
Jquery Mouseenter/Mouse Leave image swap

Hey Guys, So I wrote this little bit of code to try out some new way of doing an image swap for purposes of preloading and I am having a bit of trouble. My problem is that I have a container with the images that has some padding and text, but the activation of my rollover only happens when someone rolls over the image, instead of the c...

Flash Banner with rollover/rollout - overlapping button cancels rollover

Hi all, I'm doing a work project that uses Flash CS3 / AS 2 (and cannot use AS3). I have a rather interesting and hairy problem that is taking up quite a bit of time and sanity. I'm working on a banner that reveals a new design on rollover, and switches back to the first design on rollout. This part works fine. However, the problem is ...

Is there a way to program an mouseover image that controls 2 divs [larger image AND a text description]

the design calls for an image gallery with thumbnails for different characters and when u roll over a thumbnail a larger version of the image appears and in a div to the left with a header and description for each character also appears. 1) is there a way to have a rollover control both divs? (enlarged image and description) and 2) ho...

DD_belatedPNG.js - how to access the vml object? this is for a PNG image-swap.

I am trying to use Drew Dillard's awesome DD_belatedPNG fix + jQuery to achieve a run-of-the-mill image-swap on hover -- but with PNGs, and to work on IE6. Example: <a id="thelink" href="blah.html"><img src="f-u-ie6.png" /></a> Since DD's script sets the visibility of the original image to "hidden", you can't effectively hover over it....

Problems with CSS Rollovers in Internet Explorer

I have created a portfolio website which currently runs well in Safari and Firefox but has problems in IE 5, 6 and 7 (not 8). The Portfolio/About/Contact rollovers (pure CSS) and the thumbnails (pure CSS) in the portfolio section are not working properly (except on the splash page where they are fine). These rollovers have "active" state...

Preload Mouseover Images in Rails

I currently have a rollover button implemented in rails as follows: <%= image_tag("header/home_but.gif", :mouseover => "header/home_over.gif") %> How can I preload/cache the mouseover image (home_over.gif) so there is no delay when the user moves their mouse over the image? Thanx. ...

Simple problem: Safari and CSS/Javascript Rollovers.

Basically I have a bunch of IMG tags wrapped in a bunch of divs, and some javascript to make them do rollovers. The page functions beautifully in IE and in Firefox, but Safari gives: "TypeError: Result of expression 'ImageNavigateForum' [undefined] is not an object." Where ImageNavigateForum is the ID tag of the 'img'. (a simmelar err...

iPhone Date Picker rolls over to 2010 on December 27th?

So I implemented a UIDatepicker in one of my applications for scheduling and autodialing teleconferences... everything is pretty much ready to go except, while testing I noticed that when the date rolls over from December 26th to December 27th, the year changes to 2010. I even rolled it forward to 2011... and it changes when December 2...

Gradually changing color

How does the logo in the top left corner of the screen gradually change color as a rollover? I think its done in jquery. If you don't know the code can you point me to a tutorial that can? Thanks. UPDATE: Thanks everyone, I've posted a working version of the code below, <html> <head> ...

Image rollover-zoom near mouse

I have an advent/christmas calendar. Everyday is another picture with one more door opened. To make these regions clickable I used CSS and IDs like this: CSS: ul#doorregions { list-style: none; background: url(<?php echo($pictureoftheday); ?>) no-repeat 0 0; position: relative; width: 950px; height: 575px; margin: 0; pa...

adding fade to jquery image replacement

Hello- Im creating a nav that uses jquery to replace the image on rollover. Here is the code I am using: basically, you add a suffix (_o) to the filename and when you rollover the src, jquery replaces it with the (_o).png. I want to add fade so when there is a rollover, the ...

javascript image rollover

Hi I have a question about image rollover but it's not how you'd think. I've seen an example and click the home button(top nav far left) You can see that when you rollover an image that image stays highlighted and the others darken. I know this has been done with jquery but the code is very messy. Has anyone seen...

sifr3 rollover questions

Hi i've been playing around with sifr3 and seems to do an ok job lil bit slow to load but acceptable :). However my problem stands with roll overs/hovers. I'd like to be able to put an active state for the current page. This i can do by just putting a style to the child for some reason ;) it turns to the default "a" color. But when i h...

Jquery Image lost on fade, help!

I Recently launched my portfolio page, and I used a jquery plugin to sort my portfolio entries based on their classes. Please view it Here You will notice that when you rollover each image, it enlarges and a case study link shows up. That is how it should look. When you press on the logos & branding button (up top) it functions perfectl...

JQuery: How do you change a graphic on a mouse hover event?

Using JQuery, how do I change a map icon whenever I mouse hover over a row in an HTML table/div? Here is an example:;source=REDIR Notice when you mouse hover over a home listing on the left, the corresponding map icon on the right changes. Question...

Javascript/CSS Rollover menu

A past client of mine contacted me about doing a rollover menu for his website. He has a couple different businesses, and from his main site he wants to be able to have a image menu that shows each of his other businesses and links to their sites. I know that it is possible to do a rollover menu using javascript and css but one thing he ...

Disable roll-over color for List or DataGrid components

Hi I want to get rid of the typical Flex roll-over color in list-based components, and to display my own style of roll-over rendering. Setting useRollOver to 'false' is not an option, since disabling that will also make the List.isItemHighlighted() function to always return false. My custom renderer relies on that function. Can it be ...

jquery rollovers and active states

Hi there. I apologise for any stupid questions/coding, I'm very new to jquery! I'm trying to create a menu for a one-page site that has rollovers and an active state. HTML: <ul id="menu"> <li><a class="rollover" href="#"><img class="folio" src="images/folio3.png" /></a></li> <li><a class="rollover" href="#"><img class="services" src="...

Need Fancybox with image rollover behavior

Hi All, I'm using Fancybox and want to use a rollover behavior when the pointer is moved over the image. See the link of what i have working: My problem is that i need the rollover image to appear in the correct position relative to the layer .The image on the right is in the layer... y...

C# Image RollOver

greetings, im trying to implement an image rollover on a collection of PictureBox (es) that are place in a tablelayoutpanel and one in each table cell. here is my code: HomePicBox[picBoxCount].MouseEnter += new System.EventHandler(this.PictureBox_MouseEnter); HomePicBox[picBoxCount].MouseLeave += new System.EventHandler(this.PictureBo...