Is there a non-GPL spreadsheet library for ruby available?
Just looking for a free spreadsheet read/write library that is not GPL or LGPL. ...
Just looking for a free spreadsheet read/write library that is not GPL or LGPL. ...
# use a YML file, which has key , value pairs yml_hosts = YAML::load('hosts.yml')) ..... # for each pair yml_hosts.each_pair {|key_hosts , value_hosts| ...... redirect to a String "value_hosts" value_hosts << "#{$.} #{line}" if line =~ /recoverable NFE/ Is there a better way of...
A while back I wrote this blog post ( which didn't get any responses - my blog doesn't get a lot of traffic ;) So I want to try re-asking the same question here and maybe get some response. We have the following systems (and more) that we push/pull data from one app to another: Hosted CRM (
i need powerful interactive packet manipulation program like Scapy for Ruby please help ...
Hi, I need to parse a string like this: a[metadata][][name]=dont|do|this&a[name]=Hello World&a[metadata][][value]=i|really|mean it CGI::parse gives me this: {"a[name]"=>["Hello World"], "a[metadata][][name]"=>["dont|do|this"], "a[metadata][][value]"=>["i|really|mean it"]} I would like something like what PHP does with parse_str, whic...
I'm using ruby's WSDLFactory to create an rpc driver to access the paypoint soap service and i need to see what xml request is being generated is there a way to do this code or should i try and use something like ethereal ...
I'd like to implement measurement unit preferences in a Ruby on Rails app. For instance, the user should be able to select between displaying distances in miles or in kilometers. And, obviously, not only displaying, but entering values, too. I suppose all values should be stored in one global measurement system to simplify calculations...
I'd probably be able to answer this for myself if "::" wasn't so hard to Google. Didn't see anything on SO so thought I'd try my luck. What is this double-colon :: all about? I see it everywhere in Rails: class User < ActiveRecord::Base or… ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| I found a definition from this guy: Th...
I have two forms in one view updating the User Profile. One Form is to Update my name etc. and one is to change my password. Profile Form: - form_for @user, :url => account_path do |f| = f.error_messages ...form fields here... Password Form: - form_for @user, :url => account_path do |pf| = pf.error_messages ...password field...
Below are some point 3d 15.733798,20.019757,23.006311 15.733798,19.847666,23.006311 15.723798,19.847666,23.006311 15.723798,20.019757,23.006311 15.733798,20.019757,23.006311 and this is a vector 0.0,0.0,-0.1 Is it possible to draw a curve from the information above in sketchup? Thank you ...
Hi, I have a text file from which I want to create a Hash for faster access. My text file is of format (space delimited) author title date popularity I want to create a hash in which author is the key and the remaining is the value as an array. created_hash["briggs"] = ["Manup", "Jun,2007", 10] Thanks in advance. ...
I'm creating a new rails app for my business, and I just finished a new feature where I can put an announcement on the website (for specials, sales, etc.). I want this announcement to automatically be set to my business' Facebook page. How can I easily do this? Is the only way to create a Facebook application, and then if so, can a Fa...
Hello, Im looking a way to use different IP addresses for each GET request with standard Net::HTTP library. Server has 5 ip addresses and assuming that some API`s are blocking access when request limit per IP is reached. So, only way to do it - use another server. I cant find anything about it in ruby docs. For example, curl allows yo...
We caught some code in Ruby that seems odd, and I was wondering if someone could explain it: $ irb irb(main):001:0> APPLE = 'aaa' => "aaa" irb(main):002:0> banana = APPLE => "aaa" irb(main):003:0> banana << 'bbb' => "aaabbb" irb(main):004:0> banana => "aaabbb" irb(main):005:0> APPLE => "aaabbb" Catch that? The constant was appended to...
First, the background: I'm writing a Ruby app that uses SendGrid to send mass emails. SendGrid uses a custom email header (in JSON format) to set recipients, values to substitute, etc. SendGrid's documentation recommends splitting up the header so that the lines are shorter than 1,000 bytes. My question, then, is this: given a long JS...
I have this Factory: Factory.define :email_address do |e| e.sequence(:address) { |n| "factory_#{n}" } e.validated true end When I run my specs with rake spec, it works fine. When I run autospec, it fails right away, claiming that the email address is being used twice in two different objects (there is a validation whi...
There are many toy examples of logging. I am looking for a large example, that is real world production code, and make extreme use of logging. thank you ...
Hey guys, I'm using to validate records. My form is currently a remote form, using RJS. My question, is how to I return the :message (for errors) to the page through ajax (and I assume the create.rjs file)? Best, Elliot ...
Is there a way to simply have my blocks and their closing end keyword align properly with vim? If I have a function which is nested with several conditions, things can start to get ugly fast. Can vim save the day? ...
I am getting following error while reading from a spreadsheet file. I have searched alot on Google. I have seen posts with similar problems but no reply to the problems. Does anyone know how to resolve this error? C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ruby-ole- `dirent_from_path': No such file o...