
rails PaperClip / S3 / ImageMagick

I'm using paperclip in my rails 3 app to upload photos, resize with ImageMagick and then post to S3. For the life of me, I can't figure out why this process is soooo slow on my localhost? Even without any resizing it's crazy slow... 30+ seconds for one photo? And my network & cpu aren't even working hard? Why? Updating with Model: c...

rails, Query for Records that are nested with a Count() GT 0 ?

2 models Books (has_many: chapters) Chapters (belongs_to: books) Id like to display a list of books, but only books with chapters. Here's what I have so far: @books = Book.find(:all,:include => :chapters) Problem here is that books is returning books w/o chapters (0 chapters) when dealing with nested resources like this, how do I ...

How does using a salt make a pw more secure if it is stored in the db?

I am learning Rails, at the moment, but the answer doesn't have to be Rails specific. So, as I understand it, a secure password system works like this: User creates password System encrypts password with an encryption algorithm (say SHA2). Store hash of encrypted pw in DB. Upon login attempt: User tries to login System creates has...

Why does associated object not save?

I have a ruby (on rails) class: class User < ActiveRecord::Base # relationships belongs_to :current_shipping_address, :class_name => "Address" belongs_to :subscription # Validators validates_presence_of :subscription validates_presence_of :current_shipping_address end I do this in a controller: subscription = Subscriptio...

Soliciting Rails Association Feedback + Questions from a Noob

hi All, Preface: If you hang out in #rubyonrails on freenode this may sound like an echo to you as i asked it in there 2 days ago. After spending a number of hours researching AR associations, following my discussions in #rubyonrails, i still feel lost so I'm asking here. :) Goal I host a number of blogs. My intent is to create ba...

Modeling Question

Hello, I have the following two models: class Project < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :photoalbums end class PhotoAlbum < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :space end routes.rb: resources :projects do resources :photo_albums end What I'm trying to do in the Controller is get a list of all the project's photoalbums: class PhotoAl...

Paperclip.interpolates In cordination with has_attached_file PATH

Hello, I'd like my model's has_attached_file setting for paperclip to have a path as follows: :path => "/:attachment/:instance_id/:id/:style/:basename.:extension", so I setup a Paperclip.interpolates to obtain (:instance_id) Paperclip.interpolates :instance_id do |attachment, style| def user_id(attachment, style) attachment.c...

In Rails, a standard way to include GEM is config.gem 'name' or gem 'name'; what about standard way to include plugin?

I think I understand it as, if it is Rails 2.x config.gem 'gem_name' # in config/environment.rb, and then rake gems:install and in Rails 3.x gem 'gem_name' # in Gemfile, and then bundle install these are the two standard ways to add a gem into a Rails project. Is there a standard way to add a plugin? It seems that it u...

Rails - input type=”file” multiple

Hello, I'm still on the hunt for an elegant multi-file upload for Rails. I just learned about the "input type=”file” multiple" Does Rails support this? Any examples? tips on how to implement for uploading multiple photos to a photoalbum model in Rails? Thanks ...

Devise Layouts for SignedIn & Signed Out resouces

My App has two UI states: - Signed IN - Signed Out I've been using the following to determine which app/view/layout to use based on if the user is signed in or out with Devise: # Devise, way of using a different Layout for all the devise/non-signed in Views layout :layout_by_resource def layout_by_resource if devise_control...

Rails Partial (Rails 3, HAML) arbitrarily slow

I'm using Rails 3.0.1, HAML 0.3.22, and Mongrel 1.1.5 (and MongoMapper not AR). I'm rendering a list, and each list item is it's own partial. Every time the page renders one of the list item partials takes almost 100X longer to render (and it is an arbitrarily different one each time. Also, needless to say, each item has essentially the ...

My site crashes Internet Explorer!

When I try to open my site on IE (development, environment, or online), it crashes every time. This is my server readout upon entering the home page (it actually crashes on any page view after this): Rendered shared/_footer.erb (0.0ms) Rendered welcome/index.html.erb within layouts/index (179.0ms) Completed 200 OK in 204ms (Views: 203.0...

Errors with Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial Chapter 7 - Specifically Rspec Testing Errors

I have not gotten any errors with the tests up to this point so far, but I can't figure out these errors. Failures: 1) PagesController GET 'home' should have the right title Failure/Error: response.should have_selector("title", undefined method `has_selector?' for #<ActionController::TestResponse:0x00000100ee9ed0> #...

Overriding default Rails date_select

So what I'd like to do is to override the default date_select method (I'd like to make an 'optional / unspecified' date input). What I've tried so far is this: lib/overrides.rb ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper::DateTimeSelector.class_eval do def build_selects_from_types(order) select = '' order.reverse.each do |type| sep...

Is there a more eloquent way of creating a table that has a variable number of columns: Active Record & Rails 3?

Currently I have an Order class. each order has 1 to infinite number of items. the number of items is not known until run time. since there is no field type of Array in active record / rails, how do you create a variable number of columns? The only way I can think of is to specify a bunch of ticket columns ahead of time; but is very...

Using a Nested-Model form as a Partial on a different models's page

Hello, I have a nested model form for PhotoAlbums. The form works fine via the standard html. But what I need to do is render it as a partial in another page it's erroring: "No route matches {:action=>"create", :controller=>"photo_albums"}" The models: Projects has_many :photo_albums PhotoAlbums belongs_to :project has_m...

Is it possible in Rails3, to have a multipart form => true & use remote => true

I'm using the following form tag for @jobs which have job_photos included. <% form_for @jobs, :html => { :multipart => true }, :remote => true do |f| %> The form works fine non-remote, but if I add the remote = > true, the form submits, returns create.js but doesn't save anything to the DB or error? ...

how to override rails 3 engine models and controllers in the main application?

I want to be able to override models and controllers of my rails 3 engine in the base app. Inspecting $LOAD_PATH, I found engine's 'app/{models,controllers}' there, but I can't explicitly require engine's model or controller file: require 'engine_name/model_name' fails with "no such file" (tried with both namespaced(app/controllers/engi...

Can I get bundler t use an earlier gem?

Hi, I'm trying to get my rails3 app & gem taps & heroku to play nicely together. One googled solution is to use an earlier version of sequel. So I'd like to try to have bundler use sequel v3.13.0 instead of sequel v3.15.0, but bundler says: You have requested: sequel = 3.13.0 The bundle currently has sequel locked at 3.15.0. Try runni...

Rails 3, OmniAuth and passenger throws RoutingError

I'm trying to build a new rails 3 app from scratch using OmniAuth. Currently I just have a completely empty app, where I've added omniauth to the Gemfile, and added a omniauth.rb in config/initializers that looks like this: Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do provider :facebook, 'APP_ID', 'APP_SECRET' end (E...