
What are best practices for handling WsiWyg text from an editor such as the YUI Rich text editor?

I'm looking for any experience someone can share regarding the usage of a rich text editor such as YUI's rich text editor. In particular I'm interested in how to deal with or prevent issues with Cross site scripting Image or attachment handling Any similar questions you can provide links to or web articles would be appreciated. ...

Best Data Access Layer for Silverlight

What's the best Data Access Layer strategy for Silverlight 2 and 3 apps? ...

How do I insert a new row with the silverlight 3 DataGrid (and not use the DataForm)?

In silverlight 2 it was possible to add new rows to the collection through the DataGrid. But in silverlight 3 I cannot figure out how to do this without using a DataForm. Any idea? ...

What to learn for RIA

hi, I am planning to build a RIA about a year from now (when my current contract ends). What technology would you recommend investing time in? I will need good cross browser/platform support for video, music, and canvas. And ideally I would like to leverage my Python skills. Silverlight looks interesting because I could use Python th...

When you write a Titanium app, is the source code visible to users?

When you write an HTML/CSS/JavaScript app for Adobe AIR, the source files sit in a directory visible to anyone who looks. Appcelerator Titanium lets you code in JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. Is the bundling similar to AIR, with all the source exposed? ...

Can you just loop through the results of a .NET RIA services call in silverlight as if it were a list of POCO objects?

void myButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var oContext = new DomainService1(); var oResult = oContext.GetPersistMapSet(); oContext.LoadPersistMapSet(); foreach (PersistMap oMap in oResult.ToArray<PersistMap>()) MessageBox.Show(oMap.Data.ToString()); } http://screenc...

Silverlight 3 Ria Services reference

I have a Silverlight project where functionality is segregated across multiple Silverlight libraries due to the size and complexity of the application. I am having problems figuring what is the best way to decouple the RIA Domain Service that gets generated from the Website project. I need to be able to access data from the other librari...

.NET RIA Services with MVC Style Repositories?

I have a Solution with several projects in it, including two asp.net mvc projects that share a Repositories and Models that live in a external assembly (also in the same solution). Essentially... Core/ -Repositories -Models Domestic.Web/ -Basic MVC Site, references the core project International.Web/ -Basic MVC Site, references the ...

What are the patterns in html/javascript RIA development?

When building big GUI based applications in other languages like C# or Java, we have various patterns like MVP, MVC, MVVM, and even complete guidance packages like Prism (WPF/Silerlight) that help us keep our code maintainable, extendable and keep the complexity of the application at a sane level. But when it comes to big RIA applicati...

No DomainDataSource in toolbox in Visual Studio

In Brad Adams' blogged walkthrough of the new RIA goodies, he mentions that you can simply drag a DomainDataSource from the toolbox to your XAML. All of my RIA kit came from links from that blog and I definitely have the July CTP, yet in my toolbox there is conspicuous absence of DomainDataSource. What arcane rituals must I undertake ...

Embed a browser in Flex

Anyone know of any documentation that would help me with trying to embed a web browser component into adobe flex. I've seen in Adobe Air that there is a Item; however, in Adobe Flex 3 for a .swf file that would be somewhere - I do not see it. Any ideas? ...

Get IP in RIA services

Does anybody know how can I get IP address of client with RIA services. In WCF we have OperationContext for that. But it doesn't work with RIA services. ...

Overriding styles in silverlight from XAML fetched from database

Within my App.xaml I have the following segment: <Application.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <ResourceDictionary Source="Assets/Styles.xaml"/> </ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> </ResourceDictionary> </Application.Resources> I want to be able to overrid...

Stored Proc in RIA Services

Hi I want to load some data with a SP. I've put a SP in a Linq to SQL Class and I don't know how to use it for loading it's data in a datagrid. In LinqToSqlDomainService I can't figure out how to call a SP. What steps should I use. Any samples of this ? All samples use a table. Thank's ...

What is the difference between Silverlight and XBAP?

What is the difference between Silverlight and XBAP? Where would you use one vs. the other? ...

RIA Services / Silverlight - Is there a test tool? Autoload fails...

My problem (and solution?) is simple - I hope :) I have a RIA Domain service built and a SL3 client. All this stuff compiles clean, and the authentication stuff works (login, log out, register). However, I cannot load data into a grid. <riaControls:DomainDataSource x:Name="dds" AutoLoad="True" ...

FirstOrDefault() type error on return?

A RIA Domain service has this method... public virtual CmsDealer GetCmsDealer(string id) { return this.Context.CmsDealerSet.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id); } The Wcf service has this... public CmsDealer GetDealer(string id) { return domainservice.GetCmsDealer(id); } When called with a nonexistent Id, the GetCmsDealer() cal...

JavaFx Offline ability?

Recently we are looking for the possibility to use JavaFX as an offline RIA client. The idea is that user can use the netbook to work on the app with or without internet connection. With internet connection, user can interact with server through web services. Without internet connection, data and transaction will be stored on client an...

Ria DomainService input parameter weirdness, Delete is special?

In a RIA Domain service I have added some utility functions. For instance we have... public virtual CmsDealer GetCmsDealerById(string id) { return this.Context.CmsDealerSet .Include("CmsItemState") .FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id); } Now that function has it's own issues if the id is nonexistant, but lets table that for ...

Create ExtJS components dynamically with ASP.NET MVC

I'm in early phase of building a RIA with ExtJS and ASP.NET MVC. Users in the system will have numerous different user rights that restrict which elements are visible and what actions user can make. For example in the user managment section, only superuser should be able to promote user to 'admin' status. So the 'add admin status' -b...