
Filtering a Table in Rails

I am working with will_paginate to create a sortable and searchable table. I have got everything to work correctly with the exception of the search box (filter). Right now when I select a different query (other than "title") and search for something, it only searches for title querys. Can anyone help point out where I am going wrong? Th...

Recommended Rails plugins for software as a service app

Hi I am investigating potential Rails plugins or Gems to help develop a SAAS type app. Specifically I am looking for help in two areas: Restricting access to certain areas of the app based on the account's plan. For example, a bronze account allows access to some functionality, upgrading to silver unlocks access to new features and fu...

How can i order the eager loaded model in rails

Hello All, I shot a find query to include certain models in rails but i want to order the included models by my custom criterion. I have shot the query like the following to fetch the qualifications associated with the user ordering the qualifications by the start_date: @user = User.find, :include => [:profile, {:...

acts_as_list with has_and_belongs_to_many relationship

I've found an old plugin called acts_as_habtm_list - but it's for Rails 1.0.0. Is this functionality built in acts_as_list now? I can't seem to find any information on it. Basically, I have an artists_events table - no model. The relationship is handled through those two models specifying :has_and_belongs_to_many How can I specify ord...

will_paginate without use of activerecord

I apologize if this is a trivial question or my understanding of rails is weak. I have 2 actions in my controller, index and refine_data. index fetches and displays all the data from a database table. refine_data weeds out unwanted data using regex and returns a subset of the data. Controller looks like: def index Result.paginat...

Rails: Management of read/unread messages

Hi, for a forum-like application I need the ability to show each user the unread (new) messages. Is there any Rails plugin/gem for that purpose? Or: Are there any hints to do this job in a efficent way? I'm thinking about an additional database-table storing the unread-status (or read-status?) of every message for every user. But this ...

How to implement a REST API with included data in Ruby on Rails?

Hello, I'm working on a Ruby on Rails app which has a REST API. I manage two formats JSON and XML. Very often to simplify the use if the API, I'm making includes. But when you add params to to_json and to_xml like :only, :except, it's not only applied on the root object but on all the objects included. Do you know libs or methods to an...

Is there a Rails or JQuery date picker that includes a predefined set of named ranges?

Before I roll my own (again, I already did this once in Java), is there a date picker that allows predefined named ranges in addition to the standard user-chosen dates. For example, I want the user to be able to choose 'Today' or 'This Week' or 'Last Month' and store it in such a way that it's relative to the time I access it, not based ...

Implementing vote_fu in rails app (or alternatives)

I've been attempting to implement a robust voting system in rails for some time but have been struggling. Initially I built my own voting system, but it was simplistic. In a nutshell it just incremented a votes_count column in the "Answer" model using the counter cache...this worked fine for me for a while until I discovered vote_fu......

wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) has_many_association.rb:61

I am upgrading my app from Rails 2.2 to 2.3.5 and I am seeing the following error while using '<<' for saving a has_many relationship. Eg: Breaks test ev = # model specific code here self.user_events << ev Eg: Works ev = # model specific code here ev.user_id =! This worked fine with Rail...

Problem with require rack/openid in Rails 3 [native require work properly]

I install plugin open_id_authentication and have this error: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-3.0.0.beta/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:167:in `require': no such file to load -- rack/openid (LoadError) when I try to start rails server Actually, rack-openid installed in my system and i can load it from irb: irb(main):00...

Fedex & UPS implementation

Hi, I've been looking for a Ruby implementation of Fedex and UPS. I've been through their documentation, and think it's really overcomplicated (I'm a bit of a ruby "newbie" myself), so was looking for something simpler. I would only like to use the tracking function. I found a library called shipping (, b...

How to convert a gem to plugin in ruby on rails and vice versa?

Is there any tool to convert plugin to gem and vice versa. ...

As of 2010, what good Rails-based content management systems are there (Typo?)?

I Googled this question and came up with answers (and CMSes) from pre-2009, so I was wondering if the state of RoR CMSes had changed much since then? I don't need a full-fledged CMS...I have a custom app in mind that I would like to attach blog/article/editor tools functionality to, without having to re-write those parts myself. So any ...

Multiple tables on one page with prawn

Hey, I'm using prawn for pdf generation and everything works quite well, but now I'm having a bit of a problem. When I put multiple tables on one page, they just get put over each other and not under each other. Is this normal behaviour and what can I do about it? I add the tables on the most normal behaviour btw :) Thanks! ...

Rails3 and Paperclip

Hi, I have migrated my application from rails 2.3 to rails3 and i have a problem with paperclip. I saw there was a branch for rails3 on paperclip git. So I added "gem 'paperclip', :git => 'git://', :branch => 'rails3'" into the Gemfile and launch the command bundle install. Once paperclip installed, ...

Access plugin helper methods and lib on rails

I am currently delevoping a community using Community Engine, but I need to add some models. The problem is that I need the helpers methods that are used by CE, but when I try to access the new sections of the site, I get a undefined method (like below) undefined method `logged_in?' for #<ActionView::Base:0x1048f3748> The logged_in? ...

Attachment_fu: can't disable :partition option

I'm trying to use the Attachment_Fu plugin in a Rails project, and want to customize the paths where uploaded files are saved. The documentation shows this option: :partition # Whether to partiton files in directories like /0000/0001/image.jpg. Default is true. (The 0001 part is an ID from a table.) I don't want that, s...

Paperclip plugin : Change image folder permissions

By default when I upload new images, the folder created have 777 permissions Is there a way to restrict permissions on the new folders? Thanks ...

Rails 3.0.0.beta and Facebooker: anyone else seeing the following?

My rails server seems to break after installing the facebooker plugin. Any suggestions on fixing this would be great. I'm using rails 3.0.0.beta and facebooker. Here are the steps and the error that I'm seeing: $ rails -v Rails 3.0.0.beta $ rails break; cd break $ ./script/rails plugin install git://