What is the "=~" operator in Ruby?
I saw this on a screencast and couldn't figure out what it was. Reference sheets just pile it in with other operators as a general pattern match operator. ...
I saw this on a screencast and couldn't figure out what it was. Reference sheets just pile it in with other operators as a general pattern match operator. ...
Hi I made student list containing roll no.,name, gender, DOB,Age ,marks1,marks2,marks3,total and avg. i want to right a code for age that is when i click on age it should display the correct age according to the DOB given. can you help using textbox events in c# ...
so i am trying to save to a join table in a habtm relationship, but i am having problems. from my view, i pass in a group id with: = link_to "Create New User", new_user_url(:group => 1) User model (user.rb) class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :user_groups accepts_nested_attributes_for :user_groups end ...
Hi, Im having problems with an association in rails: Currently I have Post and User models, and the relationship is set this way: class User < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :username, :name, :lastname has_many :posts end class Post < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :title, :body belongs_to :user end However, in my ...
Since Dream Linux has built in support for Ruby, I'm assuming it will work well as a Rails development environment, but I'm wondering if Ruby Version Manager will interfere with the system version of Ruby. Generally, when I use RVM, I disable/ignore the system version. How will the Dream Linux OS system scripts that are written in Ruby...
Hi, I have started with Ruby and Rails development and I am a Java developer from the last 2 years (student). I am in for two things: Learn Ruby Make my website on ROR I have Agile Web Development with Rails, 2nd Edition. So, here are my questions: How is the Agile Web Development with Rails book to start with, where I don't know...
Let there be class Example defined as: class Example def initialize(test='hey') self.class.send(:define_method, :say_hello, lambda { test }) end end On calling Example.new; Example.new I get a warning: method redefined; discarding old say_hello. This, I conclude, must be because it defines a method in the actual class (which ...
I want my projects top level Rakefile to build things using rakefiles deeper in the tree; i.e. the top level rakefile says how to build the project (big picture) and the lower level ones build a specific module (local picture). There is of course a shared set of configuration for the minute details of doing that whenever it can be share...
I came across the following code and couldn't figure out what was going on. def self.eof_packet?(data) data[0] == ?\xfe && data.length == 5 end ...
I have a Sinatra app with a long running process (a web scraper). I'd like the app flush the results of the crawler's progress as the crawler is running instead of at the end. I've considered forking the request and doing something fancy with ajax but this is a really basic one-pager app that really just needs to output a log to a brow...
Hello. I am interested in modeling a Malthusian growth model in Ruby. Does anyone have any ideas, or are there any interesting libraries that cover this? Any help is appreciated. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malthusian_growth_model ...
I'm brand new to Ruby testing and Google isn't helping. Using Test/Unit, how can I print an instance variable, like test "thing to happen" do do_stuff assert_equal "foo", @variable p @varible end ...
In Ruby 1.8.7, Array("hello\nhello") gives you ["hello\n", "hello"]. This does two things that I don't expect: It splits the string on newlines. I'd expect it simply to give me an array with the string I pass in as its single element without modifying the data I pass in. Even if you accept that it's reasonable to split a string when pa...
I want to use selenium test to cover my rails project ! but i just find little documents on selenium test . I want someone to give me some documents for selenium test of all types !like website ,pdf ,text etc. you can sent them to my gmail [email protected] ,or write under the question. Thank you ,and best regards! ...
Can't seem to find how to check if an object is a boolean easily. Is there something like this in Ruby? true.is_a?(Boolean) false.is_a?(Boolean) Right now I'm doing this and would like to shorten it: some_var = rand(1) == 1 ? true : false (some_var.is_a?(TrueClass) || some_var.is_a?(FalseClass)) ...
Consider the following snippet: puts 'hello'.gsub(/.+/, '\0 \\0 \\\0 \\\\0') This prints (as seen on ideone.com): hello hello \0 \0 This was very surprising, because I'd expect to see something like this instead: hello \0 \hello \\0 My argument is that \ is an escape character, so you write \\ to get a literal backslash, thus \\...
i got this error: SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: apis.name: SELECT * FROM examples WHERE ("apis"."name" = 'deep') my code Api.find :all, :from => params[:table_name], :conditions => {:name => 'deep' } I need to make a back end rails application which will be used by a silverlight application. one of the requirements is to...
i wonder what the difference is here: resources :photos do member do get :preview end end # vs resources :photos do collection do get :search end end http://pastie.org/1001727 im not sure i dont understand it. thanks ...
I am trying to track a set of keywords from Twitter by using the Streaming API (can't post the link here because of spam limitations: google twitter streaming API). I am doing this inside Ruby, using the TweetStream gem: http://bit.ly/cODAWI The problem I have is that I want to track keywords that contain some unicode/UTF-8 character...
I have built a variety of little scripts using Ruby's very simple Queue class, and share the Queue between Ruby and JRuby processes using DRb. It would be nice to be able to access these from Scala (and maybe Java) using JRuby. I've put together something Scala and the JSR-223 interface to access jruby-complete.jar. import javax.script...