
DataPager not working in Silverlight 3 + RIA Services

I have a Silverlight 3 app with RIA Services and I'm running into an issue where my DataPager is only loading data for the initial loadsize and then no longer reloading. It brings up two pages of data (PageSize=10, LoadSize=20.) It is correctly showing 119 pages of data but when I navigate to page 3, nothing appears in my datagrid and da...

RIA Services: Is there a limit to the JSON deserialization?

I'm using RIA Services in one of my silverlight applications. I can return about 500 entites (or about 500 kb JSON) from my service successfully, but anything much over that fails on the client side - the browser crashes (both IE and Firefox). I can hit the following link and get the JSON successfully: http://localhost:52878/ClientBin...

Get IP in RIA services

Does anybody know how can I get IP address of client with RIA services. In WCF we have OperationContext for that. But it doesn't work with RIA services. ...

Silverlight 3 RIA services and properties being "flattened" ?

I have a model that looks roughly like this: private bool IsProduct {get; set;} private decimal ProductPrice {get; set;} private decimal TimedRate {get; set;} public decimal SingularAmount { get { if (this.IsProduct) { return ProductPrice; } else { return T...

A Silverlight application with .net Ria services and SilverlightFX

Hi, I am starting to write an application in Silverlight with RIA services and SilverlightFx. Now this application is a pretty big one has has lot of interaction between controls. As an estimate it will have around 60-70 user controls. Now my questions are.. Is it good to choose .Net Ria and SilverlightFx? (My view is..It is not goin...

Does .Net RIA Services introduce a coupling between Presentation and Application/Business Logic?

I'm new to .Net RIA Services, but I think, its essence, is to target RAD what Microsoft usually cares about. But, does not that introduce more coupling between Presentation and Application/Business Logic? How can this new technology help increasing number of developers who are interested in OOAD Best Practices and concepts like SOLID, GR...

.Net RIA Services: DomainService Needs a Parameterless Constructor?

I'm using the July CTP of .Net RIA Services in an ASP.Net application with some Silverlight components. I'm calling the RIA Services from Silverlight. My problem arose when I tried to use Unity and constructor dependency injection in my Domain Service (a LinqToEntitiesDomainService object). The Silverlight application now complains ab...

Deleting data in Silverlight 3 with .NET RIA Data Services

We're trying to play around with RIA Services. I can't seem to figure out how to delete a record. Here's the code I'm trying to use. SomeDomainContext _SomeDomainContext = (SomeDomainContext)(productDataSource.DomainContext); Product luckyProduct = (Product)(TheDataGrid.SelectedItem); _SomeDomainContext.Products.Remove(l...

Keep TreeView Subtree expanded after dataset refresh

I'm working with the July '09 CTP of the .Net RIA services, and binding an object of Group=>Department=>Category objects to a treeview, and then having a hierarchialdatatemplate render each of the three object types. What my end goal is for this will be to enable drag-n-drop functionality so that I can quickly edit my list of groups=>de...

Deleting a record returns from the dead after I submit changes using RIA Data Services

I have written a little program that deletes a record from the database using the RIA Data Services (Silverlight) and I am using a datagrid to view my entity. private void DeleteButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { DataContext _PersonService = (DataContext)(personDataSource.DomainContext); person remo...

Silverlight - RIA Services Data/Service issue

I have a baffling situation, which maybe you guys can help. My RIA Solution does not retrieve the data from the service... To give you an idea... My domain service is derived from LinqToSqlDomainService and is in a Web Application project. I had first created a RIA Services project with MVC and the Get query to the service (DomainConte...

Silverlight Bind to TextBlock from RIA Services

I've a TextBlock that looks like so: <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" /> This is inside a <Canvas> with the DataContext set to MyClient which is in the ViewModel: public Client MyClient { get; private set; } // This is a RIA Entity, hence supports INotifyPropertyChanged public ViewModel() { MyClient = new Client(); LoadOpera...

Silverlight Business Application - ASP.Net MVC

Hello. My first question is, what is the difference between a normal Silverlight Application in Visual Studio VS. a Silverlight Business Application?! My second question is, when I begin a new Silverlight Application Visual Studio asks whether I want to use an ASP.Net website to host the project, or an ASP.Net MVC project. HOWEVER, Whe...

Silverlight/.Net RIA Services - Authorization Working Sample!??!

Hello! I have followed numerous tutorials and walkthroughs/blogs about the capabilities that Ria Services brings to the table when using Silverlight with ASP.Net. Essentially I am looking for a live working example of the authorization functionality that Ria Services can apparently take hold of from ASP.Net. (Even better if it works wit...

Sending contained object over RIA Services

I have class like this: public class object { [Key] int number; String mystring; OtherObject anotherobject; } WHen i sent this over RIA my silverlight application can see object.number and object.mystring, but not object.anotherobject!!! What should i do?? Please help me. ...

RIA Services - Getting DataContext in a List item

I'm looking for a workaround for my RIA Services project, which has a Listbox with the Listitems as a user control defined as an ItemTemplate, like this: <ListBox x:Name="lstMain"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <foo:ListItemDetail /> </StackPanel> </DataT...

data not deleted from DB when removing items in RIA Services

I have a Silverlight3 client consuming an unmodified/code-generated DomainService through RIA Services with a Linq-to-SQL back end. Is this the correct way to delete a row from the database? this.context.Albums.Remove(this.context.Albums[0]); this.context.SubmitChanges(); The SubmitOperation comes back with no errors, but no rows are...

How can I set initial values when using Silverlight DataForm and .Net RIA Services DomainDataSource?

I'm experimenting with .Net RIA and Silverlight, I have a few of related entities; Client, Project and Job, a Client has many Projects, and a Project has many Jobs. In the Silverlight app, I'm uisng a DomainDataSource, and DataForm controls to perform the CRUD operations. When a Client is selected a list of projects appears, at which p...

RIA Services Custom Class

Using Silverlight 3 and RIA Services I have the following class defined in my Web project: public class RegionCurrentStates { public RegionCurrentStates() { Name = String.Empty; States= new List<State>(); } [Key] public string Name { get; set; } public List<State> States{ get; set; } } On the cl...

Silverlight RIA Services - how to do Windows Authentication?

I am building my first Silverlight 3 + RI Services application and need some help. It will be deployed in an controlled corporate intranet, 100% windows clients. I have started from the Silverlight Business Application template. These are my requirements: Upon launch the application needs to recognize the currently logged-in user. The ...