this area. Yesterday is one of the relative date values for use as filter criteria - but where? ...