
Entity Framework: AttachAsModified failure / confusion :)

Ok... I tried google and didn't get many hits. I dont want to abuse So but this is one of the best places to ask and EF isn't well documented. My fails because the GetOriginal() returns null in UpdateCmsProductCategory. I assume that means currentCmsProductCategory is not in the ChangeSet. Ok... how do I put it in the changeset? Here i...

Can you explain Microsoft .NET RIA services to me?

Ive read about it and to be honest it all seems like a bunch of gibberish to me. I don't want to read all about how it enhances your experience and you can use it to built this and that. Can you give me a clear definition of what it does, that would be awesome. ...

Can't get a collection in a entity class

Suppose I have following tables with the right relationships built: Employee(empID, ...) Address(AddresID, ...) EmployeeAddress(EmpID, AddressID, ...) Then modified the generated code for GetEmployee by .NET RIA Services like: public IQueryable<Employee> GetEmployee() { var Employee = this.Context.Employee.Include("Employ...

How RIA Services can help me while creating data access and logic layers?

in this answer he said that i can use RIA services while creating my 3 tiers solution, how it can help me and how it can save me time, because when i checked it on msdn i found that RIA is something tied to silver light, while i am creating a normal asp.net website. ...

Sending contained object over RIA Services

I have class like this: public class object { [Key] int number; String mystring; OtherObject anotherobject; } WHen i sent this over RIA my silverlight application can see object.number and object.mystring, but not object.anotherobject!!! What should i do?? Please help me. ...

RIA Service with WCF

I am using RIA on top of WCF. In my WCF i have Insert and update methods which talk to db using the Entity Framework Now in my domain service which is PersonDomainService i am calling this WCF service using Proxy and converting Person Ria Class to Service Reference Entity Framework Person Class and vice versa everything works fine but t...

flex newbie: can MXML be generated on the fly

Flex newbie question: can MXML be generated on the fly, like HTML is generated by a server? If yes, is it ok to do so or am I missing an important Flex architectural principle. ...

Best way of building an application having a UI like OUTLOOK?

We are trying to build an application which has a UI like OUTLOOK? Something which has a left navigation pane and then right side there is a details pane. It would be a heavy on data side. We need to access Database numerous times to access the data to be displayed. Is SILVERLIGHT a good option which will provide RIA effect? Or Should...

Is there an HTML5 RIA toolkit available?

I think that HTML5 is the way of the future for the development of Ria application due to the reduction of the ammount of javascript need for basic animation, video, etc. So what are the tools available NOW to develop html5 interfaces? EDIT: It's been a year since this question has been asked. Has the outlook for HTML5 changed for th...

RIA Services - IQueryable Function With Multiple Parameters as Conditions

Hi, I am developing an application with RIA Services, and in my DomainService class, I have all that standard functions generated by the RIA for general CRUD operations. The problem is that I tryed to create my own function that insted of listing all the the 45 columns in the Select statment, would list only 2 (NOM and PRENOM) and also ...

Silverlight and RIA Services - Using the ActivityControl with Custom DataContext

I am using Silverlight 3 and .NET RIA Services. I would like to use the ActivityControl from David Poll: http://www.davidpoll.com/?p=4. Is this possible outside of a DomainDataSource (I am not using the DDS)? I would like to programmatically bind to it, i.e. similar to how I bind my other controls via code-behind, via the DataContext....


Does it make sense to use RIA Services as a service provider to an ASP.NET web application as opposed to just a Silverlight application? We have an infrastructure constraint that the services and the consumer are on different physical machines thus need to cross a service boundary. We have not seen any examples of using ASP.NET as a cons...

JQuery VS Flex - Choosing a Platform for SAAS

Our team is about to start a SAAS web application geared toward small businesses. This is a completely new experience for us; we are a system/linux/php development organization and no experience whatsoever developing client side software except for simple html/php based CRUD support applications. We are evaluating both Adobe Flex and JQ...

Implementing .Net RIA Services with Silverlight3 using only existing code/classes?

As my latest questions have stated, i am in a process of researching on Silverlight 3 and its application as a suitable RIA solution to a pre-built project a client of ours wishes to webify. And my experience in .Net and silverlight is about 3 - 4 weeks. I have now become aware of .Net RIA Services. I require to use an existing VB class...

What is the best practice for committing changes using a LINQ2SQL datacontext in a Silverlight application using RIA?

I've got a Silverlight app using RIA services and LINQ2SQL and have objects in my Silverlight app. I query all the records in a table (via a LINQ query, using a datacontext) in the Silverlight app and create a user control for each object (record) and put that object into the control because I need the information later. Then later,...

Is there a way to build a portable RIA without using LiveCycle?

I saw your article on portable RIAs. Excellent article! http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/portable%5Fria.html We don't have LiveCycle, but want to allow our users to view a Flex App inside PDF without an internet connection. Is there another way like using Cold Fusion, AlivePDF, to accomplish the PDF Generation part of your ar...

JavaFX or Adobe Flex? Which shines in which case?

I am new to both the technologies.Which scenarios is better for using Adobe Flex , and which is the best place to use Java Fx? ...

Silverlight client - simple RIA select where clause

Hi The following code for RIA works in my silverlight client. But I dont want all the data from table "tbLeagues" - so how would i filter it? JasonsDomainContext context = new JasonsDomainContext(); dgLeagues.ItemsSource = context.tbLeagues; context.Load(context.GetTbLeagueQuery()); Reading many articles ...

RIA .NET service installation error

I am trying to install Microsoft .NET RIA services Preview (RiaServices.msi) on a machine running Windows 7 RC + Visual Studio 2008 SP1, and get the following error: "2908. Error while installing assembly System.Web.DomainServices.Tools.VisualStudio, version" Anybody else had this problem? What should I look at? ...

Using Composition with WCF RIA Services

I've been trying to find an example of how to used the CompositionAttribute with CUD operations when using LinqToEntitiesDomainService. I can't find one anywhere and really need this functionality in the next couple of days. Does anyone know how to implement this and can provide an example for me? The only resonable example I can find is...