When I write a little ruby code, after a little bit, I always need to create a new terminal tab to ruby it, to see if it's correct.
Are there any ways to do it in one window? Like a vim plugin or some other tool?
Hi folks,
it's about Ruby.
I've got a Box Object with attributes such as "panel1", "panel2", ..., "panel5".
Instead of calling Box.panel1, Box.panel2, ... I want to call it like Box.method_call("panel" + some_integer.to_s).
I'm sure there is a way like this, but how's the correct way?
I'm using JRuby 1.4.0 complete jar in one of my projects. I'm executing it from ant via the exec task:
java -jar jruby1.4.0.jar script.rb script_params
The thing is, on some computers I receive this:
[exec] Exception in thread "main" :1: no !/ in spec (IOError)
[exec] ...internal jruby stack elided...
[exec] from (unknown).(unk...
I was thinking that at the top of my partial I would have something like this
<% optional_width = default_value unless (defined? optional_width)
But I've had inconsistent results with this, I'm thinking this is not a good way to do this. What is the "correct" way to do this in rails?
When using the delegation feature of Ruby in Models:
class A
def foo
def foo=(arg)
class B < A
belongs_to :a
delegate :foo, :foo=, :to => :a
How can I force B to save A after setting b.foo="what_ever"? Oh and a.save should be called only if b.save is called and b.foo= was used - just ...
How can in controller redirect with post same data like this do form
<form action="http://example.com/" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="q" value="a">
I can't use redirect_to, because there is no support post data.
On my web host's system, installing and using gems seems to require installing my own copy of ruby. With their help on a forum, I've gotten that done. I'm trying to use a particular gem (called Image Science) in a Rails app.
At this point, if I open irb and type the following, this is what I get:
require 'rubygems' #true
require 'image...
Hello folks,
I am writing a simple script to update a table data.
I am unable to get a record trough a field named "Agliè"; the problem is "è".
c = Comune.find_by_denominazione_italiano_tedesco('Agliè')
I realised that the problem can be patched using "Aglie", but I need to preserve the accent difference (these are town names, some a...
Trying to understand Ruby a bit better, I ran into this code surfing the Internet:
require 'rubygems'
require 'activeresource'
ActiveResource::Base.logger = Logger.new("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/events.log")
class Event < ActiveResource::Base
self.site = "http://localhost:3000"
events = Event.find(:all)
puts events.map(&:name...
Ruby gems only seems to include non-beta dependencies. eg. try:
gem install ripple --include-dependencies
: and you get the message:
ERROR: Error installing ripple:
ripple requires activesupport (~> 3.0.0.beta, runtime)
I found that this isn't possible in ruby gems. This however finally worked. Thanks @levi:
gem updat...
I'm using the split linux command to split huge xml files into node-sized ones. The problem is now I have directory with hundreds of thousands of files.
I want a way to get a file from the directory (to pass to another process for import into our database) without needing to list everything in it. Is this how Dir.foreach already works?...
Hi guys,
I have installed Ruby on Rails and am using Webbrick server. My Apache Server re-routes from port 80 to port 443 to have a SSL connection and LDAP.
After the LDAP Authentication, MY SSL Page loads very slowly, sometimes, it just dosent load at all, sometimes blank page instead of project home page.
IF I cancell the redirect...
I have a report in which I'm listing total values and then changes in parentheses. E.g.:
Songs: 45 (+10 from last week)
So I want to print the integer 10 as "+10" and -10 as "-10"
Right now I'm doing
(song_change >= 0 ? '+' : '') + song_change.to_s
Is there a better way?
Hi All,
I have created an App on Heroku which works perfectly in a Web Browser. As a second step, I want to view the App hosted on Heroku in Yahoo! App.
Its pretty simple to open any webpage in a Yahoo! App. One just need to mention the URL where the site is LIVE and rest is taken care by Yahoo! App. However, if I try to open the App h...
It does not seem to be documented very much:
hsh.merge(other_hash){|key, oldval, newval| block} → a_hash
I am looking for a pure Ruby solution to convert UTF-8 to GSM-7 and back, and do septet encoding/decoding along the way.
Background here is: Sending and receiving SMS via a gateway and via REST-requests.
I found a solution with libiconv (http://mobiletidings.com/2009/07/06/gsm-7-encoding-gnu-libiconv/) (which works more or less, but is...
Can anyone recommend any good multithreading / processing books / sites which go into detail about the intricacies of Ruby multithreading / multiprocessing?
I tried using ruby threading and basically in deadlock-free code on 1.9vm it ran into deadlocks in jruby. Yes I realize the differences are drastic (jruby has no GIL) but I wanted t...
I'm trying to query a table, fetch all records, and save the result as a CSV file.
This is what I've done so far:
require 'OCI8'
conn = OCI8.new('scott','tiger','020')
file = File.open('output.csv','w') do |f|
conn.exec('select * from emp') do |e|
f.write log.join(',')
.. And while it does generate a CSV file, the proble...
I have an array of paths, array = [
I need to create a tree structure (for the jTree plugin), but it has to be sorted by folders first (alphabetically) and then leafs (alphabetically too).
A sorted tree structure with the above example would look like this:
Here's what I'm trying to do:
val1 = [26, 27, 24, 25, 29, 28]
val2 = [17, 20, 22, 21]
val3 = [36, 33, 31, 29]
val4 = [20, 18, 17, 22, 21, 23]
vals = {val1, val2, val3, val4}
sum = 0
count = 0
vals.each do |val|
for i in 0..val.size-1 do
#sum += val[i]
p val[i]
puts sum
puts count
Initially I wanted t...