
resharper - question on exception warning

Consider this method (pardon the sad attempt at Chuck Norris humor :) ): public class ChuckNorrisException : Exception { public ChuckNorrisException() { } public ChuckNorrisException(string message) : base(message) { } public ChuckNorrisException(string message, Exception cause) : base(messa...

how to do a "Move type to another file to match its name" accross a complete solution

Hi does anyone know of a way to split all classes in one solution into multiple files? The point here is that I've inherited a project in which a few hundred files contain a thousand or so classes... I'd like to be able to get to a 1 file per class approach.. Using resharper I can easily do this manually, but I'm guessing there must b...

Resharper gotchas

i absolutely adore ReSharper and would not work without it, but there are a few gotchas that i have run into and learned to avoid: Allowing ReSharper to rename string literals automatically can really bite you in such instances as when your object variables match column names in your DAL SQL or other string constants. i have learned th...

FileLoadException when running unit tests in visual studio

I'm trying to run some unit tests in VS 2005 and keep getting the following error System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Tests.CS.vs2005, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG)) at System.Refl...

How to install MSpec BDD Framework?

Does anyone know if there is an MSpec installer with R# and/or TestDriven.NET support? ...

Anyone tried JustCode?

Have you used JustCode? is it better than resharper? seems like performance better. Do I need to uninstall resharper before using JustCode? ...

when doing a extract to interface, why doesn't it modify the interface previously created?

I created an interface in a file, then a class that implements the interface in another file. If i add a property to the implementation class, is it possible to pass that method signature down to the interface automatically using resharper? I tried, and it seemed to just create another interface in the same file? ...

[C#] What complex refactoring features do you wish there were?

Tools like CodeRush and Resharper offer lots of simple refactorings, such as 'Rename Variable'. But if you could have any refactoring feature at all (no matter how complex), what would it be? (I know, everyone wants a 'make program perfect' refactoring, but let's be realistic here.) ...

using reshaper, is there a quick way to use the last template again?

using reshaper, is there a quick way to use the last template again? ...

Resharper Colouring Variables In Red

Ok - I feel stupid but if I type a variable Resharper highlights the variable RED and then suggests split declaration and assignment Now I want this suggestion but I do not want the variable to be red Is there any way to remove this I ve looked through all the options and still cannot figure this out public static void Add<S, D>(List...

how to assign a test file in resharper?

how to assign a test file in resharper? whenever I select 'run tests' it says no test file found. I created a test project, how do I link it? ...

Resharper colors settings missed in VS tools/options

I've missed all Resharper's colors options in VS tools/options/fonts & colors (There is no entry started with "Resharper" word) Is it the way to bring them back ? ...

Frozen Resharper installator

Im testing latest 5.0 night builds and starting from last build R# installatior has frozen. I've tried everything - install / uninstall - add remove programs / repair - install previous 4.5 version - reinstall MSXML Still same - it hangs at the last step of installation (Uninstalling from VS or Repairing VS) Only way is killing process ...

Why does ReSharper want to use 'var' for everything?

I've just started using ReSharper with Visual Studio (after the many recommendations on SO). To try it out I opened up a recent ASP.NET MVC project. One of the first and most frequent things I've noticed it suggesting is to change most/all my explicit declarations to var instead. For example: //From This: MyObject foo = DB.MyObjects.Sin...

Resharper - extract DTO

Hi, Is there a macro or something in resharper that can extract a DTO from Entity based on the properties. It should take all public properties and just like you can extract interface, extract a DTO with replicating all properties as auto-properties. ...

resharper + VS Black theme makes Note: and TODO: Blue and hard to read

I have a Black theme for the visual studio editor and it was ok until I've installed resharper. After this my TODO and Note text got really impossible to read, anybody knows a fix for that ? ...

How do I get ReSharper to ignore certain categories when running all tests?

I've got about 650 NUnit tests in my current solution in VS2008, but 40 of these are categorized either as "LongRunning" or "Integration". I do not want these to run every time I've done a change and run my test-suite (only when I specifically ask for it, and on the CI at set times). Setting this up with TestDriven.Net is a cinch: Tools...

resharper or VS hotkey to switch places two parameters, is there such a thing ?

it something like this method(a,b); and you hit some hotkey and you get method(b,a); is there such thing ? ...

What utilies you like of FxCop

I love Resharper, but Fxcop is free, and does some bits Resharper does. My question is what can do more to get best out of Fxcop? I am using VS2008, and planning to upgrade to VS2010 next March hopefully. ...

Uninstall ReSharper 4.5

I have ReSahrper 4.5 in Visual Studio 2008. Now I want to install ReSharper 5, but I can't do it before I uninstall ReSharper 4.5. How can I uninstall ReSharper 4.5? ...