
Restful_authentication without activation but with suspension.

Is there a way to configure restful_authentication such that you can get admin functionality e.g. suspension and purging accounts WITHOUT having to activate accounts via email? ...

How to use PHP-based authentication from non-PHP based AJAX app?

I've been asked to create a stand-alone webapp using "straight" HTML and Javascript that does user authentication against an existing PHP app (backend is MySQL). Unfortunately, I really don't have a firm grasp on how PHP authentication works, and I'd rather not invest a lot of time in learning PHP just for this particular case. I can se...

restful_authentication deployment to Heroku - Name Error

When I deploy my rails app (which uses restful_authentication), to Heroku, I get the following errors: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:105:in `const_missing': uninitialized constant User::Authentication (NameError) from /disk1/home/slugs/216145_64fa92e_1859/mnt/app/models/user.rb...

curl - looking to test some Rest APIs - what is the syntax to Post xml to a rest api with basic authentication?

curl - looking to test some Rest APIs - what is the syntax to Post xml to a rest api with basic authentication? ...

problems with cookies

i'm using restful-authentication plugin with rails 2.3.8 i've problems with cookies store i've put a logger instruction in this function for check the cookie: def send_remember_cookie! cookies[:auth_token] = { :value => @current_user.remember_token, :expires => @current_user.remember_token_expires_at } ...

No such file to load -- tasks/facebooker

WORKING UPDATE to solve this problem, I simply dragged the tasks/facebooker folder into lib from the venders/facebooker/lib/ directory. The migrations now function. I have a fully tested and working Rails app that won't deploy. Its running facebooker and working with restful authentication. In Capistrano I am getting the following m...

RESTful HTTP: Showing different representations to two users on the same URI

I'm designing a hypermedia API, yes, a RESTful API, with the hypertext constraint. Each user of the system will access the system using their own credentials, so every request we process is authenticated and authorized. Each user will typically have specific credentials so that they may have different permissione (e.g. none, read, read...

restful-authentication 'Could not find generator authenticated'

Hey everyone, I just installed the restful-authentication plugin on Rails 3, using: rails plugin install git:// To generate the authentication files, the tutorial stated I should execute: ruby script/generate authenticated user sessions --include-activation (which in rails3 is): rail...

Using Cucumber with Authlogic

I recently upgraded cucumber to version 0.8.5, but I'm getting some unexpected errors with Authlogic. As a precursor to many of my user interface tests I have a default 'Given I am logged in' method that logs a user in through the standard login interface and asserts that they were redirected to the home page. Prior to upgrading cucumber...

How to maintain Multiple concurrent user sessions in a rails application?

How to maintain multiple concurrent user sessions in a web application? I am using restful-authentication plugin for user authentication. when, I opened a new browser n log in as a different user, the session of the previous user is being killed. only one user is able to access my application at a time. Please help me out in solving this...

Is the Twitter API *really* RESTful?

Along with half of the web developer community, I've been struggling to really and truly grok the REST style. More specifically, I've been trying to form some opinions on how practical a pure RESTful architecture really is between a web browser and an application server. As part of my learning endeavor, I've been taking a look at some ...

How to determine if certain user (not current_user) is online in restful_authentication?

I have to know whether user is online or not, not current authenticated user, but any other. Does restful_authentication has some methods to determine it? ...

Better to hack restful authentication or swap out to something newer like AuthLogin or Warden/Devise?

I've got a rails app with a functioning restful_authentication system but I need to add password reset (never got around to it before...). Also I'm going to be probably adding things like invitations and some features that don't require login. And to be honest I was never completely happen with the way that restful authentication invaded...

How to handle optional login in rails

I'm building a rails app where login is optional. In other words, many of the same actions/views/controllers/pages will work logged in or logged out. You simply get more functionality if you are logged in (like the app remembers what you've done). I'm currently using restful_authentication and role_requirement, and wondering which level...

restful_authentication how to update to a newer version?

Hi everybody, I experienced problems with my older version of restful_authentication, to include the facebooker plugin. Is there a simple way to update the plugin? Thanks Markus ...

Log out the user on the iOS 4 with HTTPBasicAuthentication

Hi there! I am programming an iPhone application. My (existing) web-application uses Ruby on Rails (2.3.2) to serve the data. Ruby on Rails backend uses restful-authentication gem to authenticate the users. To get user data from the server to the iPhone app I use HTTPRiot framework and authenticate user with HTTPBasicAuthentication. N...

CakePHP - combine ACL with REST API

i created an application with some models, after that, i used ACL and created some ACOs to protect my Application. Now i wanted to add a RESTful API to my application, so i edited routes.php with something like that Router::mapResources('routes'); Router::parseExtensions(); this also works fine, for example going to http://localhost...

How to use restful_authentication for nested resources in Rails 2.3.8 ?

I have a nested resource hotel_user and i wish to have hotel_users_controller under hotel namespace. I want to use restful authentication here and I want hotel_users_controller, sessions_controller in hotel directory like hotel/hotel_users_controller and hotel/sessions_controller. I tried with the following command in terminal and it f...

Rails: restful_auth and saving users

Hi Guys, when creating users with restful_auth everything works fine, but changing the user in his lifetime doesn't work. I already added the concerning attributes to the attr_accessible list. It all doesn't help. Any ideas? Yours, Joern. ...

Restful API authentication recommendation?

I am developing several RESTful API for 3rd party to call, and these API need authentication (apikey & secret based), and authorization (HTTP method & URI based). Are there any existing software we can reuse that prevent me from rolling out our own implementation for the security layer? ...