
Accessing User Password: Variable Scope in Rails

I'm writing a very simple mailing system for a Rails app. I'm using RESTful authentication. It's a fairly conventional setup, where I'm sending the same email when a user signs up and when a user forgets their password. I'm just having one problem that I can't seem to wrap my head around. I'd like to use the same email template for both...

restful_authentication applied to only an action within a controller?

Hello, I have installed and implemented the plugin restful_authentication from technoweenie. My application is, for the most part, intended to be open, except for the case of say, writing a review. So I have a reviews_controller.rb, but the only time I want to care whether the user is logged in or not is when they are submitting a spe...

how do I identify the using Restful Authentication?

Hello, I just installed Restful Authentication. After someone has successfully logged in, they write a review -- as you would a comment for a blog. How do I know the value of the user_id column for the authenticater user so I can put that into the reviews table to match user to review? Thanks. ...

Accessing User's Objects in Different States (Ruby on Rails, RESTful Authentication)

In my Rails application I have a User model (more or less built by RESTful Authentication), and several other models belonging to the user. So let's say, for example: user has_many :posts post belongs_to :user Anywhere in the users resource I can access the user variables as I would expect.,, @user.login, etc. a...

How do I create a new HttpSession in a RESTful webapp ?

I have a need to create a HttpSession (via cookie) whenever a client invokes a particular UI. Assumptions: Let's assuming that I'm not going to worry about any deep oAuth-like authentication dance. JESSIONSID cookie impersonation is not an issue for now. The server is tomcat, thus a JSESSIONID cookie is sent down to the client if a n...

how to set up restful_authentication email activation using gmail SMTP?

Hi, I have installed restful_authentcation from technoweenie with activation, and so I see the generated UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base. However, the instructions don't include how to set it up to work with Google SMTP. I am guessing that environments/development.rb needs to have the SMTP settings, but still not sure given Google (vi...

Trouble using ssl_requirement with restful_authentication in Ruby/Rails.

I'm trying to use the ssl requirement plugin with the restful authentication plugin and I have a question that I'm having trouble finding the answer to. When allowing a user to login from a non-SSL action/page, should I require SSL on the session's create action for increased security, or is that overkill? If so, how do I get the creat...

Ruby on Rails functional testing with the RESTful Authentication plugin

I started writing functional tests for my rails app today. I use the RESTful authentication plugin. I ran into a couple confusing things I hope someone can clarify for me. 1) I wrote a quick login function because most of the functions in my rails app require authentication. def login_as(user) @request.session[:user_id] = user ? u...

Help me understand rails authentication w/r/t assets, like swfs.

I am a rails noob. I am having a problem conceptualizing how assets work in an authenticated system. All of the tutorials I've seen so far talk about putting your swfs in the public folder and embedding them in your view. However, the swf I'm using is a flex gui that should only be used by users logged-in through restful-authentication....

RESTful Authentication: Stumped trying to do simple redirect on cookie based authentication

I have a RoR application that's using the RESTful Authentication plug-in. Everything works great. I recently enabled cookie based authentication and that works fine too. The problem is that I want to change the default landing page when the user is authenticated using a cookie. I want to have a cookie authenticated user redirected to ...

Rails w/ ActiveRecord Sessions and Restful-authentication: when does the sessions table get written to?

Warning: some of this may be very wrong-headed, so please let me know if my assumptions are incorrect. Here's what I'm trying to accomplish: I'm using restful-authentication for login. However, as I am using flex/ruby_amf for my UI, I have to separately authenticate each connection from flex. The way I decided to do that was by havin...

Ruby on Rails and restful_authentication plugin

I'm using the restful_authentication plugin for my login page. The problem is that after I log in as a user, I never get logged out until I click on log out. How do I set a session timeout of 15 minutes? For example, after 15 minutes if I go to any page, I should be redirected to the login page. ...

Remember me and restful_authentication

I have a rails application which uses the restful_authentication plugin. I have activated the "remember me" functionality but every now and then I am getting logged out. The problem is I can't see the pattern for when it happens. Sometimes it works in the development environment but not in production. Sometimes it works in Firefox but ...

iPhone Login Notifications

Hi Team, Had a question related to best practices in iPhone login authentication using asynchronous NSURLConnection. Since the same delegate is used for logging into a server, how do folks differentiate notifications coming back for an authentication request, versus when you recieve data for subsequent data requests? Thanks, Sj ...

How to authenticate one Ruby on Rails app to another, using RESTful_authentication gem?

Anybody have any ideas? The situation is like this: I have a primary rails app and an auxiliary one. The auxiliary app is used to transform a web service request into a RESTful PUT to the main app. The resource the auxiliary app is attempting to add to requires authentication. Any ideas would be much appreciated! Thanks SO! ...

MediaWiki Authentication from external form

I have already installed mediawiki , but I want to make users authenticate from external authentication form.When they enter the right username and password , they are redirected to the wiki page and do not need to retype the Login data again , and hence they can go to edit the wiki the way they want.How can I achieve that? ...

Does Ruby CAS server provides restful interface for opening sessions, obtaining service tickets ?

I have installed Ruby CAS server and my application is a simple Restful Authentication User Management Application , i would to like experiment my application by providing a Central Authentication for my User Management Application , i am using Restful authentication plugin for this , which act as the Ruby CAS client . Does Ruby CAS se...

RESTful authentication for web applications

Hi already wrote this observation and question on this question earlier, but only later noticed that it was an old and "dead" question. As I'd really like some insights from others, I'm reposting it as a new question. To the question of how to do authentication RESTfully, people generally enthousiastically shout "HTTP Authentication". H...

RESTful-Authentication or Authlogic?

I'm having trouble deciding between the two. They both seem like great plugins but I'd like to know which is easier to control. What are your guy's experiences with these plugins? Which would you recommend? ...

Is there a definitive Rails 2.3 / restful_authentication / OpenID tutorial?

For three days now I'm trying to add OpenID authentication to my Rails application. I've read many tutorials regarding this topic and it seems that eventually I'll get it working. The problem is that all pieces of information I needed so far and most likely also the ones I will be needing are scattered across the web. No tutorial had ...