
Does rsync ignore file timestamps and automatically overwrite on client if file is different on server?

I'm trying to set up two PCs to sync a folder tree so that each PC will have a copy of the tree with the most recent updates to each file. I considered setting up Mercurial but realized I don't really care about versioning (especially since I'm low on disk space), and that rsync sounds like it does more of what I want - just keeping fil...

Uploading and Downloading Files on linux hosting server Using RSync algorithm

Hi All, i am writing an application in java that takes backup of files on server.It is a windows version application. In my application i have to perform incremental backup operation. For implementing incremental backup i am trying to follow rsync algorithm. i got one lib in java "jarsync0.3" but not getting how to write a code using rs...

jar file to use rsync for uploading and downloading files on linux server

Hi All, I am writing an application for taking backup of user data. In my application i have to perform incremental backup operation. for performing incremental backup i am trying to use rsync algorithm. i am writing application for windows version. I am having linux hosting server for storing files. after some search i got two lib "j...

RSync backup of Subversion repository with Rsyncrypto

The Situation I have a pretty large Subversion repository that I am trying to backup efficiently. The repository size is about 6 GB and growing. Some large commits are around 500 to 1GB in size. I am trying to backup this repository to an off-site location, through an Internet up-link. Explaining the sheer size of it To whomever i...

Any way to eliminate time lag with sshfs?

If I rsync a directory with some remote directory under an sshfs management, even if the rsync process finishes synching the directory contents, there seems to be a time lag for the sshfs directory to get updated. It is unintuitive and makes some automation process relying on sshfs contents unstable. How do I eliminate the lag? ...

pushing code to windows servers in a scriptable way

I'm looking for a good way to push code quickly and securely to my company's Windows web servers for release deployments. I have a *nix background and in the past have always used rsync in conjunction with ssh for such tasks because it is quick, secure, and scriptable. Right now our deployment process is very manual and requires loggin...

rsync option in a variable

Hi, I want to put command option of rsync into a variable so I can reuse it for other rsync commands. Here is what I tried but it didn't work. roption="-a --recursive --progress --exclude='class' --delete --exclude='exclude' --exclude='.svn' --exclude='.metadata' --exclude='*.class'" rsync "$roption" /media/CORSAIR/workspace ~/ Can a...

Explain rsync's --blocking-io option.

I have problems with understanding the --blocking-io option in rsync. Here's the descripton from the man page: "This tells rsync to use blocking I/O when launching a remote shell transport. If the remote shell is either rsh or remsh, rsync defaults to using blocking I/O, otherwise it defaults to using non-blocking I/O. (Note that ss...

Use git as live mirror

Hi, I have local machine (A), testing server (B) and repository server (C). I have following workflow: Code something on A Mirror changes to test machine B If it works well commit from B to C For now, I use rsync for mirroring, but since repository grows it takes some time (~10 sec) to get file list from B. I want to use Git instea...

Rsync operations

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how if rsyncing files is atomic. I couldn't find any confirmation about it. Due to rsync being able to send only deltas, I was under the impression that it also updates only parts of the live files. On the other hang DJB recommends rsync for synchronising live .cdb files and I've found this post ( http://lis...

Expect Tcl script - Error passing quoted argument using spawn

I just wrote a very simple Expect script for wrapping around rsync, but it seems to be giving me trouble. Basically, I am automating the SSH login prompt called from rsync. I also have to pass arguments through rsync to SSH so it doesn't do the host key checking. I am well aware of SSH authentication keys and ssh-keygen, but I have go...

detect if something is modified in directory, and if so, backup - otherwise do nothing

I have a "Data" directory, that I rsync to a remote NAS periodically via a shell script. However, I'd like to make this more efficient. I'd like to detect if something has changed in "Data" before running rsync. This is so that I don't wake up the drives on the NAS unnecessarily. I was thinking of modifying the shell script to get the ...

rsync: failed to set times on "<dir path>"

Hi, I am trying to rsync files from one server to another but getting this error rsync: failed to set times on "/dept/intranet/dept/atest/.": Operation not permitted (1) Can someone help me why so ? I guess it is some permissions issue. This is my command: RSYNC=/usr/bin/rsync 18 SSH=/usr/bin/ssh 19 REMOTE_HOST=test....

Scripting rsync backup and restore from Windows to Linux

Hi, I have a fairly simply batch file to backup a Directory on Server 2008 using cwrsync to a Linux server, and to restore. Backup script: @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL SET CWRSYNCHOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\cwRsync SET CYGWIN=nontsec SET HOME=%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% SET CWOLDPATH=%PATH% SET PATH=%CWRSYNCHOME%\BIN;%PATH% rsync -e "ssh -i new.key"...

rsync command is slow when I'm not connected to the internet

Any ideas? I'm issuing the following rsync command via a hotkey and whenever I'm not connected to the internet it slows down. Takes maybe 4,000ms instead of the regular 300-400ms. All it does is sync up a directory on my local FS to one connected through parallels (where I have a lamp running, etc.) rsync --delete --archive --quiet --p...

Mac OS X copy file with progress bar to a webdav share

Hello Stack Overflow, How does one copy the file to a webdav share? We are currently using FSCopyObjectAsync to copy files to local file system or SMB, however it quits almost immediately when copying to a mounted WebDav share. To verify the behaviour I've run rsync and the transfer was completed in about 1-2 seconds reporting the progr...

Symfony deploy not sending all files

php symfony project:deploy -t production >> exec rsync --dry-run -azC --force --dele... [email protected]'s password: sending incremental file list sent 97140 bytes received 912 bytes 21789.33 bytes/sec total size is 44912109 speedup is 458.04 (DRY RUN) The rsync_exclude.txt has: # Project files /cache/* /log/* /web/*_dev.php ...

Catch credential needed with NSTask and rsync

Hi guys, Fist post for a french developer! I'm trying to create a simple synchronization using rsync and objective-c. So I used NSTask like that : NSTask *task = [[NSTask alloc] init]; [task setLaunchPath:@"/usr/bin/rsync"]; NSArray* args = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"-av", @"/Users/BiB1/Documents/test/", @"[email protected]:~/te...

Do rsync at the same time to the same destination

Dear Fellow developers, I have 10 production servers, What will happen when : I still do rsync for file (A,B,C), meanwhile at the same time my friends also do rsync for file (D,E,F) to the same production machine ? What if i and friends do rsync to the same file at the same time ? Thanks in advance for any answers ...

How to handle rsync in bash script to perform data sync backward from the secondary server to the primary server ?

I have two separate physical servers PRIMARY and SECONDARY connected with a ethernet switch of 100 mbps and i want to rsync files from my PRIMARY /home to SECONDARY /home and now after working for two hours in my SECONDARY server i have created some data in /home and so i want again the rsync to transfer the new data back to PRIMARY serv...