
How to read HTTP response headers from web service response?

Hi, How can i read HTTP response headers from web service response in C#? Best Regards, Guy Bertental ...

(414) Request-URI Too Large when creating pdf in

I'm using the following code ( to show a pdf for the user: Response.ContentType = "Application/pdf"; Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=thePdf.pdf"); //data contains a pdf created with iTextSharp Response.OutputStream.Write(data, 0, datalength); Response.End(); Sometimes the users gets an error. I...

Close pop up window after binary file is sent to browser

Hi, Is there a way to close a pop up window after the page writes binary data (PDF) to the browswer? Here are the details: Whenever my web appilcation needs to print, it will pass some parameters over to a pop up window, which will display the print options. When the user clicks on the Print button, it will set the src of a iframe t...

Get the response headers with prototype.js

Is there an easy way to pull out the response headers of a page with prototypejs without using Ajax.Request? ...

HttpResponse.End vs HttpResponse.Close vs HttpResponse.SuppressContent

Within an ASPX page, I want to end the response at specific points (not due to an error condition), depending on code path, so that nothing else is sent back down the stream. So naturally used: Response.End(); This results in a ThreadAbortException, which is by design. The following seems to work but does not look like the correct ap...

replace page with jquery $.post response

Hello, I'm using jquery's $.post like this: $.post("/searchresult", $("#searchDiv").serialize(), function(data) { //??? }); The "data" parameter has all the html code of the result page I want. The question is how do I replace my current page's content with this one returned by the $.post function. Thanks, Rui ...

[C#] Sending UDP packet to server and getting response

Possible duplicates: UDP Response or Receiving a response through UDP I've been writing a udp server-client setup over the last month and have a working server. This server is meant to be a communications program to retrieve data about the computer it's hosted on that was requested by a remote client machine. The general idea is outline...

Early response termination when using an ASP.NET Master Page

I have a page which needs to terminate execution of it's code (which is run at render) but not stop the execution of the MasterPage. The problem is this, page 'Default.aspx' uses the masterpage 'MasterPage1.aspx'. The code in Default.aspx checks a certain condition and if found to be true, Default.aspx needs to stop executing, but rende...

No XML response when using cURL

Is there a reason why a PHP cURL enblaed server will refuse to display xml responses? I have been working on a script to post numbers to a dialling service. I felt using cURL would be the best thing to do. On 3 different servers, each running different versions of PHP, I am able to get responses with no problems. But on the particula...

set zend response into a variable

I have a action that returns a JSON and i need to call it from another controller and i need to get this response into a variable to parse the json. i've tried: private function makeListFromUrl($menu) { $req = new Zend_Controller_Request_Http(); $req->setRequestUri('/module/controller/get.json/'); $res = new Zend_Controll...

How to send new response using response.redirect after sending response once in a single postback in

I am displaying a loading div on the page init using response.write and response.flush until the time page is fully rendered . like this: Page.Response.Write(loadinghtmlstring); Page.Response.Flush(); I am redirecting to error page if some error occurs through try catch. try {} catch (WrapedException wre) { BaseU...

Handle session timeout in using Javascript

Essentially I want to be able to catch when a user lets their session timeout and then clicks on something that ends up causing an Async postback. I figured out that if I put this code in my Session_Start (in Global.asax) then I can catch a postback that occurred during a session timeout: With HttpContext.Current If TypeOf ....

Django return large file

I am trying to find the best way (most efficient way) to return large files from Django back to an http client. receive http get request read large file from disk return the content of that file I don't want to read the file then post the response using HttpResponse as the file content is first stored in RAM if I am correct. How can ...

Asynchronous HttpWebRequests and a null HttpContext.Current.Response/Request object.

I have a web application the relies heavily on web services. Everything with the services is done asynchronously and with AddOnPreRequestHandlerExecuteAsync. Anyhow, most of my calls work just fine, but some are returning from their asynchronous service calls to find a null HttpContext.Current.Response/Request object in the endprerequest...

C# response object contains null when calling Java Web Service

I've been sent the following wsdl. I generated the C# proxy using wsdl.exe and also created my c# web page. Using Fiddler I have looked at the SOAP response and it contains data. Any guidance on what modification is needed in order to get the C# program to accept the SOAP response. Please excuse the formatting of the wsdl I was uncer...

Passing UN and PW through a HTTP response

I was wondering if its possible to redirect a user to a web page that required a username and password such as the one you would require for an IIS authenticated web site and automatically send through the UN and PW, eg - Response.Username = ""; Response.Password = ""; Response.Redirect("url"); ...

JAX/Jersey Custom error code in Response

In Jersey, how can we 'replace' the status string associated with a known status code? e.g. return Response.status(401).build(); generates a HTTP response that contains: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized I (not me, but the client application) would like to see the response as: HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required I tried the following a...

Slow server response time - CakePHP

I am using CakePHP 1.2 for building a website. The problem i am facing is when ever a page loads it takes a lot of time in "waiting for". The server response time is very slow. First i thot it was my database queries, but they were executing in less than seconds time. Next i also contacted the server people. They told it ...

android httprequest compress response.

I am using httprequest to retrieve data from webservice, i know using tomcat we can compress response data using gunzip algo. but how can uncompress data to display, is un-compress is time consuming?? is there any other way to compress response and uncompress on android ??? ...

Response.CacheControl not working in firefox or chrome

i have this code in global.asax.vb, to disable the back button. Sub Application_BeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Response.Buffer = True Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now().Subtract(New TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)) Response.Expires = -1 Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" End Sub this code works perfect...