
How do I fix a broken rails db migration

As a direct result of my own stupidity I have managed to somehow get my database in a broken state and can't figure out how to fix it. The problem started with a typo in one of my db migrations. I was adding a column and mis-spelled the name of the table that I wanted to add the column to. I ran 'rake db:migrate' and it failed. So I ...

Working in install acts_as_commentable, On create, error: "unknown attribute: book_id"

Hello, I'm working to install the acts_as_commentable plugin on my Rails 3 app. After adding "acts_as_commentable" to my book model, I then added a comment form on my book show view: <% form_for(@comment) do|f| %> <%= f.hidden_field :book_id %> <%= f.label :comment %><br /> <%= f.text_area :comment %> <%= f.submit "Post...

Where to put common Unit Test code in ruby on rails environment?

Using Rails 3.0, I have a small bit of code that I seem to be calling in all my Unit tests. Is there a common place to put shared unit test code that won't be incorporated into both unit and functional tests? I'd rather ONLY incorporate it into the needed files, just the unit tests. I'm new to testing practices in general. Is it common...

Rail 3 - flash messages escaped, best way to unescape

Now that Rails 3 escapes all evaluated elements in views (good), but it is also escaping my flash message. And I like the occasional link in my flash message (or strong or emphasis). A flash message: flash[:notice] = "<strong>Bob</strong> was sucessfully checked in.<br />If you made a mistake, you can <a href=\"/scouts/#{}/che...

rails2 to rails3 routing problem

On my old application(rails 2.3) I had: myapp::Application.routes.draw do |map| map.resources :posts, :has_many => :comments now in my rails3 app I removed the |map| syntax and I have myapp::Application.routes.draw do resources :posts, :has_many => :comments This gives me the following error: No route matches {:controller=>"comme...

How can I determine whether a controller action has rendered (rather than redirected) in Rails 3?

In Rails 2.x I could look at @performed_render (see this question), but this instance variable doesn't seem to exist in Rails 3 ...

Can't convert fixnum to string during rake db:create

Just created a new blog app using rails 3.0 my model is simple: class Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :comments end class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :post end I used the commands: rails generate scaffold post title:string body:text etc. to create these files. Now I wanted to generated the db using: rake db:cre...

DEPRECATION WARNING in Rails3 for before_create, before_update, before_save, before_destroy

Hello There! I just upgraded my application from Rails 2.3 to 3 and I'm getting some DEPRECATION WARNINGS for my before_create ,update, save, destroy etc. Does anyone know how ot fix the issue? These are my Warnings : DEPRECATION WARNING: Base#before_create has been deprecated, please use Base.before_create :method instead. (called f...

How to update the following lines of rails 3 to include the current_user.user_id

Hello, I have a comments table which includes a column for user_id I have the follow in my comments controller def create @commentable= context_object() @comment =[:comment]) . . Problem is this doesn't pass the current_user's user_id. How can I update the above to be something like cu...

Rails 3 - acts_as_nested_set

How do I install "acts_as_nested_set" in my Rails 3 app? I want to be able to add acts_as_nested_set to my model I also want to be able to use ROOT, like this... article.comments.roots.order Ideas? ...

Is Single-Table Inheritance the right solution for my Rails problem?

Greetings, all, I'm working on an application in Ruby on Rails where we need to keep track of a bunch of external services for each user (for example, Facebook, MySpace, Google, SalesForce, Twitter, WordPress, etc) that the app will access on behalf of the user. For some services, we will need to store an (encrypted) username and passwo...

Autotest with Rspec2 in Rails 3 Can't Find Binaries

I'm trying to get autotest back up and running after moving my project to rails 3. After upgrading to rspec 2.0.0.beta.22, I can't seem to run autotest. I get the following: bundler: command not found: c:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rspec-core-2.0.0.beta.22/bin/rspec even though the binary does in fact exist in that location. ...

validation before attribute setters can type cast

Hi I have an object with an attribute called value which is of type big decimal. In the class definition i have validates_numericality_of. However if i: a.value = 'fire' 'fire' ends up getting typecast to the correct type before the validation fires so: a.valid? => true How do get the validation to fire before the typecast? Th...

Ruby on Rails 3 Programming Question

Correct: @teammates = Roster.all.sort_by(&:level) Fails: @teammates = Roster.all.sort_by(:level) What does the & infront of the :level do? Does it act like a reference like in C++? Thanks in advance ...

Rails: what is wrong with this route?

For some strange reason cardsets_path('my') generates "/" instead of "/cardsets/my". Please explain why? config/routes.rb: match '/cardsets/:type', :to => 'cardsets#index', :requirements => { :type => /my|public/ }, :as => 'cardsets' resources :users do resources :cardsets do end end rake routes: cardsets /cardsets/:...

routing in rails3 with custom primary id

Hi, I have model with custom primary key: document.rb class Document < ActiveRecord::Base set_primary_key "token" end routes.rb: MyApp::Application.routes.draw do resources :documents, :only => [:index, :show, :create] end When i create new document, i get error: No route matches {:controller=>"documents", :id=>#<Document id:...

Accessing rails helper methods in models

In Rails 3, I am having a problem accessing a helper method from within a model In my ApplicationController I have a helper method called current_account which returns the account associated with the currently logged in user. I have a project model which contains projects that are associated with that account. I have specified 'belong...

Rails 3 Form Element's id attr not unique...

Hi, What I use rails form helpers to build a form, input elements in that form have id attributes so they can match with their labels. The problem is this id is the something like person_first_name and not person_first_name_#{} meaning if I have more than one form of the same type on the same page unexpected things can happen. ...

Run Rails Tests without Dropping Test Database

Hi there, Just wondering if there's a way to run Rails tests without dropping the database. I'm currently only executing unit tests and am using the following rake command to do so: rake test:units. Thanks for the help in advance! Just in case this is relevant: Rails 3 Ruby 1.8.7 (MRI) Oracle 11g Database activerecord-oracle_enhan...

Cucumber: how to switch sessions in Rails (multi-session)

I need to change session during one cucumber scenario. For example Given session name is "1st unauthenticated user" And make some things Given session name is "2st unauthenticated user" And make some other things I found a solution, but it doesn't work with Rails 3, Cucumber and Capybara. Are there any other solutions? ...