
Ruby 1.8.6 LocalJumpError when dealing with ActiveRecord

I have the following code: Tag.find_all_by_company_id(4).each.collect{|tag| }.join(",") (Essentially I'm trying to build a JS array of tag names) When I run this code, I get: LocalJumpError: no block given from (irb):13:in `each' from (irb):13 Any ideas? ...

rake aborted help

hi, i don't really know what ruby,gems, or ror is, my objective is make this web application run in my local and after that push it on live. the problem is, when I perform this command rake db:migrate i am getting an error saying rake aborted! Could not find RubyGem rack (~) 1.0.1) what should I do ? please help me ...

Ruby Shoes packager including Shoes in the app

I can't seem to get the Ruby Shoes packager to correctly create an exe with Shoes included. I'm using the Raisins release (0.r1134), with the pack.rb replaced from github. The exe's the packager makes are all 70-80K files (they obviously don't include shoes or ruby). These exe's will run on my XP machine that already has Shoes on it. ...

Paperclip plugin : Change image folder permissions

By default when I upload new images, the folder created have 777 permissions Is there a way to restrict permissions on the new folders? Thanks ...

polymorphic activerecords in rails?

Hi so I have a list of 'areas' that are just areas of my site. I want to be able to insert them in to the database and say what type of area they are, this could be the name of the model that inherits from a base Area. This way I can write a generic controller which uses different views and different logic from the loaded model to decide...

Factory Girl: Automatically assigning parent objects

I'm just getting into Factory Girl and I am running into a difficulty that I'm sure should be much easier. I just couldn't twist the documentation into a working example. Assume I have the following models: class League < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :teams end class Team < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :league has_many :play...

Where does RACK log to ?

I am running a sinatra app through RACK. To which file does the activity get logged ? Also how can I set the log file path ? ...

Datamapper 0.9.x or 0.10.x?

Hi, I'm currently have a ruby app that is running on Datamapper 0.9.11, and I wonder if upgrading to 0.10.x is a good idea. Any experiences regarding upgrade, performance or reliability problems with the 10.x. branch? ...

ruby: optimize => phrase.split(delimiter).collect {|p| p.lstrip.rstrip }

ruby: What is the most optimized expression to evaluate the same as result as with phrase.split(delimiter).collect {|p| p.lstrip.rstrip } ...

Facebooker Built In Data Retrieval Methods Return "No info set for this user" error

I've gone through the Facebooker msg archive, google, etc and found a couple messages dealing with this and they basically say "Go look at the Facebook docs and see what is happening". I did that, but I'm still not clear what is going on and why I'm not able to retrieve my profile or status arrays using Facebooker. I'm starting to think ...

What can cause a connection to APNS to intermittently disconnect?

I've got a ruby script that opens a connection to Apple's push server and sends all the pending notifications. I can't see any reason why, but I get broken pipe errors when Apple disconnects my script. I've written my script to accomodate this happening, but I would rather just find out why it's happening so I can avoid it in the first p...

How to use ruby fibers to avoid blocking IO

I need to upload a bunch of files in a directory to S3. Since more than 90% of the time required to upload is spent waiting for the http request to finish, I want to execute several of them at once somehow. Can Fibers help me with this at all? They are described as a way to solve this sort of problem, but I can't think of any way I can...

Deleting all child nodes and text of an element

With reXml using Ruby, I have a particular element and I want to completely clear out all its child nodes and text. I just cannot work out how to do this. Given this : <ug> <oog> Delete<delete/>all<delete/>this </oog> </ug> I want to delete all the children of oog, to end up with this : <ug> <oog> </oog> </ug> I can g...

Ruby on Rails redirect_to arguments

There is always a degree of black magic when it comes to Rails and I can't find the documentation to help me figure out this one. What redirect_to does is clearly straight forward. In fact, this question isn't even directly related to, but an argument I see passed to redirect_to often and can't understand where that argument is coming fr...

compare two arrays except element x,y,z (ruby)

is there any other simple,nicer way? require 'pp' a1 = ["02/28/10","Webinars","131","0","26 Feb 2010","0","3d, 8h, 49m, 18s"] a2 = ["02/20/10","Webinars","131","9","26 Feb 2010","0","3d, 8h, 49m, 18s"] def compare(array1,array2,ignore) tmp1 = tmp2 = 0.upto(array1.length-1) {|index| if !ignore.include?(in...

On the fly tags generation for XML Builders

Hi, I have a hash like, object = { :type => 'book', :name => 'RoR', :price => 33 } OR object = { :type => 'wig', :name => 'Elvis-Style', :price => 40, :color => 'black' } The problem is that keys in above hash may be different all the time or even increase and decrease depending upon the object type. What I want to do generate XM...

Can't find out where my Ruby 1.9 string encoding is getting messed up.

Somewhere along the line from the DB to the application, this: sauté is getting turned into this: sauté I'm using Ramaze + Rack + MySQL. I've got a force_encoding plugin set up, so the encoding on the string is UTF-8. If I view the record in the database shell, it's looks fine. The default charset on the table is utf8, and the fie...

How to rescue timeout issues (Ruby, Rails)

Hi... most of my apps have a lot to do with web services and often due to the third party site, I get timeout issues. This is the error that I get: execution expired /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:54:in `rbuf_fill' How do I rescue this kind of error in a rails app? ...

I need a tool to parse Lua tables, preferrably in Ruby or Java.

Hello guys, I need a tool to parse Lua table expressions. If all else fails, I will eventually just code a small Lua module to convert tables to XML, but for the time being, I am interested in a Ruby library doing that, but failing that, I would accept tool in any language, provided I can look at its source. Here is an example snippet (...

Uploading files to S3 using paperclip, IOError (closed stream) error

Hey Guys, I am currently having issues uploading files to amazon S3 while using paperclip. It uploads half the files, and then chokes, with the error: IOError (closed stream) I have no idea what's causing this, any help would be really appreciated. Here's the stack trace: /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/aws-s3-0.6.2/lib/aws/s3/conne...