
Keyboard shortcut to close all tabs but current one in Visual Studio?

Does anyone know a keyboard shortcut to close all tabs except for the current one in Visual Studio? And while we're at it, the shortcut for closing all tabs? Is there a Resharper option for this? I've looked in the past and have never been able to find it. ...

Why can't I delete a file in %ProgramFiles% from a Unit Test via Resharper's Test Runner Unit Test?

I am trying to write a test which, in it's fixtures Setup, it backs up a file and deletes the original, runs the test without the original present, then in the teardown, restores the original from the backup. The file is located in my %ProgramFiles% folder. I get an UnauthorizedAccessException on the fileInfo.Delete() statement. I hav...

Can Resharper be set to warn if IDisposable not handled correctly?

Is there a setting in Resharper 4 (or even Visual Studio itself...) that forces a warning if I forget to wrap code in a using block, or ommit the proper Dispose call in a finally block? ...

ASP.NET MVC Preview 5 & Resharper weirdness

I've just created my first Preview 5 error and it doesn't seem to place nice with Resharper. All the C# in the Views are coming up with errors, things like <%= Html.Password("currentPassword") %> has the "currentPassword" highlighted with the following error: Argument type "System.String" is not assignable parameter type "string". IL...

What is your single favorite feature in ReSharper?

My whole department has owned individual copies of ReSharper for about a year, but I find I'm one of only two people that actually use any of its features regularly. I'm trying to get everybody to use it more effectively and would like opinions on the most useful features and their shortcuts so I can share more than just what I use it f...

ReSharper giving C# 3.0 Code Inspection Warnings to .NET 2.0 Projects

When I am working in .NET 2.0 projects with the newest version of ReSharper (4.1) I am getting warnings about using the var keyword and lambadas etc.. Any idea how I can disable this only for .NET 2.0 projects? ...

Virtual member call in a constructor

I'm getting a warning from ReSharper about a call to a virtual member from my objects constructor. Why would this be something not to do? ...

Should constructor variables pass direct to private fields or properties?

Now this is .NET but I am sure the principal should apply to all OOP language, to simplify I take .NET as an example: R# usually creator constructor and passing incoming variable to private field, which for me mi tend to pass it to Property. Any opinion on how the different and what is the best practice for that? ...

Tool Comparison: Visual Assist X and Resharper

Hi .Net developers out there! Need your opinion here! I am now using Visual Assist X, a decent piece of software, indeed. But the .Net bloggers seem to prefer Resharper more. I might want to consider a switch over, but before that I want your guys opinion first. ...

ReSharper-- Unstable for anybody else?

I have seen Jetbrain's ReSharper tool on many "must-have" tool lists. I've installed it on a few occasions over the last few years and it's turned my Visual Studio sluggish and erratic. I generally uninstall it after a week or two because it make VS flaky, I want to like it, but I can't get past the instability. So what's the deal? Am ...

Is using resharper a time saver?

I have installed ReSharper and "played" with it twice now. I have always found it annoying and that it got in the way of the hotkeys I was already using in Visual Studio. The people that use it tend to swear by it. For those of you that do use it, where do you find it saves you the most time or what do you think its best feature is? Pl...

C# method can be made static, but should it?

Resharper likes to point out multiple functions per page that could be made static. Does it help me if I do make them static? Should I make them static and move them to a utility class? ...

Are there shortcut keys for ReSharper's Unit Test Runner?

For obvious productivity reasons, I make an effort of learning and using as many of the keyboard shortcuts for the various Re# commands. However, it seems that the unit test runner does not have any associated shortcut keys. I want to be able to select certain tests and be able to run or debug them without resorting to grabbing the mou...

Do you have a less well known but powerful feature of ReSharper?

Do you have a less well known but powerful feature of ReSharper? ...

What ReSharper 4+ live templates for C# do you use?

What ReSharper 4.0 templates for C# do you use? Let's share these in the following format: [Title] Optional description Shortcut: shortcut Available in: [AvailabilitySetting] // Resharper template code snippet // comes here Macros properties (if present): Macro1 - Value - EditableOccurence Macro2 - Value - EditableOccurence ...

How to resolve incorrect "Ambiguous reference" from Resharper on class inheritance?

In my project I have a class that is inherited by many other classes. We'll call it ClassBase. public class ClassInheritFromBase : ClassBase When ClassBase is being inherited, Resharper throws an "Ambiguous reference" warning on the ClassBase, and anything inside the new class that inherited from ClassBase does not have Intellisense a...

ReSharper (or something like it) for Visual C++ ?

I've seen ReSharper recommended a lot Unfortunately, it doesn't support C++ in Visual Studio. Is there anything out there you can recommend? I already use Visual Assist, and it does its job very well, but it's quite limited in comparison with ReSharper. Any suggestions? ...

F# declared namespace is not available in the c# project or visible through the object browser

F# declared namespace is not available in the c# project or visible through the object browser. I have built a normal F# library project, but even after i build the project and reference it to my C# project, I am unable to access the desired namespace. I am also unable to see it in the object browser, i get an error telling me that it ...

Where can I find plug-ins for Resharper?

Hi, does anyone know of a good place to find plugins for Resharper? Preferably somewhere more structured than Google... Thanks! ...

How do I debug Resharper 4.0 add-ins?

Ok, I love Resharper and its addins, but even the best of fanbois have to admit that its API documentation is suboptimal. I'd like to build an addin myself (based on the Agent Johnson plugin). Thankfully that plugin works in 4.0, so I can use it as a starting point for my own work. My question: how do I run and debug the app? The reshar...