
UrlReferrer shows a value with hyperlink but null with Response.Redirect

I am redirecting between two pages, when I use a hyperlink I get the Page1 in the UrlReferrer field, but using Response.Redirect gives it null. AFAIK both of them act similarly for a redirection. Can anyone help me understand this behaviour? Thanks for the help! ...

Scheme relative URLs

Scheme relative URLs are something that I've just found out about - where you don't specify the scheme of a URL and it picks it up from the current context. For example: <img src="//" /> will resolve to if the current scheme is HTTPS or if it is not. This seems like...

Redirecting default.aspx to root virtual directory

Hi, I have a simple ASP.NET 3.5 application running under IIS7 under a virtual directory. So the URL of my app is like I want to 301-redirect the request to to for better SEO. I have to do this redirect through code only, not by any IIS settings. I am unable to do so via code m...

Redirecting to another page after Response.End() has been called in C#

I am exporting a gridview to excel, using .Net 4.0 in a web application, on page load and need for the file to be generated and then the page to be redirected to the calling page. I am running into issues because my code to export to excel is as follows: gvSummary.Style.Add("font-size", ".6em"); Response.Clear(); string attachm...

How to add www to url and redirect?

How can I response redirect from to Code, not Web.config, which doesn't seem to work for me. ...

HTTPS ASPX page Redirect to HTML page logs user out - as if session lost

Greetings, everyone: Firstly, sorry that my Flow description is long winded, but I think it might help with describing the problem. Background: Building asp.C# shopping app that is using a hosted payment page to process payments (using posting of data to a hosted payment page). SSL certificate is signed and installed. Flow: Prelim) ...

Masterpage to detect response redirect

I want to clear a placeholder control on my masterpage every time a Redirect is being made. How can I achieve that in codebehind? I could check whether the last saved url and the current url match, but that is a really a makeshift solution I don't wanna' go for. Something like [if(//Page Redirect detected){//do something} ...

ASP.NET - Response.Redirect Not Populating Url Referrer

I feel like i've done this a ton of times, but i can't for the life of me figure out what is going wrong. Default.aspx: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var r1 = Request.UrlReferrer; // null var r2 = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_REFERRER"]; // null } SingleSignOn.aspx: protected void Page_Load(object sen...

Get previous page URL after Response.Redirect

I'm trying to get the previous page URL after I do a response write and i've looked around the web and people are using HTTP_REFERER but that doesn't work with Response.Redirect so is there anyway to get the URL of the previous page? I have this code on a few pages and i need to know which page it is coming from when it gets to the serv...

wait till code executes before running redirect

I have a page redirect that runs after a string is written to an MSword doc using WebClient and StringBuilder. HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(strHTMLContent); this.Page.Response.Redirect(""); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); However the string never gets written (or it doesn't get th...

How to redirect process output to System.String

Hi I am calling Java process from .NET application and I need to redirect console output to System.String to do some later parsing. Please advice. I would appreciate short code example. public bool RunJava(string fileName) { try { ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(); psi.CreateNoWindow = true; ... c# post form on users behalf

I have an ASP button, when it is clicked it calls a function which adds order information into my database. The next step of the order process is to transfer the user over to the payment gateway with this form: <form action="" name="BuyForm" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="in...

Create short permalinks similar to Stack Overflow's "short permalink to this question"

I think I might already understand how this works, but wanted to be sure. I am in the process of defining the routes for a new ASP.NET MVC application. I'd like to create short permalinks similar to Stack Overflow's short permalink to this question: What route and controller mechanism is S...