
Should you list your personal blog site on your resume?

If you write and maintain your own personal technical blog should that be listed in your resume? Any reasons not to? Would this be of interest to potential employers or would they be indifferent? If you do include it, how and where would you mention it? ...

What application have you integrated with/developed on - that you would intentionally leave off your resume

You may well be an expert now working with "Application X"... However the hair pulling was so much that you'd never add it to your resume (even though it might sound impressive) for fear that a future employer might think your the ideal candidate to "migrate", "integrate" or otherwise work with "Application X". Feel free to elaborate o...

Career with PHP or ASP.NET?

I started programing in 'Jan 2006', with .NET framework as a desktop application developer. In the same company I worked for exactly two years with VB.NET (desktop and web applications ( Actually I changed my job due to some problematic situation in the company. When I was facing these problematic situations my frined offered...

CreateProcess suspended cant resume

the code: bool success=CreateProcess(m_Process, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS||CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL, NULL, &suInfo, &procInfo); if(!success){ MessageBoxA(0,"Could not create process...","ERROR",MB...

What magnitude of personal projects do you put on your resume?

Employers love seeing that you work on side projects in your spare time, and most programmers do just that. However, I've never been completely sure as to what magnitude of project is appropriate to list on a "personal project" type section in a resume. In other words, I'm not sure how to tell if some projects are too small to be of inte...

Code Samples to go with a Resume?

So I've been building up my website with my resume, and it occurs to me that I should post (as I've heard other people talk about) code samples. Unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure what kind of code I should post. Should I post entire projects? Should I just post a neat class with some implementation? Currently my focus is on graphics...

Do you put languages you don't like on your resume/CV?

Inspired by When do you put a programming language on your resume?, but I'm looking for a slightly different answer. I started off my career in web development, but have since moved away from that area. So, I have extensive experience in both web and non-web lanuages that I don't particularly like, such as PHP, ASP, Pascal, VB, etc. Now...

Does open source look impressive on a resume?

Simple as the title suggests. I'm about to start looking at jobs again, but I really want to see what I can do with open source first. I'm not sure if it's worth my time... What I want to know is, of you who are employers, when you see "open source experience" on a CV, on a scale of 1 to 10 lets say, how impressive does this look? Clea...

Build a resume with only one real job?

So I graduated college and immediately got a dev job. I progressed through the ranks from Engineer I, Engineer II, to Senior Engineer. I am now looking for a new job. So listing my employment history on my resume, what is the best way to do this? My tasks didn't change dramatically, but I did get more and more responsibility with a few i...

How should I appropriately cite open source/side project experience on my resume?

In a nutshell I want to cite open-source and/or side project work on my resume (either in chronological or functional format), as I currently work as an engineer that performs primarily maintenance and support on applications built with legacy technologies and want to really highlight my "peripheral" experience with more current framewor...

Retreive a list of Events

Is there any way to retreive a list of events of a DOM in Javascript? e.g. I register FuncA, FuncB, FuncC for the onclick event using AddEvent or AddEventListener methods. How do I get the reference of all these functions for that onclick event? Ideally, I want to have a function like this: eventList = getEvents(obj, 'onclick'); a...

How does one handle "send links to examples of work" in job posting?

Lately, a lot of development/design job offerings I'm come across ask for "links to examples of your work". In the past ten years, I've worked primarily for three web companies. One of the websites is no longer in existing (a victim of the dot-com bubble burst). Also, I have had little to no impact on the design of the "public" pages for...

To be a CS grad with a few industry questions

I was forced to take a summer math class in order to graduate with a B.S in CS. Due to this I wont be out of school until mid August. So how and when should I go about looking for a job, after the Spring graduate rush has past? I understand I am at a disadvantage. On resumes should applicants put all technologies they are familiar wi...

Euphemisms for "Software Developer"

I've held software lead positions, performed architectural tasks, and aspire to lead or architect roles, but will take - and currently have one - software developer positions (hey, what's a guy facing unemployment to do?). I used to start off my resume with an "Objective" section, along the lines of "Seeking an architect/lead role ...", ...

What kinds of code samples should I include on my resume?

Possible Duplicates: Writing a good resume/CV Code Samples to go with a Resume? What kinds of code samples should I include on my resume? I lack professional experience and I could use some help. ...

What should accompany the code in a job application?

Along with my resume, i am posting a program which is a solution to a coding challenge on the company's website. What should accompany the code so that it really impresses the reviewer? Comments Solution explanation Assumptions Test module Anything else i should add, or is it already overkill? Thanks. ...

Continue an interrupted dowload on iPhone

Hello ! I use NSURLConnection to download large files from the web on iPhone. I use the "didReceiveData" method to append data to a file in the Documents folder. It works fine. If the download is interrupted (for instance, because the user pressed the "home" button), I would like to be able to continue to download the next time the use...

Would you include your ranking in online coding contests in your resumé?

Would you include your ranking in online judges as UVA or SPOJ, or reputation in programming related websites like SO in your resumé? ...

Pause/Resume Upload in C#

Hello, I'm looking for a way to pause or resume an upload process via C#'s WebClient. pseudocode: WebClient Client = new WebClient(); Client.UploadFileAsync(new Uri(""), "POST", "C:\MyFile.jpg"); Maybe something like.. Client.Pause(); any idea? ...

Ideas to best support senior developer resume?

As a self-proclaimed senior developer with 10 years of hands-on experience and with a notable reputation in my city, I'm wondering what are the MOST SUCCESSFUL techniques in resume writing? well, I mean as an extra to the regulars we see in every resume. Please select one or more options as it fits, or share your innovative ideas in mak...