
unit test in rails - model with paperclip

I'm trying to write a test for a model with a picture, using paperclip. I'm using the test framework default, no shoulda or rspec. In this context, how should I test it? Should I really upload a file? How should I add a file to the fixture? ...

Ruby: "in `<=': comparison of Fixnum with Array failed (ArgumentError)"

Hopefully something less newbish than my last... Anyhow, I am doing a bit of coding on a small app that simplifies numbers down to primes, mainly to help with small things like homework. However, a particular method is giving me the error mentioned in the title: def get_simps(num) curr = 2 print("Working...") while (curr <...

How can I replace every instance of a pattern in ruby?

string.sub looks like it only replaces the first instance. Is there an option for that or another method that can replace all patterns? Can you do it inside a regex like perl? (I think something like r/blah/blah/) ... and +1 to anyone who can tell me WHY ON EARTH does string.sub replace just the FIRST match? ...

Is there a PHPish way of doing webpages with Ruby?

Is there a framework or something out there so that I can develop webpages in Ruby the same way I can as PHP. Something like <html><head></head><body> <?ruby puts '<p> Hello there!</p>' ?> </body></html> The only thing I'm seeing for using Ruby in webpages is huge complex frameworks that is completely different from how PHP works. I...

Question about Ruby on Rails, Constants, belongs_to & Database Optimization/Performance

I've developed a web based point of sale system for one of my clients in Ruby on Rails with MySQL backend. These guys are growing so fast that they are ringing close to 10,000 transactions per day corporate-wide. For this question, I will use the transactions table as an example. Currently, I store the transactions.status as a string ...

Mongrel : Socket read returned insufficient data

I'm relatively new to RoR (my first experience far from pleasant) and just stuck with a simple file upload application. When I upload file I can see a temp file created on the server but it's smaller than the file I upload. I assume I get this error 'cause browser just closes connection on me before the whole file gets transmitted ( it h...

Comparing two inherited objects Ruby

Hi, I have a base class which contains an equal? method. I've then inherited that object and want to use the equal? method in the super class as part of the equal? method in the sub class. class A @a @b def equal?(in) if(@a == in.a && @b == in.b) true else false end end ...

haml syntax - nesting partial properties

what i want is a way of nesting partial properties, this seems a tad long winded: = partial('frames/tabs_a', :locals => {:tabs_title => 'semi-dynamic-tabs', :tabs_id => 'p001', :panel_a => 'views/article-highlights_a', :a_id => 'p_002_0', :a_ft => '123 More in highlights', :a_tt => 'panel a', :a_c => 'magazine', :panel_b...

Which version of rails for a new project?

I'll start in the beginning of the next year (2010) a big new project with Rails. Can somebody give me advice which version of Rails I should use and why? ...

How to open a file and search for a word [Ruby]?

How can I open a file and search for a word inside it using Ruby? ...

Cascade delete in Ruby ActiveRecord models?

I was following the screencast on (creating the blog). I have following models: comment.rb class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :post validates_presence_of :body # I added this end post.rb class Post < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :body, :title has_many :comments end Relations ...

Extract DVD subtitles programmatically

I'm trying to extract subtitles from unencrypted DVDs with a program, so I can save them seperately. I know there are programs that do that (I found this page for example:, but I would like to be able to do it with a library call or something like that (do libdvdread or l...

What does the "$" character mean in Ruby?

Been playing with Ruby on Rails for awhile and decided to take a look through the actual source. Grabbed the repo from GitHub and started looking around. Came across some code that I am not sure what it does or what it references. Can anyone tell me what the dollar sign ($) character does in Ruby? I saw this code in actionmailer/test/ab...

ORM library for automatically mapping foreign keys in Python or Ruby

A frequent task I run into at work is writing scripts against pre-existing databases. Sometimes I'm connecting to Oracle, other times it might be MySql or even sql server. What I would like is a tool which would reverse-engineer the database's tables and foreign keys and allow me to write OO-style scripts against the database. This coul...

Autocomplete with Vim and Rails Datamapper

Is there a way that I can have auto completion in Vim after I load a model from the database? So for example if I have a model of type Foo with an instance method of type bar and do the following foo = Foo.first(:param=>'x') foo.b should show me bar as a possible auto complete value. I think that this is somewhat hard to accomplish wi...

trying to find duplicate usernames in ruby

hi i am trying to ensure that the username is unique when registering but im not sure how to do this I've tried: validates_uniqueness_of :username but it doesnt work it gives me this error: undefined method 'validates_uniqueness_of' for #<UsersController:0x6c4fd2> Any help please? ...

(In Ruby) allowing mixed-in class methods access to class constants

Hi. I have a class with a constant defined for it. I then have a class method defined that accesses that class constant. This works fine. An example: #! /usr/bin/env ruby class NonInstantiableClass Const = "hello, world!" class << self def shout_my_constant puts Const.upcase end end ...

Storing Passwords for External APIs - Best Practice

If I built an application that accessed some of the data from say Gmail, Twitter and Facebook, and I want the user to be able to only have to enter their authentication info once, and it's reset after some days or weeks, what is the best way to do this, dynamically, in Ruby? I see a lot of people just having a config file of their clien...

Ruby: Seaching a hash for something

I'm using the Highrise API and Ruby wrapper, but my problem is that (besides having a nightmare of a time with the API it self) I want to search a hash that is returned for something: >> Highrise::Person.find(:all).detect{|p| == 'Brandon'} => [#<Highrise::Person:0x102a4d2f8 @prefix_options={}, @attri.... I can do that but obvio...

Save WWW::Mechanize::File to disk using FileUtils

Using Mechanize with Ruby I get a certain file using agent.get(''), with FileUtils or otherwise, how do I save this file to my hard drive (for instance, in a directory wherefrom the script is running)? P.S. class => WWW::Mechanize::File ...