Hi, When trying to install
'bcrypt-ruby', :lib => 'bcrypt'
I get this in both cases (Using Windows XP)
C:/Ruby/bin/ruby.exe: No such file or directory -- extconf.rb (LoadError)
I installed from here http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ Rb 1.8.6, including the devkit
any hints?, thanks
When I run
Thread.abort_on_exception = true
threads = []
threads << Thread.new do
loop { sleep 1 }
threads << Thread.new do
loop { sleep 1; raise }
threads.each { |t| t.join }
as a straight-up ruby script, the script exits as you'd expect with abort_on_exception set to true.
But when I try to run this same code as a ra...
I am now looking for an elegant algorithm to recursively find neighbors of neighbors with the geohashing algorithm (http://www.geohash.org).
Basically take a central geohash, and then get the first 'ring' of same-size hashes around it (8 elements), then, in the next step, get the next ring around the first etc. etc.
Have you heard of an ...
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
after_update :give_user_credit, :on => :update
def give_user_credit
credit = User.current_user.credit + 3.8
User.current_user.update_attribute(:credit, credit)
When I use this the server hangs and when I come back to the application after a full reboot my credit is in the £1000...
How do I redirect stderr and stdout to file for a ruby script?
Consider the following extension (the pattern popularized by several Rails plugins over the years):
module Extension
def self.included(recipient)
recipient.extend ClassMethods
recipient.send :include, InstanceMethods
module ClassMethods
def macro_method
puts "Called macro_method within #{self.name}"
So I've got dozens of servers I connect to and want a simple Ruby script that provides me with a list of those servers. Picking one will start up SSH with the proper connection details and let me start using it. That's it!
But, I don't want/need Ruby to keep running. If I did I could use Net::SSH and capture all output and send it back ...
So I know you can say Kernel.const_get("ClassName") and you'll get back the class to which the string corresponds in name. But what about for variables? Is there a way to do:
test = "heyas"
some_method_here("test") #=> "heyas"
Thanks so much
The fact is that I need it in more complex code, real example:
class User
class Validation...
Since you cannot use the normal 'update' and 'update_attribute' methods from ActiveRecord to update a protected attribute, is the following the best way to update an attribute for a single user?
User.update_all("admin = true","id = 1")
I'm guessing this doesn't lie in the 'best practice' category, so I'm just curious if there is a m...
I can't seem to get google to redirect to the callback url after obtaining the auth token.
By redirecting the user to the following url, the user can click grant or deny access.
After that the user clicks on one of the choices, the user is not redirected back to the callback url.
With test/unit, and minitest, is it possible to fail any test that doesn't contain an assertion, or would monkey-patching be required (for example, checking if the assertion count increased after each test was executed)?
Background: I shouldn't write unit tests without assertions - at a minimum, I should use assert_nothing_raised if I'm...
Now , I execute the command line "rake db:migrate" on the window OS, but I got the problem in the console. it print couldn't find HOME environment -- expanding~/.ruby-uuid'`
who can help me to solve this ? Thank you and best regards!
I think i should add the home path in the window environment . but i don't know ,which folder should i ...
Imagine case scenario, you have a list of recipes that have ingredients as a text.
You want to see how many recipes contain "sesame oil".
The problem with default searchlogic searching using Recipe.ingredients_like("sesame oil") is that any recipe with sesame AND oil would come up, when I'm searching for "sesame oil" which is a problem...
Is there some way to use something similar to x-sendfile for uploading files, e.g. saving particular stream/parameter from request to file, without putting it wholly into memory?
(In particular, with apache2 and ruby fcgi)
So I've started looking at ruby, and a lot of things look nice but I'm quite put off by implicit return statements. I understand making everything return self or nil by default but not the last value of a statement.
To me it looks horribly fragile (especially) if you are working with a method that doesn't plan to return something (espec...
rcov 0.9.8 2010-02-28
ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [i686-darwin10.3.0]
rvm 0.1.38 by Wayne E. Seguin ([email protected]) [http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/]
System Ruby (rvm use system): ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [i686-darwin10]
The test setup is a 'lib' folder containing a single file which de...
Hi, so I asked here few days ago about C# and its principles. Now, if I may, I have some additional general questions about some languages, because for novice like me, it seems a bit confusing. To be exact I want to ask more about language functions capabilities than syntax and so.
To be honest, its just these special functions that bot...
Can I do the following?
def ModelObserver < ActiveRecord
def after_save
At the moment, this returns the following error:
Don't know how to build task 'name'
Any idea?
I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 x64, ruby version 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249)
I've read this thread first: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1332207/uninitialized-constant-mysqlcompatmysqlres-using-mms2r-gem and tried everything that people suggested:
apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
export ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64"; sudo gem install --no...
so i create in my view:
How do i get the name of the month out of the date? I was trying to do sth like
<%= DATE::ABBR_MONTHNAMES(date.month)%>
But without success. I keep getting an error: uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::CompiledTemplates::MONTHNAMES
How do i initialise the constant or is the...