
Is the user logged in? (restful-authentication)

I have used restful-authentication and I have "public" layout and a completely different "members" layout. When someone visits my root (defaults to public) how can I check if they are logged in and redirect them to the member's section? ...

rails acts_as_state_machine problem

I've installed the restful_authentication plugin. I'm Using rails 2.2.2. However, I can't seem to get past a certain error: "undefined method acts_as_state_machine" It doesn't matter if I call db:migrate or script/server, everything results in this same error. Any ideas? ...

REST Web Service - Website authentication

I have been working on a service that allows registered users to store data and retrieve it using an JavaScript XML Request. Basically, my service has one part that receives that product details and one part that returns them as XML on request. What I am trying to do is prevent people from accessing other users product details. So if on...

rails - InvalidAuthenticityToken for json/xml requests

For some reason I'm getting an InvalidAuthenticityToken when making post requests to my application when using json or xml. My understanding is that rails should require an authenticity token only for html or js requests, and thus I shouldn't be encountering this error. The only solution I've found thus far is disabling protect_from_for...

Rails plugin Restful_Authentication does not work.

I have tried to make it work around 6 times using different tutorials, and I arrive to the same result. I install the plugin correctly, generate the files correctly, add the routes correctly, migrate my database correctly, and yet when I go to or, the "something went wrong" rails page appears (like a 404 ...

Stop Prototype.js Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater on user logout

Hi all, I have a list of "online users", which I refresh every 30 seconds with Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater from prototype.js. There is an issue, that if a user has two tabs/windows open with the site, logs out in one of them, the PeriodicalUpdater is not canceled. This means that PeriodicalUpdater updates my block element with the entire l...

Undefined method 'make_activation_code' Rails error using Restful_Authentication

I have a fantasy football league rails app that was working last year and it's time to get it going again before the season starts. I cleared out the database and did a "rake db:migrate" so I could restart the app from scratch. The login page comes up fine but when a user tries to "sign up" using restful_authentication I get the followin...

OAuth Consumer request for token from ServiceProvider returns InternalServerError

I'm playing around with DevDefined.OAuth - an OAuth consumer and provider implementation for .Net and on launching the ExampleConsumerSite project after configuring the service endpoints on my IIS 7 web server, I'm receiving the following error: Description: An unhandled exception occ...

Is it easy to add e-mail verification down the road with restful_authentication?

Working on a new app and using restful-authentication. I was trying to make it as simple as possible to start and then iterate, so I didn't generate with the activation email functionality, planning to add it later down the road. Is there an easy way to do this later on using the existing plugin? ...

Restful Authentication Issue

I'm using the popular restful authentication app/tutorial found here: I have been using the app extensively and everything works great. The only issue that I'm having is that it takes anywhere from 60 seconds to several minutes for the system to process the creation of a new user. T...

Form based login while also applying REST principles

I am a Spring/JavaEE web programmer and am starting to investigate the principles of REST for future web applications, but I can't figure out how to do usable logins. For a Web API it makes sense, but what about end user facing web applications? I have looked into the HTTP Basic/Digest Authentication but that only produces an ugly dialog...

Can restful authentication work with Cookies Disabled?

If a user has cookies disabled in their browser can restful authentication and role requirement still work? On our site, with cookies disabled, the system won't let you log in. Any way to fix this? Thanks in advance. ...

Problem with role requirement and restful authentication

Our site uses role requirement and restful authentication plugins for rails. We are seeing most users able to access the site (login) just fine but a handful of logins are failing after being successfully authenticated and forwarded to the member's controller. It seems like the require roles line isn't finding the appropriate role and ...

Solutions to web service client certificates/auth best practices

I have a simple web service that has an API third party developers are allowed to access. The API mostly follows REST principles. I'm interested in solutions to make the API more secure by requiring developers to use client certificates. Is there any open source solutions or other implementation advice any of you have that would assist ...

Verifying Resftul Authentication through a Non Ruby App

I'm trying to do Authentication against restful_authentication from a php application, however I understand it uses a SHA1(digest--salt--password--RESTFUL_AUTH_KEY). The issue is regardless of how much I try I can't get the hash to match. Reading through the documentation I see the digest is just the restful auth key, but that's where I ...

Help with rails restful authentication

I just installed the restful authentication using this plugin and when I go to localhost:3000/login i get this error NameError in SessionController#new uninitialized constant SessionController Any ideas? please help. ...

RuntimeError: Declare either attr_protected or attr_accessible for User, but not both

Since a short time my rails applications yields the following runtime error in the test suite: RuntimeError: Declare either attr_protected or attr_accessible for User, but not both. This was probably introduced by an update to restful_authentication. But scanning the code for "attr_protected" only shows me it is never called. So why t...

ruby on rails: Store data for current_user on different models

I am trying to store data from the current_user in a User model with attr_accessor :offset. I would like to fetch records of a different model using the offset stored in the current_user model. When I change this offset from a different model it does not save it? I feel a database Column for the offest is overkill. This offset would be ...

Using OpenID (RPX) (and maybe OAuth) for a RESTful web service

How would you combine OpenID with a RESTful web service? The personal project I'm working on is using the RPX SaaS to do OpenID. The key result of this is URL describing the logged in user. The app itself is heavily Javascript and I'm planning on using a REST api to communicate with the backend for database persistence and spatial proce...

Authenticating a User In a Separate Controller with Restful_authentication
