
No html/css/javascript with Silverlight?

If I decided to use Silverlight, does this mean that I'm no longer working with html/css/javascript on the client side? ...

Shared resource in RIA giving problem.

i am using Silverlight business application template, as soon as i change the default namespace of silverligth application, shared resource start giving problem. While accessing the resource on client side i am getting this error: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "Busin...

Silverlight ria domain service not being called

Hi Im using silverlight ria services and trying to called a domain service method the domain service class signature goes like this public class UserDomainService : DomainService and I have a simple operation to return data public IQueryable GetUsers() { return userService.GetAll() ).AsQueryable()...

Liferay for delivering RIA

Hi Stackoverflow, I am currently looking into Flex and Liferay for delivering an RIA. We are replacing a rather large existing application built on an internal AJAX/Java library. For this, Flex seems to meet our needs for development but we've had a wrench thrown into the works. We need to integrate with another internal app that's been...

View bound to paged collection view not updating all of the time.

I new to silverlight and trying to make a business application using the mvvm pattern and ria services. I have a view model class that contains a PagedCollectoinView and it is set to the item source of a datagrid. When I update the PagedCollectionView the datagrid is only updated the first time then after that subsequent changes to the d...

Migrating a 2-tier Java application to...?

The title says it all. We currently have a 2-tier Java Swing application sitting on top of MS SQL Server 2005. All the business logic is in the database. The client is quite old (and not very friendly), and for reasons of performance and scalability, we've already started porting some services to a middle tier in Java. However, we st...

Silverlight 4 DomainService - EntitiesInError - EntityConflict - PropertyNames throws InvalidOperationException

Following an introductory tutorial for the new DomainService in Silverlight 4 RIA, I got an unexpected exception. When I perform an update the property EntitiesInError[index].EntityConflict.PropertyNames throws the following exception: InvalidOperationException: PropertyNames are not available for delete conflicts. Service method execu...

Production error

Hi, I keep getting an error in my production environment but not in my development. The error is pretty severe, it occurs at different times and simply loops a display message that says something like "Submitoperation failed, please inspect each Entity.ValidationError in EntitiesInError", until there are so many popupwindows that the a...

MethodAccessException on AuthenticationBase<User>.UpdateUser Exception

I'm calling a UpdateUser on AuthenticationBase class in the System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Server assembly installed by the WCF RIA Services installer. This works on my Win 7 desktop but on my Win 7 laptop, I get the following exception. Any ideas on what I ought to be looking for or how I can determine what is different between the...

What is WCF RIA services?

I hate MSDN's site for WCF RIA services. I does not say what it is, it only says what it does. It says what it can achieve but does not say why I need it. For example: "A common problem when developing an n-tier RIA solution is coordinating application logic between the middle tier and the presentation tier". Well, it does ...

How to serialize member functions of ADO.NET for use in RIA Services

I am new to using RIA services and the Entity Framework so this is probably very simple. I am trying to extend an entity class using a public partial class in a separate file. My goal is to simply override the ToString() method. Doing this is as simple as... public partial class ClassName { public override string ToString() {...

Endpoint not found

I have created a new RIA service with OData exposed. I wanted to test it out. My project name was ChinookSample and the namespace was ChinookSample.Web.Services. When I try to browse... http://localhost:52878/Services/ChinookSample-Web-services-dsAlbumAndArtist.svc I get the service page, but the moment I go for... http://localhos...

Pure JavaScript-based clients

I would like to know, how powerful/viable are JavaScript only clients based on say, GWT/gxt/vaadin, when compared to DHTML clients such as those made with wicket, tapestry, click etc? My boss has insisted on using GXT (due to its nice colors and theme) on a project that will most likely become very big with lots of screens. I am against...

RIA DomainService not generating client code using DataContracts

Hello there, I'm working on a Silverlight 4.0 application and am using RIA services. I have created a class on the server-side which has DataContract and DataMember attributes applied to it. A DomainService exposes this class as a query result and as such, generates code for it on the client. But somehow it doesn't generate code for a...

Ria Services not populating complex properties on the client side.

I am trying to use NHibernate with RIA Services. Currently I have two entities: public class Person{ [Key] public virtual int Id {get; set;} [Include] [Association("CurrentEmployer", "CurrentEmployerId", "Id", IsForeignKey = true)] public virtual Employer CurrentEmployer { get;set;} public virtual int? CurrentEmp...

RIA Services: Entity Framework Reference Entities

I'm attempting to use RIA services with a Entity Framework back end. The Model was auto generated by the designer. (VS 2010, .NET 4.0, EF 4.0, SilverLight 4.0) The issue that I'm running into is that Reference Properties are being loaded as expected at the Service Layer, but when that information is passed over to the SilverLight App the...

Binding parent and child data into DataGrid in ria services for silverlight 4

hi, i've started learning Silverlight 4 RIA services. i've gone over alot of samples of how to bind data to a grid. but always there object being bound is a simple one with no child tables. in my DB there's a table for employees and a table for city names (with id field as pk). in the employee table theres a FK to the CityId field. t...

How to Edit a Silverlight treeview data bound to ria services then to Entity Framework and SQL recursive table

I am searching for guidance on how to edit add, update and delete on a Silverlight treeview connected to a simple hierarchical sql server table using entity framework, ria services and data binding. ...

Silverlight 4 Business Project Windows Identity failure

Hi all, Hoping any Silverlight 4/RIA Services application developers might have seen the behavior I'm seeing and even better yet, have a solution. I have developed a new Silverlight 4 line of business application using the Silverlight Business Project template. The SL app is deployed inside our intranet environment at work and I've con...

List users in a datagrid, using WCF + RIA with Silverlight 4

How to list all registered users from a RIA Service? I tried to expose they by using a IQueryable (from a Domain Class Service), but got the error "The entity type 'User' is exposed by multiple DomainService types." My first clue is that the user is already exposed, but found nothing in code and there is nothing related to 'User' in 'Da...