
Question about reversing a string

i am trying to do a simple string manipulation. input is "murder", i want to get "murderredrum". i tried this String str = "murder"; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(str); // buf is now "murder", so i append the reverse which is "redrum" buf.append(buf.reverse()); System.out.println(buf); but now i get "redrumredrum" instead of "m...

jQuery removing an element and renumbering remaining elements

Does anyone see the flaw in my code here, because this one has me stumped! function removeMLRow(rowNo) { $('#ml_organize li:eq(' + (rowNo - 1) + ')').remove(); $($('#ml_organize li:eq(' + (rowNo) + ')').get().reverse()).each(function() { var newID = 'li' + ($(this).index() - 1); $(this).attr('id',newID); }); ...

Printing a C string in reverse without using pointers?

Is there a way to print a string of fixed size in reverse without using pointers? #include<stdio.h> main() { char buffer[10]; scanf("%s", buffer); // need to print buffer in reverse without using pointers?? } ...

C# Reverse PROXY (bypass NAT / FIREWALL)

Hello, right now Im searching for like 6h to get into it! My brain is done! Ok, heres the deal: I'm searching a solution, to connect to a PC behind a Router wich is running the Proxy Server to passthrough my Information. So like this: Me (wanna connect to --> Internet --> -> Router --> PC With the running Server --> ...

Shortest C code to reverse a string..

Not counting the function signature (just the body) can anybody produce C code shorter than this function that will reverse a string and return the result as a pointer to the reversed string.. (not using a string reverse library function either)? char * reverse_str(char * s) { char c,*f=s,*p=s;while(*p)p++;while(--p>s){c=*p;*p=*s...

Most optimal way to reverse search list of similar strings

I have a list of data that includes both command strings as well as the alphabet, upper and lowercase, totaling to 512+ (including sub-lists) strings. I want to parse the input data, but i cant think of any way to do it properly other than starting from the largest possible command size and cutting it down until i find a command that is ...

Python Reverse Find in String

ok, I've got a string and an arbitrary index into the string. Now I want find the first occurrence of a substring before the index. A example: I want to find the index of the 2nd I by using the index and str.rfind() s = "Hello, I am 12! I like plankton but I don't like Baseball." index = 34 #points to the 't' in 'but' index_of_2nd_I = ...

How can I animate the opposite way?

Greetings, I am changing the width of an element which serves as a bar , and that works. However I can't make it so that it animates it in the opposite direction. I tried putting - in front of bar_width but to no avail. Width will be dynamically calculated it's just that I want the direction to go to the left rather than to the right...

How to find original values back from the final result output of the sequential Xor procedures?

The problem is that I want to get the original values of B, or the original value of C or A. Here is the code: Dim strA As String = "A" Dim strB As String = "B" Dim strC As String = "C" Dim result As Byte = 0 ' Fetch the byte character code of strings and Xor them all into the result in a sequence. result = resu...

Iphone SDK: MPMovieplayer freezes

I have a "Zoom in" Animation Video that is played when switching from one view to a subview. When switching back to the main view, i tried to play the same video backwards like that: MPMoviePlayerController *mp; .... mp.currentPlaybackTime = mp.duration; mp.currentPlaybackRate = -1.0; but occasionally the video freezes at some poin...

PHP Grab last 15 lines in txt file

Hi there, Thank you for taking the time to read this and I will appreciate every single response no mater the quality of content. :) Using PHP, I'm trying to get the last 15 lines of a text document (.txt) and store that data into a php variable. I understand that this is possible, however when I do get the last 15 lines, is it possibl...

How to do reverse URL search in Django namespaced reusable application

Consider that I include namespaced reusable application: urlpatterns = patterns('', # ella urls url('^ella/', include('ella.core.urls', namespace="ella")), ) Now, the Ella applications has urls like that: urlpatterns = patterns( '', url( r'^(?P<category>[a-z0-9-/]+)/$', category_detail, name="category_detail" ), # obj...

Python: How exactly can you take a string, split it, reverse it and join it back together again?

How exactly can you take a string, split it, reverse it and join it back together again without the brackets, commas, etc. using python? ...

Django odd problem with using reverse and url tag

I've found very odd thing about using reverse in Django 1.2.1. I have: myapp/ in from django.conf.urls.defaults import * urlpatterns = patterns('myapp.views', url(r'^$', 'browse'), ) in from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse print reve...

Best way to create a "reversed" list in Python?

In Python, what is the best way to create a new list whose items are the same as those of some other list, but in reverse order? (I don't want to modify the existing list in place.) Here is one solution that has occurred to me: new_list = list(reversed(old_list)) It's also possible to duplicate old_list then reverse the duplicate in ...

Reverse digits in R

How can you reverse a string of numbers in R? for instance, I have a vector of about 1000 six digit numbers, and I would like to know if they are palindromes. I would like to create a second set which is the exact reverse, so I could do a matchup. ...

why i can't reverse a list of list in python

hello, i wanted to do something like this but this code return list of None (i think it's because list.reverse() is reversing the list in place): map(lambda row: row.reverse(), figure) i tried this one, but the reversed return an iterator : map(reversed, figure) finally i did something like this , which work for me , but i don't ...

Java reverse int value

Can anyone explain to me how to reverse an integer without using array or String. I got this code from online, but not really understand why + input % 10 and divide again. while (input != 0) { reversedNum = reversedNum * 10 + input % 10; input = input / 10; } ...

Reversing order of items in DOMNodeList

Hello I'm making RSS reader and I'm using DOM. Now I stuck, trying to reverse the order of the items in the DOMNodeList. I can make it with 2 cycles - one to make it as array and one for rsort(). Is there any way to reverse the order in the DOMNodeList or must be done with "the array way"? ...

Function passing arguments in reverse

Here is my function: void abc(char *def, unsigned int w, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z) { printf("val 1 : %d\n", w); printf("val 2 : %d\n", x); printf("val 3 : %d\n", y); printf("val 4 : %d\n", z); } and here is where I call this function: unsigned int exp[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; unsigned short count = 0; a...