Is there an equivalent to PHP's urlencode in Ruby on Rails 2.3.5?
I googled it but all the answers seem to date back to before 2006 and seems dates.
This is what I found. It seems a bit abnormal to call CGI::escape in a view.
Is there an equivalent helper function?
Does anybody know of a gem that provides taps-like functionality, that is compatible with Passenger (mod_rails)?
When I try to use taps on a Ruby EE/Passenger setup, I receive the error:
`detect_rack_handler': Server handler (thin,mongrel,webrick) not found. (RuntimeError)
Although it's not specifically stated in the readme, I am ass...
I'm trying to run a ruby file which imports a gem. The ya2yaml gem is installed, yet somehow it is not found:
$ cat delme.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'ya2yaml'
$ ruby delme.rb
/Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `gem_original_require': no such file to load -- ya2yaml (LoadError)
from /Library/Ru...
I am trying to insert a List in Hash.. However, hash[key].size is giving me invalid results.
p =
p = {"a" => ["b","e"]}
puts p["a"].size #prints 2 ----This is the Problem
p["a"] << ["d", "f"]
puts p["a"].size #prints 3
puts p["a"][1] #prints e
puts p["a"][2] #prints df
How, adding more lists increment the size only by one (wh...
if string == /\s{1,}/ or string == /\n{1,}/
puts "emptiness..."
I am using Firefox and i have a page which has an <iframe> Tag.
The contents embedded within this tag cannot be seen from normal "View Page source" option. So i installed Firebug plugin and i can get see the contents using Firebug. My issue is, i cannot script any of these elements using FireWatir. Anybody has any ideas how to do...
Hay, with the release of Ruby on Rails 3 soon, I thought I'd dive back into a bit of Ruby on Rails programming. I missed out version 2 of rails and had only previously been using 1.2
So i hopped on the video tutorial and worked through it. I just wanted to know how out of date is the video? Does all the theory in that video, and ways of...
I am writing a program in Ruby which will search for strings in text files within a directory - similar to Grep.
I don't want it to attempt to search in binary files but I can't find a way in Ruby to determine whether a file is binary or text.
The program needs to work on both Windows and Linux.
If anyone could point me in the ri...
require "socket"
server = ""
port = "6667"
nick = "Ruby IRC Bot"
channel = "#0x40"
s =, port)
s.print("USER Testing", 0)
s.print("NICK #{nick}", 0)
s.print("JOIN #{channel}", 0)
This irc bot don't connect to the IRC server, What are i'm doing wrong?
Suppose I have an array of values [a,b,c,d,...] and a function f(x,...) which returns true or false.
[1,2,3,4].map {|x| f(x)} => [true true false true]
First, what is the best way to collapse the resultant list into a true or false value (via AND)? Is there a function that would allow me to map:
[true true false true]
My controller has two methods: index and search.
def index: renders the default view, index.html.erb, and displays a default map using YM4R/GM.
def search: renders the default view using render index, but uses form input to display a custom map using YM4R/GM.
The view, index.html.erb, contains a partial view, _form.html.erb, and the @...
I'd like to run tasks in a Rakefile multiple times. Is there a way to specify that, or do I need to .reenable them each time I want to invoke them?
According to the Ruby docs for Time#zone:
As of Ruby 1.8, returns "UTC" rather than "GMT" for UTC times.
My OSX-using comrades see this behavior.
On my Ubuntu 9.10 system, however, Ruby 1.8.7 seems to prefer the old "GMT" terminology:
$ ruby --version
ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [i486-linux]
$ ruby -e 'puts
To append to an existing string this is what I am doing.
s = 'hello'
s.gsub!(/$/, ' world');
Is there a better way to append to an existing string.
Before someone suggests following answer lemme show that this one does not work
s = 'hello'
s = s + ' world'
In the above case object_id will be different for ...
I see that Ruby has the following variables:
- global variables (represented by $variable_name)
- class variables (represented by @@variable_name)
- instance variables (represented by @variable_name) and
- local variables (represented by variable_name or _variable_name)
Occasionally I see the following in the rails source code:
class S...
In Ruby is there any method that lists all the global variables available at the point of inspection like $GLOBALS in php?
In Ruby we can find out the class methods by Class.methods, instance methods by Class.instance_method, is there any methods that lists all the constants defined in a class?
I'm using form_remote_tag(:url => {:controller => "home", :action => "search"}, :update => "mydiv"). When I click submit on the form "mydiv" is populated with the error "Template is missing. Missing template home/search.erb in view path app/views". I've tried multiple render options in def search, but they all result in the same error...
I'm interested in seeing how using NoSQL would affect the architecture/design/code of a Rails application.
Does anyone know of a good example of a open-source Rails app using NoSQL persistence?
Is there a Perl equivalent to the ruby-koans project?
When I was starting to learn ruby a few months ago I stumbled across ruby-koans and it was a huge help for learning the basics of the language.
I now need to poke at some Perl code, and while I've hacked together a few Perl scripts in the past I've never really learned the language,...