
Rhino Mocks: Repeat.Once() not working?

Its absurdly late/early so maybe I'm just tired, but can anyone tell me why in the world the following test is not failing? [Test] public void uhh_what() { var a = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IPrebuiltNotifier>(); a.Expect(x => x.Notify()).Repeat.Once(); a.Notify(); a.Notify(); a.VerifyAllExpectations(); } Really n...

Rhino Mocks Record Playback syntax

Help, can anyone help out and explain the purpose of the Rhino Mocks 'Record' scope? I assumed that that the expectation set within the scope would only be verified but it seems as soon as you create the mock object, Rhino Mocks is in 'record mode' so I'm now unsure of the purpose of the Record scope. Here's an example I have: pri...

How do you make methods relying on extension methods testable?

I have an extension method with the following signature (in BuildServerExtensions class):: public static IEnumerable<BuildAgent> GetEnabledBuildAgents(this IBuildServer buildServer, string teamProjectName) { // Omitted agrument validation and irrelevant code var buildAgentSpec = buildServer.CreateBuildAgentSpec(teamProjectName);...

Rhino Mocks nant error

Im trying to create a small app using .net 2.0 (client requirements :p), and I have added a reference to the Rhino Mocks dll file, then compiled it using VS2008, all good. But when I run ant on the project, I get the following error: [nunit2] SetUp/TearDown Failures: [nunit2] 1) DocGen.Test.TestDocumentConfigurator : Could not load ...

Mocking a method that returns a sealed class in RhinoMocks

Running this code: _foo = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IBar>(); _foo.Stub(x => x.Foo()).Return("sdf"); When public interface IBar { string Foo(); } public class Bar : IBar { public string Foo() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } throws NotSupportedException - "Can't create mocks of sealed classes". I under...

When does a mock object enter the replay state?

When executing the second line of this code Rhino Mocks throws an InvalidOperationException with a message "This action is invalid when the mock object is in replay state" var mockScanner = MockRepository.GenerateMock<PortScanner>(null); mockScanner.Expect((scanner => { scanner.Scan(null, null); })); Stepping through the cod...

rhino mocks with singleton

I'm using component from a third party. The component provide a singleton pattern for context into our application. I'm using on my side this singleton but I would like to mock this object for my test. Is there any way to accomplish a mock on this object. Also, the constructor is declared private. ...

Good example/reference of using TDD with Model View Presenter using Rhino Mocks.

Appreciate any good example or references to websites which has useful information of using TDD with Model-View-Presenter pattern using Rhino Mocks. What I am looking for is with respect to the following points What to mock (view and presenter) The new AAA syntax How to mock UI behaviour? e.g. if "firstName" and "lastName" entered in...

Setting expectations on Sub (not Function) in VB.NET using Rhino Mocks

I remember that to set expectations on methods that return void in C# one has to write: mockedRepository.Expect(() => mr.AddUser(someUser)).DoOtherStuff() where AddUser returns void. How to achieve the same in VB.NET? EDIT: I've found similar question. May be helpful: How to mock a method with Rhino Mocks in VB.NET . ...

Mocking HttpPostedFileBase with Rhino Mocks

I'm new to mocking so I need a bit of guidance on how to mock HttpPostedFileBase with Rhino Mocks. I am trying to verify that my ToByteArray() extension works as expected and this is what I have so far: [Test] public void Should_return_a_byte_array_with_a_length_of_eleven() { // Arrange var stream = new MemoryStream(System.Text.En...

Unittesting Url.Action (using Rhino Mocks?)

I'm trying to write a test for an UrlHelper extensionmethod that is used like this: Url.Action<TestController>(x => x.TestAction()); However, I can't seem set it up correctly so that I can create a new UrlHelper and then assert that the returned url was the expected one. This is what I've got but I'm open to anything that does not inv...

how to interpret this (rhino) mock unit test failure msg

I am trying to test that a method to load a UI matrix is being loaded properly. The test fails unless I tell the mock framework to ignore the argument passed, giving me the following message: Rhino.Mocks.Exceptions.ExpectationViolationException : ITimeSheetMatrixWidget.Load (Smack.ConstructionAdmin.Domain.TransferObjects.TimeSheetDtoAss...

How to mock the Request on Controller in ASP.Net MVC ?

I have a controller in C# using the ASP.Net MVC framework public class HomeController:Controller{ public ActionResult Index() { if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { //do some ajaxy stuff } return View("Index"); } } I got some tips on mocking and was hoping to test the code with the following ...

Rhino Commons and Rhino Mocks Reference Documents?

Ok, is it just me, or does there seem to be a lack of (easy to find) reference documentation for Rhino Commons and Rhino Mocks? My coworkers have started using Rhino Mocks and Rhino Commons (particularly the NHibernate stuff), and I found a few tutorial-ish examples, which were good. But when I see them making use of a class in their c...

Rhino Mocks & Compact Framework

Hi I've been experimenting with Rhino Mocks for unit testing my .Net Compact Framework application, and have hit a problem. I can get a basic unit test using Rhino Mocks built, but every time I run the test that has the Rhino Mocks code in it, the test fails because it can't find the Rhino Mocks assembly. System.TypeLoadException: Coul...

Mocking a 3rd Party class

I would like to mock a class (i.e. with RhinoMocks) for which I don't have access to the code for (like say ManagementObject or ManagementObjectCollection) and for which methods/properties I am interested in isn't virtual isn't defined in an interface which the class implements The way that I have been getting around this is to imple...

Mocking internal classes with RhinoMocks

So I have a bunch of internal classes which I am trying to mock with RhinoMocks. I have added the following line to assemblyinfo.cs: [assembly:InternalsVisibleTo(RhinoMocks.StrongName)] However, this still does not allow me to mock internal classes; I get the following error message from NUnit: MyTests.SomeTest: System.TypeLoadE...

Rhino Mocks - Mocking a factory

I have a factory that creates job objects in the form of IJob Public Interface IJobFactory Function CreateJobs(ByVal cacheTypes As CacheTypes) As IEnumerable(Of IJob) End Interface The interface IJob defines three things Public Interface IJob Sub Execute() ReadOnly Property Id() As Integer ReadOnly Property JobType() ...

What would this Moq code look like in RhinoMocks

Hey people... trying to get my mocking sorted with asp.net MVC. I've found this example on the net using Moq, basically I'm understanding it to say: when ApplyAppPathModifier is called, return the value that was passed to it. I cant figure out how to do this in Rhino Mocks, any thoughts? var response = new Mock<HttpResponseBase>(); re...

Mocking problem, public function calling private function

Hi! I’m having a mocking problem. I know only public methods should be mocked. But what do I do when a private method is called in a public method, and this private method is getting data from a file? I want to mock this private method so I could go on in with the test of the public method. I could make this public to make the test wor...