
virtual attribute problems with undefined methods

I've used Virtual attributes in the past but I can't seem to get past this, and I know the answer is probably staring me in the face. I have a model like so: model Confirmation.rb class Confirmation < ActiveRecord::Base #attr_accessible :confirmation, :confirmation_token #attr_accessible :confirmation_token def confirmation_to...

rails observe_field using ActionView Helpers

I have a select Menu with a few options <p> <%= f.label :reason %><br /> <%= :reason, Confirmation.reasons.collect {|p| [ p[:name], p[:id] ] }, { :include_blank => true } %> </p> The last being id "5" and name = "Other" If and only if they choose other I want a hidden text_area with a div id = "other" to be shown...

Is CakePHP modeled after Ruby on Rails?

I haven't used Rails, but I'm somewhat familiar with it. I'm more familiar with CakePHP. I get the idea that CakePHP is modeled after Rails, and they seem to have a lot in common. But, basically, I'd like to know if patterning itself after Rails is, or has ever been, one of the goals of CakePHP? I understand it's not a port, but is R...

Guidance with SQLite-ruby in IronRuby

What is the approach to get SQLite-ruby working in IronRuby? ...

String can't be coerced into Fixnum (calling loop within method within content_tag)

I can't work out why the following generates a "String can't be coerced into Fixnum". Any ideas? def branch_image image_tag("24white/branch.png") end def spacing_images i = 2 i.times do image_tag("24white/blank.png") end end def insert_branch(prefix, type) content_tag(:li, spacing_images + branch_i...

Simplest code to sort arrays in ruby?

I usually do something like array.sort{|a,b| a.something <=> b.something} How should I DRY this up? ...

Does Ruby On Rails support a table for every instance of a model database schema?

I have a legacy database where there are objects called "notes". Each pad has an entry in the notes table with information about the note, such as the UUID, owner and date created. Each version of the note's actual content is stored in its own table in a separate database, where the table's name is the note's UUID. Each record in a parti...

Is it possible to edit a Here document after creating it?

If I create a Here document: myheredoc = <<HTMLOUTPUT <div>This is the div</div> HTMLOUTPUT Can I use 'myheredoc' to manipulate this Here document like a regular string? ...

Why does this code produce a nil following a

C:\>irb irb(main):001:0> s = { puts "Hello" } => #<Proc:0x04051780@(irb):1> irb(main):002:0> Hello => nil What causes the nil? ruby 1.8.6 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 287) [i386-mswin32] ...

Why is it "wrong to require rubygems"?

According to this post, requiring rubygems is an antipattern. require 'rubygems' The argument seems to boil down to this: When I use your library, deploy your app, or run your tests I may not want to use rubygems. When you require 'rubygems' in your code, you remove my ability to make that decision. I cannot unrequire ru...

How do I use Ruby1.9 with Shoes?

Shoes wraps it's own Ruby install, right? I can't use Fiber which is a Ruby1.9 feature. And, I want to use a Fiber for creating a generator. Here's my code (so you can make sure the problem isn't with my code): class BrownianGenerator def initialize @x = 0 @fiber = do loop do @x = @x+rand; F...

Is it necessary to refer to self in: yield(self[i])

In this example from a blog post, class Array def each i = 0 while(i < self.length) do yield(self[i]) i += 1 end end end my_array = ["a", "b", "c"] my_array.each {|letter| puts letter } # => "a" # => "b" # => "c" Is it necessary to use self in the statement: yield(self[i]) Or would it be ok to simply sa...

ArgumentError calling a Proc

s = {|x|x*2} puts -> 10 def foo(&a) end puts "test foo:" foo(s) When I try to call the proc above, I get: foo: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) (ArgumentError) My expectation was that I can pass a proc to a method if the method is defined with this type of signature: def foo(&a) and then I can e...

Get Elements By Attributes

Hi people, i will be short. As far as i know watir library provides two methods for getting html elements. Almost for each element (div, button, table, li, etc) watir provides two methods: . One is the 'singular' method which gets only one specific element. For example: watir_instance.div(:id,'my_div_id'),'m...

Is there any wisdom behind "and", "or" operators in Ruby ?

I wonder why ruby give and, or less precedence than &&, || , and assign operator? Is there any reason? ...

How are arguments passed to procs?

s = {|x|x*2} puts "proc:" + ( def foo(&a) end foo{|x| puts "foo:" + (x*3).to_s} Running this program produces the output: proc:10 foo:15 How does the value 3 from the foo block get passed to the proc? I expected this output: proc:10 foo:10 The proc is always called with the value 5 as the ar...

Is adding nowiki-tags to this parser feasible?

Update: for the record, here's the implementation I ended up using. Here's a trimmed down version of a parser I'm working on. There's still some code, but it should be quite easy to grasp the basic concepts of this parser. class Markup def initialize(markup) @markup = markup end def to_html @html ||= @markup.split(/(\r\n...

How can two arguments be passed to a method with a one-argument signature?

s = {|x|x*2} def one_arg(x) puts yield(x) end one_arg(5, &s) How does one_arg know about &s? ...

Why does explicit return make a difference in a Proc?

def foo f = { return "return from foo from inside proc" } # control leaves foo here return "return from foo" end def bar b = { "return from bar from inside proc" } # control leaves bar here return "return from bar" end puts foo # prints "return from foo from inside proc" puts bar # prints ...

How can I use the Chronic natural language date/time parser to parse "12:00" as 12:00 PM?

I am using the ruby gem "Chronic" to parse four digit strings as DateTime objects. I am using time in military format (ie: "0800") which seems from the documentaion to be a valid format. In most cases, Chronic parses time in this format correctly - however it always parses a four digit string beginning with "12" as 00:XX AM of the ne...