
Multiple Paperclip default_urls

I am using Paperclip to upload an image to my Project model and I want to have an array of default images (not depending on the style, but different images) is that posible? To pass an array instead of just one URL to the :default_url option? Thank you, Nicolás Hock Isaza ...

Using Prawn & Prawnto for Rails PDF generation

This is probably more a design or usage question but the main issue is using the Prawn plugin with Rails 2.3.4 and accessing the resulting PDF object to render it to a file. The scenario is basically; a controller with the respond_to block setup a view with code for rendering the text, graphics etc to PDF It looks like: From C...

Why records are not getting deleted after test/spec

Am using 'devise' gem for authentication and rspec for testing. My problem is after spec execution the test data is not getting cleared from DB, because of this subsequent execution of specs fail. Following is the spec: describe User do it "should return a valid user when valid email and password are used" do user =

rails plugin for this site will be launching soon

Sometime back in a blog or in podcast I heard about a rails plugin that takes care of everything you need to worry about launching the site. The webpage will capture the email address of people visiting the site before the launch. And , I think, it also integrates with madmimi to send out emails to those people. I am not able to recall ...

History of rails script/generate commands

Is there a plugin/gem to log/record the history of rails script/generate commands? ...

Trouble with using Fleximage plugin and getting .operate to save changes

I'm using the Fleximage plugin to manage image files in my rails project. This must be dirt simple, but I can't figure it out for the life of me I'm trying to create a thumbnail record. Initially I copy the master image record, and then I try to operate on it to make some changes but the changes are never saved to the database?? I trie...

Asking Rails What Plugins it has Loaded, After Initialization

At some point, this was valid: Rails.plugins But I cannot seem to make this work for me in Rails 2.3. What is the proper strategy to ask Rails about plugins that have been loaded, after its initialized them all? ...

How to avoid loading my models in a rails Migration

I have a rails project that uses an old versions of the FlexImage plug-in to handle images. In the old version that image data was stored in a column called "data", in the new version that column must be named "image_file_data". I wrote a migration to rename the column, but when I try to run the migration, my guess is that rails tries...

no such file to load -- silentale-on-rails (new gem)

I've just completed a new open source gem for the Silentale API and I'm facing a strange issue. In terminal I'm getting an error saying that it can't load the gem however it continues to start the server loading it without any issues. no such file to load -- silentale-on-rails /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `gem...

Ruby on Rails Win7 x64 ?

Hi, I've just upgraded to Win7 x64 Professional and wanted to recommence developing my Rails Apps, however I'm getting the following error : => Booting Mongrel => Rails 2.3.5 application starting on D:/nu codes/R/ruby-1.8.7-p174-i386-mswin32/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.3.5/lib/initializer.rb:271:in `require_fra...

Ruby Unicode Question

I have a small plugin for Rails where I add permalinks to my model without storing them (the permalink) in the database ( I forked the plugin from a friend and changed the regex, but I don't really know how to make a more friendly and readable regex. I want to remove all the á, é, í (characters ...

Does any one know good editor available in RoR for windows?

Does any one know good editor available in RoR for windows? ...

YM4R Map not appearing

I'm not getting any undefined constant errors or anything, so I know the plugin is at least installed. The page shows up, but all there is is an empty div tag: <div id="map" style="width:400px;height:300px" ></div> ...and no map. Controller: @user = User.find_by_email(session[:email]) @tickets = Ticket.find(:all, :origin => [@user....

RoR: not able to connect paperclip to Amazon S3

Hi, I have decided to deploy my app to Heroku and I was following their tutorials. However, Im trying to connect to my Amazon S3 bucket with a paperclip plugin right now and Im getting this error: ArgumentError in Images#index Showing app/views/images/index.html.erb where line #19 raised: syntax error on line 0, col 39...

Attachment_fu: how can I selectively prevent thumbnail creation?

I'm happily using attachment_fu to handle file uploads and thumbnail creation. However, for some (but not all!) cases I would like to suppress the creation of thumbnails. How would I hack attachment_fu to do this? Specifics: I have a traditional attachment_fu model class Pic < ActiveRecord::Base has_attachment :content_type => :ima...

how to configure netbeans for ruby on rails ?

how to configure netbeans for ruby on rails ? ...

Using gem bundler and rails templates together

I'd like to make myself a nice little rails template to DRY up my development process. At the same time I'd like to use gem bundler. How would you go about doing this or do you consider them mutually exclusive? ...

Rails - Paperclip validating attachment size when it shouldn't be?

I've got a rails model using Paperclip that looks like this: has_attached_file :image, :styles => { :normal => ['857x392#', :png] }, :url => '/assets/pages/:id/:basename.:extension', :path => ':rails_root/public/assets/pages/:id/:basename.:extension' validates_attachment_size :image, :less_th...

Acts_as_taggable_on link_to

I installed the Acts as taggable on plugin to my 'Post' model, however I'm unable to call up a list of posts tagged with certain tag. Here's what I have in show. <%= link_to, posts_path(:view =>'tag', :tag => %><% end %> Except when I click on it, it shows all posts. I want it to show just the posts tagged with tha...

Column type of 'set' and Rails

I am building a database of online offers. Each offer can be viewed in one or more countries, for instance an advertiser may be interested in reaching offers in the US & Canada. The list of countries we are covering is about 50 long with each country identified with an ISO standard two letter acronym like US, CA, GB, FR, DE, etc. I cou...