
Auto Property - Resharper error or Cool Unknown C# Feature?

I have the following code: public interface IMyInterface { DataGrid ItemsInGrid { get; set; } } partial public class MyClass: Window, IMyInterface { public DataGrid ItemsInGrid { get { return grdItemsInGrid} set { grdItemsInGrid= value; } } } In a Different file: partial public class MyClass: Window { ...

C# question - how to populate a catch statement with the specific possible exceptions from the code in the try?

Hi, I'm using VS2008 and have ReSharper too. My question is how can I automate the creation of a try/catch block for which the catch is specifically populated with the possible exception from the try block? (i.e. not just put in an Exception ex) Background - Trying to help follow the best practice I read of "Don't catch (Exception...

Resharper 4.5 and dotTrace 3.1 integration problem

Hi. I am not able to get Resharper profile a unit test, although I have dotTrace installed on my machine. Actually, the dotTrace button in VisualStudio is also greyed out. the VisualStudio AddIns menu list dotTrace as started. VS2008 sp1 Windows 7 64bit R# 4.5 dotTrace 3.1 I tried Restarts, Reinstall, Re-whatever. Has anyone experien...

backup and restore ALL resharper settings

How can I backup and later restore (after a clean install) ALL resharper settings? ...

Transfer ALL R# 4.5 settings from VS 2008 to VS2005 and to VS2010

It just took me 2 hours to configure Resharper 4.5 with StyleCop for Resharper in VS 2008. Now I hope I don't have to go through all this for VS 2005 and VS2010 (once it and R# 5 is released) again. Is there a way I can transfer my settings? The best thing I can figure out so far is to to a diff between the files in %userprofile%\Applica...

How do I escape keywords in XML comments like "note"?

How do I escape keywords in XML comments like "note" in Visual Studio? e.g. /// See note re Create method attached to this type. I don't want the text after the word "note" to turn blue. Note this may be a Resharper feature. ...

How Can I disable Resharper in VS and Enable it again?

I'm new to Resharper and have 2 questions : 1.I installed Resharper and it works in VS but I want disable it for some reason. But whenever I search in the Resharper menu cant find disable option. [Update]{ I moved my second question here :

What is the best practice to Jump out of closing bracket in Resharper?

Its good when resharper inserts closing bracket automatically. But assume condition that the method didn't have any parameter in this situation it takes more time to jump out of the brackets is there a work around ? now I use mouse to jump out from closing bracket. ...

Resharper braces

In resharper 4.5 for VS2008, is there a way to get a solid straight line to be shown between starting brace and ending braces. ...

Resharper Tip/Trick... is this possible?

How can I have Resharper convert code file like using Stuff; using Stuff.MoreStuff; using Stuff.MoreStuff.EvenMoreStuff; namespace CoolStuff { // src code } To namespace CoolStuff { #region Using Statements using Stuff; using Stuff.MoreStuff; using Stuff.MoreStuff.EvenMoreStuff; #endregion // src code } I just like it...

Resharper + Sharepoint = locked DLL in GAC

If you develop to Sharepoint with Resharper, there are DLL locks in GAC. This issue blocking you to publish your DLLs to GAC. How to deal with it? UPD: here is my development scenario: VS 2008, resharper 4.5 I'm developing website for '_layouts' directory and some DLLs for this website (data access level (DAL.dll) for exapmple) In t...

Resharper 5 Beta - Goto Declaration (CTRL + Click) is not working

In Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 with Resharper 5 Beta, Goto Declaration (CTRL + Click) is not working. Anybody has solution for that? I tried in google but couldn't find any solution yet. ...

remove resharper files from svn

i just moved a bunch of code into a svn repo and it checked in all of the resharper files and other items that dont need to be in source control. whats is the easiest way to tell svn to ignore certain directories? ...

Using WPF components in NUnit tests - how to use STA?

I need to use some WPF components in an NUnit unit test. I run the test through ReSharper, and it fails with the following error when using the WPF object: System.InvalidOperationException: The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this. I've read about this problem, and it sounds like the thread ne...

Bookmarking with eclipse

I really miss the bookmarking feature of Visual Studio + Resharper. For example, I press Ctrl+K, Ctrl+K to toggle a bookmark, and then Ctrl+K, Ctrl+N to go to the next bookmark, Ctrl+K, Ctrl+P to go to the previous bookmark. I can even go to the next/previous bookmark in current file with some other key combination. Unfortunately, I cann...

VS2008 XAML code formatter

In my team, the code style in .xaml files are currently not very consistent. We looked over the Visual Studio auto formatter to make it format the code into something we like. However, for one option we lack an extra condition. The options Im talking about are found under Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> XAML -> Formatting. We want ea...

Do resharper 5 beta stop working?

I got message that the license expired to resharper 5 beta. I waited a few days but nothing was updated. Is anyone else got this message? In addition this post says that there is nightly builds. The question how can I get them. I there a public repository that I can get any update to this program? Thanks. ...

Does Resharper not support Microsoft best practices for namespace naming conventions?

I know there are only warnings but they are still annoying me. I like a clean project. I have a solution with two projects. I would like for the namespaces to look like the following Solution.Project.FEATURE Which I thought should map onto the best practice CompanyName.TechnologyName.FEATURE Instead Resharper keeps suggesting a names...

Is it really worth purchasing R# for VS2010?

Hi I heard that R#5.0 (still in beta) will support VS 2010. My question is VS2010 == VS2008 + ReSharper ? I know there are many improvements to VS2010, so I 'm not sure weather is it really worth purchasing the R#5.0 for VS2010? ...

How to add custom code analysis in ReSharper

Hi I'm new to ReSharper. For those who uses Resharper, is there a way I can add custom code analysis rules? For example I might have a rule say All private variables should start with letter "m". How can I add this to Resharper so if I violate this, it can shows as a warning or an error? ...