My problem is: ruby script/plugin is not working (I don't see any HTTP traffic, nor an error message or something) What can be failing? Did I forget to setup something?
My progress so far (using Windows XP):
Unpacked hxxp:// (to d:\prog\Ruby)
Unpacked hxxp:...
Is there a way to specify "pretty-print"-like formatting around HTML tags? I want to be able to put whitespace between blocks of HTML, so this:
<!-- container -->
<div id='container'>
<!-- footer -->
<div id="footer">
<!-- analytics -->
... converted to this:
<!-- container -->
<div id='container'>
<!-- ...
I need to do a:
require 'generator'
Inside of a rails project, but it is not working for me on OSX, because the ruby standard library (which is located in my /usr/lib/ruby/1.8) is not in my $LOAD_PATH once rails boots.
If I just run irb outside of rails it is there.
Where/What do I need to config?
I'm looking to start using a key/value store for some side projects (mostly as a learning experience), but so many have popped up in the recent past that I've got no idea where to begin. Just listing from memory, I can think of:
Tokyo Cabinet
Berkeley DB
And I'm sure that there are mor...
I am working on an application in which one module accesses a log (an ActiveRecord model) to increment various values at several points of the execution. The problem is that the script is likely to take several seconds, and other instances of the same script is likely to run at the same time.
What I'm seeing is that while the script fin...
I am making a card game in ruby.
I have the Game class, which has an array of Player objects.
array_of_players = Array["Ben"),"Adam"),"Peter"),"Fred"),
my_game =
puts my_game.players[2].name #=> Peter
Each player also has access to the Game, so ...
Basically, I have an RPG-type Rails application. I'm storing skills in a skills database with the following fields: name, min_level, skill_type, formula
My formula is stored as a String, currently. The idea is to have it say something like "1000*min_level" and somehow run it to calculate the skill damage.
Is there any good way to do th...
Hey there,
I was wondering if there is a built-in method in Ruby that allows me to convert lap times in the format of hh:mm:ss.sss to milliseconds and vice versa.
Since I need to do some calculations with it, I assumed that converting to milliseconds would be the easiest way to do this. Tell me if I am wrong here :)
Excuse if this is a silly question, I am new to mocking.
I am able to use mocha to do things like:
How can I mock a nested object?
Say I have a Product that belongs to a Person and I want to get the first name of that person.
In my app I might do it like this:
I need a table where rows are actually 2 rows tables, a nested table that is..
How can I do that in prawn? Maybe I need an extension.. but which one?
I am trying to figure out the best way to do this...
Given a string
s = "if someBool || x==1 && y!=22314"
I'd like to use Ruby to seperate statements and boolean operators.. so I'd like to split this into
I could use s.split(), but this only splits with space as delim...
Does anyone know of a library that works with Ruby 1.9.1 on Rails 3 yet?
I'm trying create a bot which automatically "likes" Facebook posts. Using Mechanize I can log into facebook, but unforunately the links to the like button are not understood by Mechanize - they seem to be obsfuscated by JS. The only links I see are the basics such as:
"Edit friends"
I'm having a real trouble to get accents right, and I believe this may happen to most Latin languages, in my case, portuguese
I have a string that come as parameter and I must get the first letter and upcase it! That should be trivial in ruby, but here is the catch:
s1 = 'alow'; s1.size #=> 4
s2 = 'álow'; s2.size #=> 5
s1[0,1] #=> "a"...
Does anybody successfully integrated vestal versions and acts_as_taggable_on plugins? I've added to my app, that using acts_as_taggable_on following line to environment.rb
config.gem 'vestal_versions'
and on any rake task or generator script call i see
$ ./script/generate
I have a string
input = "maybe (this is | that was) some ((nice | ugly) (day |night) | (strange (weather | time)))"
How is the best method in Ruby to parse this string ?
I mean the script should be able to build sententes like this :
maybe this is some ugly night
maybe that was some nice night
maybe this was some strang...
I have these lines in my ~/.inputrc:
set editing-mode vi
set keymap vi
This allows me to use vi keybindings in every program that uses GNU readlines for text input. Examples: python, irb, sftp, bash, sqlite3, and so on. It makes working with a command line a breeze. Matlab doesn't use readlines, but vi keybindings would be amazing...
I'm trying to write a method that acts as a setter and takes some extra arguments besides the assigned value. Silly example:
class WordGenerator
def []=(letter, position, allowed)
puts "#{letter}#{allowed ? ' now' : ' no longer'} allowed at #{position}"
def allow=(letter, position, allowed)
# ...
Writing i...
We recently began a compliance push at our company and are required to keep a full history of changes to our data which is currently managed in a Rails application. We've been given the OK to simply push something descriptive for every action to a log file, which is a fairly unobtrusive way to go.
My inclination is to do something like...
I want to write a web application and want to use Ruby. I have no knowledge of Ruby as of now and I want to write this app. to learn Ruby.
Is Ruby alone sufficient to write a web application or Rails need to be included?