
What do you use to upload your files (code/documents) to a live server?

rsync zsync Is there any other better sync/backup tool available on linux. I have a local installation of my site, a wiki. I wish to make changes to my local site both in terms of wiki content/ and plugins/templates, and then just wish to press a button :D or run the command over a folder, it should check for the diff for my local files...

rsync remote site with bash

Hello All Hope you can advise I want to use rsync to carry out my FTP transactions but with bash. How can I add the password to the rsync command. I have for example. rsync -r -update [email protected]:/public_html/ /var/www/ Hope you can advise. Thank you in advance. ...

rsync to copy only particular folders

I have a dir with files and dirs in it. What I want is to make rsync copy of several folders from that dir. For example, lets say I have this: /home/user -- drwxr-xr-x folderA -- drwxr-xr-x folderB -- drwxr-xr-x folderC -- -rw-r--r-- file.1 -- -rw-r--r-- file.2 I want to copy folderA and folerB using rsync. I have created file rs...

rsync and MyISAM tables

I'm trying to use rsync to backup MySQL data. The tables use the MyISAM storage engine. My expectation was that after the first rsync, subsequent rsyncs would be very fast. It turns out, if the table data was changed at all, the operation slows way down. I did an experiment with a 989 MB MYD file containing real data: Test 1 - recop...

VIM: RSync on save

Hey all, I'm looking for a way to map the :w command so that when I use it, it will rsync the current directory and save the file in question. Ideally, the response generated by the rsync command should be returned in vim, but not in the the current file, but rather as a tooltip or something. I managed to achieve this in TextMate and a...

Ordering files transferred by rsync

We're currently using rsync to run a backup job. This job takes several hours. As there are some parts of the backup that are more important than others, we would like to ensure that they are backed up before everything else (i.e. that rsync transfers those files first). This should be easily accomplished using rsync --files-from. Un...

Mirroring file moves with rsync

The proprietary software that we're using for backups (sadface) generates a series of images that we use rsync to sync over to an off-site location. The files generated look something like: a.bak b.bak c.bak So we sync those across and get exactly the same structure on the off-site machine. Then the backup program runs again and we ...

Any good rsync library for Java?

I've been researching a little and I found some rsync algorithm implementations written in Java but it seems all the projects died some time ago. What is a good Java library implementing rsync? If there's not one: Is the best way for use rsync to invoke the program from my Java app? ...

Run terminal command on startup of netbeans in mac osx

Hey, does anybody know of a good way to run a command in the terminal when you startup netbeans in mac osx? Either as an option in netbeans or as a feature of mac osx? I'd like automatically sync my local files with a remote folder on startup of netbeans, so I'd like to run an rsync command when netbeans starts up. Otherwise I forget and...

Sync without scanning individual files?

Consider two directories: /home/user/music/flac /media/MUSIC/flac I would like the second directory (destination; a USB drive) to contain the same files and structure as the first directory (master). There are 3600+ files (59G in total). Every file is scanned using unison, which is painfully slow. I would rather it compare based on f...

delta copy file copy error

I am using deltacopy for taking backup of my data (files and folder). It is working perfectly and taking incremental back up at scheduled time. Recently i have came across a problem. when i try to copy the backed up data from one location to another location it is throwing an exception that permission not granted or file in use... someth...

Ensuring data integrity of mysqldump <-> rsync

Hello, I use rsync to back up the files on my server, and mysqldump to back up my database. Here's my concern: A mysqldump on my database takes about 30 seconds. I have a table called photos that stores info about the images a user has uploaded, including the path to the file. I am worried about what will happen when photos are uplo...

Using rsync to rename files during copying with --files-from ?

Using rsync, how can I rename files when copying with the --files-from argument? I have about 190,000 files, each of which need to be renamed when copying from source to destination. I plan to have the list of files in a text file to pass to the --files-from argument. ...

Uploading large files to a cluster of servers

Hi there, We have a cluster of 4 web servers which contain a few domains, one of which contains quite a lot of videos. We also have a 'staging' server which we usually sync/upload files to and then from there rsync them all out via a bash script to the other web servers. The problem we have is that quite a bit of this is manual. If in ...

using rsync to backup mysql

hi, I use the following rsync command to backup my mysql data to a machine within the LAN network. It works as expected. rsync -avz /mysql/ root:[email protected]:: /root/testme/ I just want to make sure that this is the correct way to use rsync. I will also like to know if the 5 minute crontab entry for this will work. ...

rsync .git directory

This question probably is based on my lack of understanding of the role of .gits and git repositories in general but: Can I rsync a dir with content that I created with git init between machines ? I have a repository on my laptop, and the only way to get it away from there is scp/rsync to a remote host, from which I can download it aga...

scp-ing without replacing folder

How do I scp an entire folder into a folder of the same name without replacing the content in the destination folder? (instead, I would like to add to the contents of the destination folder) ...

Trying to get rsync to copy files back to svn

I'm trying to setup a particular workflow but having trouble figuring out how(or if) rsync will work for this. My setup is on Mac OS X. I have my SVN directory. When I run my deploy script, the files are moved over to my integration Apache server. I perform my modifications to the files, then manually have been copying them back to SVN...

rolling checksums in the rsync algorithm

I'm trying to understand how the rsync algorithm works with respect to rolling checksums and blocks that match in a staggered fashion. The wikipedia page seems to suggest that the sender and receiver both calculate and exchange rolling checksums for all possible blocks. But that would mean sending essentially one checksum per byte! I mu...

Rsync create new file on file size change

Hi All, I need to backup (for debugging) some temporary files meanwhile a program running. I used to do it with rsync-ing the /var/tmp/someprogram directory with find . -iname 'blahblah' -exec rsync -someoptions $DESTdir, which works wonderful. Except the case of someone in some program (for which I don't have source code access, and n...