
How to call a REST API?

Hello, I am having trouble understanding how to call a RESTful service More specifically, I am trying to call the first API from hxxp:// /api/1/users/:id I don't know how to actually create the URL, how should I use ':id' ? I tried:

Multiple entity replacement in a RESTful interface

I have a service with some entities that I would like to expose in a RESTful way. Due to some of the requirements I have some trouble finding a way I find good. These are the 'normal' operations I intend to support: GET /rest/entity[?filter=<query>] # Return (matching) entities. The filter is optional and just a convenience for us CLI ...

JsonStore - Load single record with a restful url?

All, I have a JsonStore backing a form panel in my extjs app. I want to have the jsonStore load a single record based on an id value, but haven't found a good way to do that yet, and still keep the url restful. My first attempt was to add a param to the jsonstore load() method with the id in it. That only adds the id as a request para...

URI for RESTful Web Services - Part 2

I'm trying to understand how to construct URIs for RESTful web services. Assume I had a dating site, would the following be correct: <-- list of profiles <-- profile number 123 <-- list of profile 123's likes <-- 2nd item in th...

Problem with using the REST-ful link_to while using it in a mailer.

I strongly feel its a silly error and I'm somehow not able to see through it. I'm trying to use this piece of code in the view of my mailer. <p><%= link_to 'here', unsubscribe_path(:email => "[email protected]") %></p> And I've defined a named route in my routes file : map.unsubscribe '/unsubscribe', :controller => :users, :action => :unsubscr...

Do REST API URLs have to look like this?

Is it true that to implement a RESTful API, one has to implement a URL structure that looks like this where the /123 would be used for edit, delete Another way to ask the question is: can a URL that looks like this be called RESTful?