
Report viewer Error message "client found response content type of '' but expected 'text xml' The request failed with an empty response."

Hi, I'm getting the error "client found response content type of '' but expected 'text xml' The request failed with an empty response." when i try to execute the following code. //create a PDF from the SQL report ReportViewer rview = new ReportViewer(); rview.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = new Uri("http://server/ReportServer$MSSQL2K5?...

How to link multiple tables in VS2010 RDLC Reports

I have two tables which are linking together by primary key... as an example Genre ----- GenreID GenreDescription Track ----- TrackID GenreID TrackName I want to show like the following TrackID Name Genre 1 Track1 Pop 2 Track2 Pop 3 Track3 Rap 4 Track4 Rock How can I write custom SQL ...

Tableau as self service BI tool

We are planning to use Tableau tool. I would like to know from group what are the pro/cons for Self Service BI Tool. I would about existing users' experience with this tool. ...

Is there a web log analyser that can understand processing time and parse querystring?

Does anyone know of an web log analyser that can both report on the 'processing time' field that Apache can store (%D), and also parse querystrings intelligently? I've looked into some of the usual suspects eg AWStats and Webalyser but none I've looked at seem to offer either of these features. Ideally, you'd be able to report on spec...

Reporting services barchart with linechart overlay

Hi, I was wondering if it was possible to create a chart similar to the one below with the Reporting Services charting control? Failing that, if there are any third party reporting controls that would be able to do it? Thanks, Matt ...

For really complex reports, do people sometimes code in their language rather than in sql?

I have some pretty complex reports to write. Some of them... I'm not sure how I could write an sql query for just one of the values, let alone stuff them in a single query. Is it common to just pull a crap load of data and figure it all via code instead? Or should I try and find a way to make all the reports rely on sql? I have a very ...

Repeat footer field on new page

The question is simple, I couldn't find any solution though. If it is possible, how do I repeat a field that's in the Footer on a new page if it doesn't fit the container? For example: I have a column that can store up to 5000 characters, and I must display it in the Footer. So if it reachs a certain number of characters, I'd like it t...

Looking for end-user web-based ad-hoc query/reporting tool - SharePoint or Web-forms

Hi, I'm looking for a database query/reporting solution whereby the user can select (via a web-page) database tables (or lists of data), data fields on the tables/list and values or value ranges. The solution generates the query (i.e. CAML/SQL statements), executes the query and provides the resulting data in a report, on the screen, and...

open source java package for excel report preparation

Hi , I need a Java package that reads a master excel sheet which contains some data like user name who has given money to organize an event and amount that he has given also the date . Now I need to prepare report based on this master excel sheet Please suggest some well known open source packages ...

what to do when custom page setup not working on printer

i am doing some changes in application developed in 3.5 , application using devxpress for reporting , customer has dot matrix printer epson lx 300 + with running paper size (32cm height and 22 cm width). problem is some reports are very large and require every mm of page to print reports so i setup page size a4extra (32cm height a...

integration of flex/ssrs (Flex based UI for reports created in SSRS)

We have an application which is created in front end, ms sql/ssas as data source. We are in phase of creating a new reporting module. so for consistency of graphs and ui we want to use flex as front end and SSAS as backend for reporting module. My understanding is: *Flex based UI (reports/parameters) SSRS Reports (standa...

Access conditional formatting - adding text instead of color?

I have an Access 2003 report and some of the fields within the report are NULL. I can use conditional formatting to change the color and other aspects of the text-box control but what I want to do is to display "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" in fields where there is no data (i.e. NULL). Can this be done using conditional formatting? ...

Access - Report opens and then is hidden when opening form is closed

I am using Access 2003 and I have a form that collects some filtering criteria for the report. Once the criteria is entered the user clicks and "OK" button and the report is launched using the following VBA. DoCmd.OpenReport "ReportName", acViewPreview After the report is opened I issue the following command to close the form that col...

Crystal Reports: Cross-Tab Column Arrangements.

Hello, I am looking for a way out in cross tab, so that if the columns exceed in cross tab, they shouldnt go on next page..rather a new cross-tab should repeat after the first one. For example, two columns are displayed in a cross tab : Now if a new column is added, and assuming that it could not be accomodated within the given page...

How do I dynamicaly create an SSRS Report?

Hi guys, Im trying to create a report in SSRS. The report calls a stored procedure for its data. I want to display the data in a table. But the thing is, the result from the stored procedure differs from time to time, because every customer has its own 'template'. This means the result for customer A could be : AccountNumber | Customer...

Is there any NHibernate report generator?

Hi all, There are many report generators for MySql and MS SQL Server. For example this one for MySql. We have a large web application based on NHibernate and I'm wondering if there is any report generator that works on our NHibernate mapped entities? ...

Ad Hoc Reports Hadoop

Hey guys, I want to allow people to put in simple text search terms, run a pig job(if that's best? it's what I know best) and output the results (the tsv file results?) so I can show them in a web interface. Is there anything that approaches this problem? Any thing known to link a few disjointed pieces of the flow I am going for, toget...

Business intelligence on Google App Engine

Hello, I want to add analytics and reports to my application on Google App Engine. Can you tell me how I can do that on google's "database"? Are there any oss libraries/tools available? Thank you ...

how can I load datatable as ReportDataSource?

i am trying to do something like: this.reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = this.inputValuesTableAdapter.GetData(); Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource rprtDTSource = new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource(); rprtDTSource = dt; // this line generates exception /...

Summary tag for django templates

From time to time I have to write some simple summarized reports using Django. First I tried using Django ORM aggregates and interleaving results, but it can get a bit messy and I loose all the ORM laziness - just doesn't feels right. Lately I wrote a generic iterator class that can group/summarize a dataset. In the view it works like...