
Ruby Design Problem for SQL Bulk Inserter

This is a Ruby design problem. How can I make a reusable flat file parser that can perform different data scrubbing operations per call, return the emitted results from each scrubbing operation to the caller and perform bulk SQL insertions? Now, before anyone gets narky/concerned, I have written this code already in a very unDRY fashion...

RVM Ruby 1.9.1 troubles

Trying to get Ruby 1.9.1 up and running with RVM on a fresh install(fedora). So after doing rvm install 1.9.1, the rubygems error logs show that zlib can't be located no such file to load -- zlib (LoadError) However both the zlib runtime and development libraries are installed and up-to-date, So I'm kinda stumped on this one at ...

Ruby on Rails: one-to-one mapping. Just semantics or really a different structure.

So I'm creating a plugin for Ruby on Rails to make implemented addresses including country, state, city, and zip_code for countries that can follow that paradigm a lot easier but that's beside the point expect for how the address model is associated. So starting with my address model. class Address < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :cou...

Ruby on Rails: Simple way to select all records of a nested model?

Just curious, I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to get an array of all the records in a nested model. I just want to make sure there is not a better way. Here is the setup: I have three models that are nested under each other (Facilities >> Tags >> Inspections), producing code like this for routes.rb: map.resources :facil...

Closest Ruby representation of a 'private static final' and 'public static final' class variable in Java?

Given the Java code below, what's the closest you could represent these two static final variables in a Ruby class? And, is it possible in Ruby to distinguish between private static and public static variables as there is in Java? public class DeviceController { ... private static final Device myPrivateDevice = Device.getDevice("myd...

How to find out the exact RSS XML path of a website?

How do I get the exact feed.xml/rss.xml/atom.xml path of a website? For example, I supplied "", but the rss is pointing to "", most modern browsers have this features already and I'm curious how did they get them. Can you cite an example code in ruby, py...

Rails: update_attribut wihout validation - like

I trying to update a model on a callback but the validation is causing some havic and I'm controller the material getting saved so I'm looking for way to do update attributes without a validation and I would like to keep it on the update method not on validations for example :conditions => Something like this? easy_address.update_att...

Rails or Sinatra? which is good to start learning, for a php programmer?

I've been working far too long with php and getting bored with it. I also want to learn a new language. I've been using Ruby and like it. I've to decide between Rails and Sinatra, which one would you recommend? Is it true that Sinatra can't be used to build complex apps, and its only for simple apps? ...

Create new Rails project with previous rails version

Hello, The latest version of rails installed on my mac is 3.0.0.beta gem list returns rails (3.0.0.beta, 2.3.5, 2.3.4, 2.3.2, 2.2.2, 1.2.6) I want to create a new project using version 2.3.5 So I run: rails _2.3.5_ myProject But it returns the following error $ rails _2.3.5_ photosbackup /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems.rb:777:in `r...

How to make OSX application that just runs opens some file type and runs arbitrary Ruby code?

It's trivial to make a program executable from shell - just put #!/usr/bin/ruby on top, chmod +x it and done. Unfortunately OSX won't let me associate file type with such scripts - it requires its .apps instead. This sort of distinction doesn't seem to exist on other operating systems. What's the simplest way of making such .app, which ...

Rails date format in form field

Hello I'd like my dates in the mm/dd/year format in text fields. However, they currently displays as 2010-03-26. Is there a global setting I can set to change this? I tried the following, which seems to update the .to_s method, but form fields stay the same. ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Date::Conversions::DATE_FORMATS.merge!(:defa...

What are the Ruby equivalent of Python itertools, esp. combinations/permutations/groupby?

Python's itertools module provides a lots of goodies with respect to processing an iterable/iterator by use of generators. For example, permutations(range(3)) --> 012 021 102 120 201 210 combinations('ABCD', 2) --> AB AC AD BC BD CD [list(g) for k, g in groupby('AAAABBBCCD')] --> AAAA BBB CC D What are the equivalent in Ruby? By eq...

Getting CoreMIDI to work in snow leopard with SimpleSynth

I have been trying to follow the steps in the book Ruby Practical Project - making music with ruby and was trying to get CoreMIDI and output some notes using SimpleSynth. I can connect to the destination but when i do something like midi = midi.note_on(0, 60, 100) I get no output from the sound system. Has anyone tri...

Sinatra Routing Exceptions

I want to be able to do the following: get '/:slug' do haml :page end get '/administration' do haml :admin end Is there a way that I can have get '/:slug' do have an exception for /administration? I realize you can do this with if else statements: get '/:slug' do if params[:slug] == 'administration' haml :admin else ...

Ruby script as service

Well, the title say it all. I have a ruby script I want running as a service (one I can start and stop) on my Linux box. I was able to find how to do it on Windows here Some readings point to creating daemons or cron tasks. I just need something simple I can call on my box's reboot, and can stop/start whenever I please. my script has a...

Finding entries belonging to current month (or other months)

I have a model (Expense) that contains fields like 'cost'. I'd like to iterate through all my expenses to find the sum of the cost for all entries belonging to a particular month. Is there a way to do it in rails directly? Expense.find(:all, :conditions => .....) ...

ruby xmpfilter on windows

Has anyone out there ever gotten xmpfilter to work on windows? xmpfilter "unterminated string meets end of file" is the error. The only Google hit is in Japanese: google://xmpfilter "unterminated string meets end of file" For background, the desired feature from xmpfilter is t...

Ruby: Having trouble pulling data from this class

So here's the output of inspect on a class: <Recurly::BillingInfo::CreditCard:0x1036a8a98 @prefix_options={}, @attributes={"month"=>1, "last_four"=>"1", "type"=>"bogus", "year"=>2010}> I'm trying to get the type attribute but seems that might be some sort of reserved word? Here's the full rundown of what I'm trying to do @charges = ...

Tab / LF / CR unicode character

I have a Unicode file (UTF-16 FFFE little-endian BOM) which contains rows of tab-separated fields. Read, I am going to use the Ruby split (file to lines, then line to fields). BTW, what's the Unicode char for: LF CR Tab Thanks! ...

C++ for Ruby scripters

I am a fairly capable Ruby scripter/programmer, but have been feeling pressure to branch out into C++. I haven't been able to find any sites along the lines of "C++ for Ruby Programmers". This site exists for Python (which is quite similar, I know). Does anyone know of a guide that can help me translate my Ruby 'thoughts' into C++? ...