
Validation groups for wizard-style forms

Hello, can somebody explain me, how to do wizard-style forms with validations? f.e.: i have a appointment-model, which should include following data: name, starttime, endtime, address, city. Now i want to have 3 actions for each datagroup: name start and enddate address-fields each of them should be accessible (so AASM isn't a...

Rails Exception notifier is not working

I installed the exception notification plugin from I can confirm that my ActionMailer is working as I received emails from other process. Although, I can see the notifier sending the email in the log (Sent mail to [email protected] ) and the email address was written correct, I d...

ruby script/plugin discover RuntimeError

Having problems when running this command on a rails installation on windows under a corporate firewall: ruby script/plugin discover I already set up the http_proxy variable on the system and this is the error I get: C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/open-uri.rb:203:in `open_http': Non-HTTP proxy URI: http-proxy(RuntimeError) from C:/...

Remember me and restful_authentication

I have a rails application which uses the restful_authentication plugin. I have activated the "remember me" functionality but every now and then I am getting logged out. The problem is I can't see the pattern for when it happens. Sometimes it works in the development environment but not in production. Sometimes it works in Firefox but ...

How to find and display a group of objects with a specific tag using acts as taggable (redux)?

I want to display a list of articles in my tag's show view. I'm using the acts as taggable redux plugin in a Rails 2.3.2 and SQLite3 app. I've got as far as the basic example takes me, assigning tags and then displaying a list of them with the article. Now I want to display a list of articles belonging to a tag but get the following er...

Rails Nested resource access problem in resource_controller

I using the Rails resource_controller plugin. I have a ReleasesController, which is nested within a UsersController and a ProjectsController. Resource_controller fails when it attempts to pull the release from User, but succeeds from Project. The problem under User is finding the Release results in an object of type, Enumerable::Enumera...

Authlogic and Namespace in Rails

Does anyone have an example of setting up Authlogic with a namespace in Rails? I have an "admin" namespace, which contains many "admin" related controllers (products, categories, etc.). map.namespace :admin do |admin| admin.resources :products, :active_scaffold => true admin.resources :specials, :active_scaffold => true admi...

What are alternatives to find_by_sql for computationaly-heavy queries?

Our company loves reports that calculate obscure metrics--metrics that cannot be calculated with ActiveRecord's finders (except find_by_sql) and where ruport's ruby-based capabilities are just too slow. Is there a plugin or gem or db adapter out there that will do large calculations in the database layer? What's your solution to creati...

Rails ActionMailer with the restful authentication plugin won't deliver mail

Hi, I've been working on a rails app that uses the restful authentication plugin. It requires a new user to activate their account through email verification. This has been working up until a few hours ago, when the application suddenly started to fail on email delivery. Instead I am greeted with the following error message: undefin...

require 'rubygems' not working

when I type irb> require 'rubygems' it returns false. I have many gems in my rails app that are obviously working - rake, activerecord, etc. What could be going wrong here? thanks. Ruby 1.8.6. Rails 1.2.6 ...

Creating WYSIWYG form builder (á la Wufoo) in Rails

I have to add Wufoo-like WYSIWYG form-builder functionality to a Rails webapp. Does anyone know of good resources (gems/engines/plugins/example code) that would help? ...

restful_authentication nothing appears

I have followed the basic instalation ( ) Doing this: 1.) ruby script/generate authenticated user sessions 2.) ruby script/generate authenticated user sessions and rake db:migrate 3.) On the file application_controler.rb I have included include AuthenticatedSystem 4.) On t...

can you pass self to lambda in rails?

I want to define a class method that has access to a local variable. So this would be different for each instance of the class. I know you can make a class method dynamic with lambda like when you use it with named_scope. But can this be done for values that are specific to an instance? In detail it is the has_attached_file method for...

Can a Rails plugin be packaged as a WAR/JAR file?

Can a plugin be packaged as a JAR/WAR file similar to the way in which an entire Rails app can be packaged for deployment on JRuby? ...

Tracking visitor stats with Ruby on Rails

Are there any visitor statistics solutions for Ruby on Rails? I'm talking something like Google Analytics, but without passing data through a third party. I'd like to track such parameters as visitor count, visit depth, bounce rate, referer (by host or by GET parameter), etc. ...

How to uninstall Ruby on Rails plugin with migrations easily?

I have a Rails application with numbered migrations 001_..., 002_..., etc. I have several plugins A,B,C with their own migrations 001_.., 002_... etc. How to remove the particular plugin B and clean the schema (making B plugin migrations down) ...

acts_as_nested_set and inheriting from parent node

I am using awesome_nested_set but I guess this applies to all the nested_set plugins equally. When I add a child I want that child to inherit some attributes from the parent. Sounds simple, it certainly is with acts_as_tree. The problem is you need to save the object before adding to the parent, so at least initially you end up with a r...

Ruby on Rails HTML-Table Generator

I am looking for a good RoR table generator (or an easy solution) that can give me a decent view of my records in a table (unstylized but proper strict XHTML). Let's say I have a User model and an Address model: - A User can have many Addresses - One address is also linked as the "primary_address" Let's say I have the following in my...

Most useful Rails plugins, Ruby libraries and Ruby gems?

I have seen many sites which provide the whole list of Rails plugins, Ruby libraries and Ruby gems, but we hardly use few of them and some may not suit our requirement and we spend a whole lot of time searching for useful plugins which suits our requirement. I have created this poll, people can post useful libraries, gems and plugins wh...

Rails Asset Caching

While using Capistrano for deployment every time that I deploy I find that Rails regenerates the entire JS & CSS asset caches. This is regardless of whether or not the file is updated. Is there any way to get Rails to do this only if one, or more, of the files have been updated? I have turned off :normalize_asset_timestamps in Capistra...