
JSF rich:dataList rendered per row?

Hey, Seems like this should be possible but ...? Using richfaces and JSF I'm iterating over a List using rich:dataList ... all is fine except I'd like the ability to selectively 'render' each iteration, is that possible? For example: <rich:dataList value="#{list}" var="item"> <h:outputText value="#{item.something}" /> </rich:dataL...

Does rich:messages tag need to be in an a4j:region?

The web app I'm working on sometimes has a <rich:messages> tag inside of an <a4j:region> tag, sometimes not. I'm guessing that the messages tag needs to be inside of an a4j region, but wasn't able to determine this from the RichFaces documentation. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance. ...

problem with h:inputtext in Rich:ModalPanel

hi, I am using rich:modalpanel for editing some values so when user clicks on edit the popup will appear with some prefilled values. For popup i am using ModalPanel, the problem is for the first time it is populating the right values but from second time onwards the input text values are not getting updated. I tried displaying same va...

How to display the appropriate message (info or warn) in s:decorate?

I am actually checking for availability of a login name and would like to show the info image or warn image with an appropriate message. Currently we get 2 error messages on non availability of a login name. <s:decorate id="loginIdField" template="/layout/edit.xhtml"> <ui:define name="label">Desired Login Na...

newbie JSF question - How to achieve this layout?

Hi, I'm trying to achieve the layout shown here Each of the panels should be linked to a backing bean from which I will later add differrent components according to context. I tried using panelgrid but could not achieve this look. I would prefer to use just JSF for this but if impossible or too complicated RichFaces is ok too. Thanks...

Richfaces 3.3.2 - JSF 1.2 - Facelets in RAD 7.5 and IBM WAS 7.0

Hello, I'd like to know which is the best way to use JBoss richFaces (3.3.2) with SUN RI jsf implementation (1.2) under RAD 7.5 and WAS 7.0, with facelets. We inverted class loader policy at the application level to obtain this, but I'm not sure this is the best way to do it (parent last policy could be potentially harmful). Thank you ...

Disable column resizing in <rich:extendedDataTable>

Hi, I am using rich:extendedDataTable to display a table. But i need to disable the column resizing in this table. I have tried using width component in rich:column but i am getting the same thing. Even I have used css class to fix the column size that is also nnot worth. Can any one help me to find a way out............Its urgent !! ...

Concatenate strings in JSF/JSP EL and Javascript

Hello, I'm having troubles with EL and javascript functions (JSF 1.2, Facelets, Richfaces 3.3.0GA). I have a page that includes another composition: <ui:include src="/pages/panels/examinationPanel.xhtml"> <ui:param name="prefix" value="new" /> And in my ui:composition I want to append the prefix to every id. For example: <rich:modalP...

In html/JSF - How to make any component respond to clicks?

Hi, I've replaced the content of this question since I didn't think the previous one was formulated right. I would like to know how to make a JSF/RichFaces component handle events like mouse click/hover etc... The goal is to create nice big buttons that respond to mouse hover and mouse click. Thank you!! ...

JSF a4j:commandButton not working when 'disabled' is set

Hello, When I include a 'disabled' attribute on an a4j:commandButton, the button's action is not performed. Taking the 'disabled' attribute out causes it to work properly. I am not doing any special validation (that I'm aware of) and am not seeing any validation error messages. Here is part of my page: <t:dataTable id="myTable" ...

Using a4j:support to make PanelGrid clickable, after the click the page doesn't refresh.

Hi, I've made a button using HTMLPanelGrid and HTMLAjaxSupport (a4j:support from backing bean) that responds to 'onclick'. The eventlistener registered with the HTMLAjaxSupport adds a component to the page (a different component with a different backing bean). The problem is, the addition is not visible until I refresh the page or p...

rich:column sortBy doesn't sort properly

This was the original code generated by seam-gen (2.2.0) <h:column> <f:facet name="header"> <ui:include src="/layout/sort.xhtml"> <ui:param name="entityList" value="#{userList}"/> <ui:param name="propertyLabel" value="Name"/> <ui:param name="propertyPath" value="use...

Richfaces panel styles suddenly wont load

This is really frustrating ... Suddenly the richfaces panel styles have just stopped loading. The generated css links: <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/MCSA-web/a4j_3_1_4.GAcss/panel.xcss/DATB/eAFTL4ziAQACswD..mcsa' /> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/MCSA-web/a4j_3_1_4.GAcss/table.xcss/DATB/eAFTL4ziAQACswD...

space between the two words is trimmed in rich:suggestionbox in jsf

I have a combobox that is connected via the suggestionValues attribute to a list of Strings and some of these Strings have spaces in the middle of the text and sometimes at the end, for example: " This starts with a space" "This ends with a space " "This has two spaces after the word two" In these cases, the start and end spaces are re...

In JSF - Trying to achieve something similiar to "#{}"

I would like to add buttons dynamically from a backing bean to a JSF page (supporting Rich Faces as well). The value of the buttons needs to be determined in run time and returned to the backing bean when the button is pressed. (Hence the title - I am actually trying to be able to do something like "#{}", i.e - set a fixed p...

[h || rich]:dataTable not iterating over all objects

Hello I have a java backing bean which has a method (call it getDataList()) which returns an ArrayList<MyType>. In I have a load of setters and getters all of which either assign Strings or String[]s. An example instantiation assigns 4 objects to the ArrayList, containing (among other) the following data: fid = 1 ftid =...

JSF/RichFaces: conditional text styling

I have a string which can be yes or no, instantiated in an object in a Java backing bean. I can't seem to find the best way to conditionally style the text red or green dependent on whether the JSF gets yes or no from the bean respectively. I'm using richfaces, but should I be using <c:if> tags? ...

Dynamic value binding of JSF component

How do I bind a value of certain component dynamically at runtime? For example, I have the following component tag, <h:inputText value="#{bean.someProp}" /> In my case, "#{bean.someProp}" is only known at runtime. What's the best strategy to implement this? Should I traverse the component tree and set the value binding programmatica...

how to use rich:effect with a4j:include

hello i've got this jsf code <f:view> <rich:page pageTitle="My Page" markupType="xhtml"> ... <rich:panel id="content"> <a4j:include viewId="#{MyBacking.viewId}" /> </rich:panel> and after trying a number of different ways, I've still not managed to place the following correctly in my code: <rich:effect...

rich:effect not working when a rich:panelMenu element is used elsewhere in the page

Hello, We have a Seam application that uses rich:effects in several places. They all worked fine until we decided to replace our old school menus with rich:panelMenu components. At that point all the effects stopped working. It's clear that the inclusion of the rich:panelMenu items is the culprit, as the effects come back to life if we...