
Does users really prefer quicker apps or does features trump all?

How much of an impact does a faster application count considering the competition, or does features trump everything? Where is the balance point, and for what type of apps? ...

How to change Listener Thread Priority in Indy

Hi all! I use the TIdCmdTCPServer component of Indy 10 to realize my client-server application. The problem is that the request from clients can be fairly complicated and that the GUI part of my server application immediately loses responsiveness. From the Indy Documentation i got that Indy Creates and starts listener threads for B...

Best Java IDE for Visual Studio fan?

As a C# programmer I want to increase the java knowledge and the only barrier is getting grip with the java IDEs like Eclipse. What can I do or use to get Visual-Studio-like experience from these IDEs. EDIT: I don't want visual studio drag and drop support specifically but I need the Resharper plugin functionalities and responsive inte...

C# WinForm Application - UI Hangs during Long-Running Operation

I have a windows forms application on which I need to use a for loop having a large number of Remote Calls around 2000 - 3000 calls, and while executing the for loop, I loose my control on form and form controls, as it becomes a large process and some time it shows "Not Responding" but if I wait for a long it comes back again, I think I...

Howto keep Delphi App Responsive during GUI Updates?

This question is about keeping the GUI responsive during longer-running tasks (a few seconds in most cases). I extensively use threads and a task pattern to execute expensive task in a background thread. But what about GUI updates that takes some time? For example, filling a large string grid or tree view? A thread does not help here be...

How do I ensure GUI responsiveness when using OpenCL on the display GPU?

In my relatively short time learning OpenCL I frequently see my application cause the operating system UI to become significantly less responsive (several seconds for a window to respond to a drag for example). I have encountered this problem on Windows Vista and Mac OS X both with NVidia GPUs. What can I do when using OpenCL on the sa...

How Can I Minimize Overhead when Processing Messages in a Long Loop

I've got some long but simple loops in my Delphi program that may loop millions of times and take some seconds to execute. The code inside of the loop is very fast and has been optimized. It just takes long because it is done so many times. e.g.: Screen.Cursor = crHourGlass; R := FirstRecord; while R <> nil do begin { do something si...