
RubyGems Environment (Snow Leopard)

Greetings, My question is why do I have 3 separate gem paths. My 'gem environment' command displays the following: GEM PATHS - /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8 - /Users/adam/.gem/ruby1.8 --This one makes sense to me - /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 Why the two separate "system" paths? Thanks...

check if value exists in array in Ruby

Hello, If I have a value 'Dog' and an array ['Cat', 'Dog', 'Bird'] How do I check this w/o looping through. Is there a simple way of checking if the value exists, nothing more. ...

NULL in a RubyCocoa application?

Hi, I'm creating an application in RubyCocoa and I have this code: fileContents = OSX::NSAttributedString.alloc.initWithData_options_documentAttributes_error_(data, null, null, outError) It gives me this error: 2009-12-31 19:42:54.317 Ruby Text[3791:a0f] MyDocument#readFromData_ofType_error_: OSX::OCMessageSendException: Can't get O...

Improve this recursive function for hash traversal in Ruby

I've written a method to turn a hash (nested if necessary) of values into a chain that can be used with eval to dynamically return values from an object. E.g. passed a hash like { :user => { :club => :title }}, it will return "", which I can then eval. (The point of this is to write a method for views that will allow me ...

Help with lambdas in Ruby

Hi, I'm new to Ruby and am trying to pass a sort_by lambda to a format method, like this: sort_by_methods = [ lambda {|l, r| compare_by_gender_then_last_name(l, r)}, lambda {|l, r| compare_by_something_else(l, r)}, lambda {|l, r| compare_by_another(l, r)}] formatted_output = "" sort_by_methods...

Difference between RR mock.instance_of and Mocha any_instance

I have the following rspec code: require 'spec_helper' require 'mocha' require 'rr' describe ProjectsController, "creating a new project" do integrate_views it "should redirect to project with a notice on successful save" do Project.any_instance.stubs(:valid?).returns(true) #mock.instance_of(Project).valid? {true} Proj...

Foreign key name in DataMapper associations

I'm currently working on a new app based around an existing database, making use of DataMapper for the data access. However, its conventions when dealing with foreign keys are not what the database uses. Example: class Invoice include DataMapper::Resource storage_names[:default] = 'invoices' property :id, Serial # ... more pr...

Double ampersand in Ruby

I am using the authlogic gem with Ruby on Rails, and I have been using the following to obtain the id of the user that is currently logged in: current_user = UserSession.find id = current_user && I'm not understanding how current_user && returns the current user id. I would think this woul...

How to to remove certain colors from an image with PHP or Ruby?

Say there are 3 circles: red, blue, black. I only want the black circle to remain. How can I remove the red and blue circles? ...

ruby working on array elements in groups of four

I have a ruby script array when each element needs processing : threads = [] elemets.each do |element| threads.push({process(element)}} end threads.each { |aThread| aThread.join } how ever due to resource limitations, the script works in an optimal way if no more the four elements are processed at a time. no I know ...

Gem bundle throws wrong argument type error

I am trying to follow this tutorial and I get the following error which turns up no google results and I'm still too inexperienced to know how to fix it. Any suggestions? ERROR: While executing gem ... (TypeError) wrong argument type Symbol (expected Proc) I am not even sure what gem bundle does exactly so I am not sure where to ...

Does Ruby share PHP's multibyte string problem?

PHP has a lot of trouble with multibyte strings (non-ASCII characters). The entire language was built assuming that each character is a byte. To solve this they invented the mb_strings functions which you can use instead of the standard functions (which work fine). strlen($str); mb_strlen($str); // correct However, this is really a pa...

Ruby 1.9, YAML, and string encodings: how to lead a life of sanity?

It seems to me that the YAML library that ships with ruby 1.9 is encoding-deaf. What this means is that when generating YAML, it'll take any string of bytes, and escape any byte sequence that doesn't output clean ASCII. That's lame, but acceptable. My problem is the other way around. When loading content from said YAML dump. In the ex...

Ruby stdio consts and globals, what are the uses?

Ruby has constants and global variables for stdio. Namely, the consts STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR, and their variable counterparts, $stdin, $stdout, $stderr. I understand the difference between a constant and a variable. I know the constants are immutably set to the file descriptors at the moment the script was exec'd. I also understand tha...

Is there a Ruby client for the US National Weather Service data?

Hi, The only US weather data that is available free for commercial use is the US National Weather Service. I'd like to use it. Is there a Ruby/Rails library for accessing it? Perl would also be helpful. They provide a Perl example. I'd use it as a guide for writing the Ruby version. ...

Rubygame on OS X shebang problem

I'm playing around with Rubygame. I installed it with the Mac Pack, and now I have the rsdl executable. rsdl game.rb works fine, but when I chmod +x the rb file, add the shebang to rsdl (tried direct path and /usr/bin/env rsdl) and try to execute it (./game.rb), it starts to flicker between the Terminal and rsdl which is trying to open, ...

Ruby Gems with Persistent data

I want to create ruby application (not rails). This is a console app which will need to persist some data. I'm using pstore as the database. I want to deploy this application as a gem. My question is: where does my data live? Currently I've created a data directory as a sibling to the bin directory in a standard gem layout. I would th...

How to change caret style of a fxruby text field?

I am building a small IDE with fxruby. The default caret of FXTextField is a little bit ugly (a big tall thin 'I'), I hope I could change the caret style but can't find any help after several hours of googling. Any hint? ...

is there a semantic difference between semicolons and return characters in ruby

Hi I have a strange situation here: # Is there a semantic difference between these 2 in ruby? class MyClass < ClassThatExtendsActiveRecordBase ... # code snippet A: def image_width(size); self.image.width(size); end # vs code snippet B def image_width(size) self.image.width(size) end end I have a situation where code...

Most efficient way to process arguments from the command-line in prefix notation

Hello, our homework is to write a ruby script who calculate a subset of wordlist depending on the expression. regular binary operations are && And operator || Or operator ++ Concatenate operator ! Negation operator A valid call would be like ./eval.rb wordlist && a c or ./eval.rb wordlist && || a b c First call means generate a n...