
Installing Resin on Snow Leopard?

Has anyone has success installing Resin 4 on Snow Leopard? I get linker errors when I try it which are maddening. ...

Best practices for deploying Java webapps with minimal downtime?

When deploying a large Java webapp (>100 MB .war) I'm currently use the following deployment process: The application .war file is expanded locally on the development machine. The expanded application is rsync:ed from the development machine to the live environment. The app server in the live environment is restarted after the rsync. T...

Resin's `pomegranate' - auto-magical-loading maven jar dependencies for a project - but how to generate jars with pom.xml for them?

Hi. Resin java server has a neat feature they call pomegranate ( ) which allows to just put various jar dependencies in server's directory (project-jars/) and then it loads them for a web-app from its pom.xml file. Question is: how should I put the jars to resin's project-jars ? (just copying...

How do I configure Apache to forward some URLs to two resin containers?

Good day, I have two resin servers - r-server-a and r-server-b. I created two because both have web applications that need to be in the root context path '/' (and using same port '80'). However, both web applications need to see each other (i.e. access the other application's resources & pages). Which is why I thought I'd use an apach...

Running a PHP webapp from Java

I'm interested in running a PHP web application using Quercus in a way similar to: java -classpath ... com.example.LaunchPHP {php folder} All the documentation I could find on Quercus was related to running from Resin, but this is something I want as simple as possible, for running from a CI build. What possibilities are there? ...

Cache-Control in Resin

I am using Resin 3.2. According to the documentation I should be able to tell Resin to cache items of my choosing by inserting the following into the resin-web.xml within the webapp element. Here is what is in the resin-web.xml: <web-app xmlns=""&gt; <cache-mapping url-pattern='/layout/*' expires='1D'/> <cach...

Any known problems using JRuby on Rails with Resin?

Resin is the only servlet container that my current web host allows / supports. I figure it should be fine (other resin vs tomcat vs etc issues notwithstanding), but want to make sure so I can take some action now if there are some known problems. ...

Differene between tomcat and resin?

Hi, I like to know what are the differences between Tomcat container and Resin container ...

initialize ServletContext using a method on a Resin server

Is there a way to initialize the ServletContext for a webapp on a Resin server using a method? I need something like that runs once, when the server starts up. ...

Differences between Java EE 6 CDI Implementations

I've looked at JBoss' Weld Reference Implementation of JSR-299 Contexts and Dependency Injection, and I wanted to know how others CDI implementations compare to each other. Specifically, I know about Weld, Resin CanDI (by Caucho), and Apache OpenWebBeans. ...

Java response content returns instead of < or > &lt; &gt;

Hi. I have a little problem: I'm writing to response content of the file and return it to the client as an ajax response. But there occurs html substitution: of > to &gt; etc... What i have to do to make this substitution off ? res.setHeader( "Cache-Control", "must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0" ); res.setHeader( "Pragma", "publ...

Debug servlets with eclipse (running resin)

I am using eclipse (Java EE edition) to write Java servlets and I would like to utilize the debugging functionality. However, I was reading the tutorial to set this up and when I got to the stage the choose a "Server Runtime Environment", I got stuck. I am using Resin, which does not appear to be in the list of available server runtime...

Is ResourceBundle fallback resolution broken in Resin3x?

Given the following ResourceBundle properties files: messages_{some locale}.properties Note: contains all the messages for the default locale. is really empty - it's just there for correctness. will fall...

Hotswap in Resin with IntelliJ IDEA

Hi. I have a problem. I'm developing under IntelliJ IDEA with resin server. Hotswap isn't working. If I change any Java code ( string value or something simple ) it always restarts server. When i worked with resin ver.2 it worked perfectly. but no i's just doesn't work. What i should look for to enable this feature? TIA ...

How fast (slow) is Quercus PHP on Resin Open Source as opposed to Resin Professional?

The clever folks at Caucho are quick to point out that Quercus is 3x-5x faster than straight mod_php (without APC). But digging deeper in the documentation, you'll see that the PHP-to-bytecode compilation is only available in Resin Pro ($699). What I'd like to know is, how fast (i.e. how slow) is Resin Open Source for executing PHP code...

Resin server giving 200 OK response but tomcat 6.0 giving 404 Not Found

Hi, We have an application running in resin. We are sending HTTP get and post request to this application & it gives 200 ok response with some text in the response body, as expected. But when same application deployed on tomcat6.0 ,and HTTP get and post request are made , the url gets excuted as expected ,but 404 not found response is...

JSP compilation error upon changing XML parser to Xerces

All, I'm working on a java webapp that we deploy in the Resin web app server. I have been doing some XML parsing for a new part of the application, and realized that our app was using Resin classes to do the parsing. I wanted to get away from that and use something more standard for a number of reasons, so I set these system properti...

UnsupportedEncodingException thrown when using Resin and Grails

I've encountered a strange problem in a Grails webapp running under Grails: is thrown quite frequently due to various unknown encoding strings (such as "ISO8859_10", "ISO-8859-10"), and the strange thing is that this is done entirely within the Resin and Grails code. That is - no custom code is invol...

Where is the "" new Maven2 repository address?

I add the "" or "" repository address but is error .Message is Unable to update index for caucho release repository| Resource does not exist Where is the new address? ...

how to do url rewriting in resin(railo)

Let's say users browse to now I would like to rewrite the url to;var2=test2&amp;var3=test3 So far I have added the following in the resin.conf file: <web-app id="/" root-directory="webroot"> <rewrite-dispatch> <forward regexp="^/([^/]+...