
There is a JavaScript error in my rails application!

As the title said, I got a problem! i encountered the "RJS Error:[object error]",the code in my application is page << "#{hidden_print("#{url_for(:controller => 'tables', :action => 'dispatch', :id => id, :pop => true, :print =>true)}")} " the method hidden_print is def hidden_print(url) "window.parent.headFrame.document.all.i...

Pushin each_line into array not working

Hi, I've got a weird issue with Ruby. I want to read data from a file and put the data then into an array. The weird thing is, it's working in another script which does basically, the same thing. quoteArray = [] quoteFile ="quotes.txt", "r") or die "Unable to open file..." quoteFile.each_line { |line| quoteArray.push line } ...

reading half part of a table

When i have a table; 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Say i want to only read and keep the values along the upper diagonal of this table, how can i easily accomplish this in pure ruby? Such that the final structure looks like 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 Thanks ...

Wrong Ruby Float and BigDecimal subtraction result

I am running: [~/ruby/rails/sas]$ ruby --version ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-08 patchlevel 173) [universal-darwin10.0] on Mac Snow Leopard 10.6.3 Can anyone help to explain why the Float and BigDecimal subtraction can be this wrong. [~/ruby/rails/sas]$ console Loading development environment (Rails 2.1.1) >> num = 30.0 => 30.0 >> num.class ...

Send and Receive JSON using RestClient and Sinatra

Hi, I am trying to send a JSON data to a Sinatra app by RestClient ruby API. At client(client.rb) (using RestClient API) response = 'http://localhost:4567/solve', jdata, :content_type => :json, :accept => :json At server (Sinatra) require "rubygems" require "sinatra" post '/solve/:data' do jdata = params[:data...

Getting the Access Token from a Facebook Open Graph response in Ruby

Hi, I'm trying to implement single sign-on using facebook in my ruby sinatra app. So far, I've been following this tutorial: I am able to send a request for a user to connect to my application but I'm having trouble actually "getting" the access token. The user can connect wit...

Rails model to represent multiple fields

I'm developing a rails project where I have one data model with multiple fields that are collection selects. I'd like to create another model to represent all of these collection select fields. So, for instance, my main data model has three collection select fields -- one for county, one for category, and one for classification. I could ...

Browser Caching with Paperclip

I have a quite long slideshow of images, all rendered via the awesome Paperclip. Those images won't change very often, so I'd like to make use of browser caching. Problem is Paperclip appends a unique load id to the image url. (eg: pancakes.png?1275839986) Is there any way to prevent this from happening? Thanks! ...

Ruby On Rails: pluralize for other languages

I am building apps for a non-english audience. Right now, I use english nouns to name my models, yet I prefer to use native dutch ones. As the convention uses the plural of the class name for tables, I assume it is the pluralize method inside Rails (where it resides, I wouldn't know). How can I change the pluralize method and where is it...

How do I do a join in ActiveRecord after records have been returned?

I am using ActiveRecord in Rails 3 to pull data from two different tables in two different databases. These databases can not join on each other, but I have the need to do a simple join after-the-fact. I would like to preserve the relation so that I can chain it down the line. here is a simplified version of what I am doing browsers ...

Any success with Sinatra working together with EventMachine WebSockets?

I have been using Sinatra for sometime now and I would like to add some realtime features to my web-app by pushing the data via websockets. I have successfully used the gem 'em-websocket' on its own, but have not been able to write one ruby file that has a sinatra web server AND a web-socket server. I've tried spinning the run! or star...

Rails table inheritance issue

I've setup some models in the table inheritance fashion and everything seems to be all fine and dandy. But, when I use a collection select field to select values from one of the models it saves it but it saves the ID of the data and not the actual value of the data. So when I try to display the value on the show view it just shows the co...

Ruby on Rails- :symbols, @iVars and "strings" - oh my!

New to Rails and trying to get my head around when/why to use :symbols, @ivars , "strings" within the framework. I think I understand the differences between them conceptually only one :symbol instance per project one @ivar per instance multiple "strings" - as they are created whenever referenced (?) Feel free to correct me! The ma...

Rails newb syntax question

I'm in the console, looking at someone else's app. I come across the following: >> p.location => [#<Tag id: 2, name: "projects">] Why do I see this result, which seems to be the object name, and how do I access the actual attribute name, "projects"? >> => "Tag" Thank you very much! ...

Connect to email via Ruby

I really love the way ruby-gmail gem allows me to have complete control of gmail via ruby. Unfortunately the HTML stripping 'feature' of gmail is problematic. What is a good email gem and email hosting provider for automating email through ruby. Thanks, Jeff ...

Get string value from http response with Mechanize

Hi, I'm currently integrating facebook into my current app and I've succeeded in retrieving the access_token using the following code: url="#{url}?#{client_id}&#{client_secret}&#{code}&#{redirect_uri}&type=client_cred" agent = page = agent.get(url) The page object above has a body which contains text something along t...

Is it worth learning C# or Java in 2010

We are in web era standalone applications are almost gone everyone wants their internet application to run inside browser, programming languages like Ruby, Python and scala are becoming more and more mainstream. Sometimes I wonder what these programming language offer which make them top choice of IT companies, if I plan to become a fre...

Using Mechanize with Google Docs

I'm trying to use Mechanize login to Google Docs so that I can scrape something (not possible from the API) but I keep seem to keep getting a 404 when trying to follow the meta redirect: require 'rubygems' require 'mechanize' USERNAME = "..." PASSWORD = "..." LOGIN_URL = ";continue=http:/...

Ruby, Rails: mysql2 gem, does somebody use this gem? Is it stable?

I found mysql2 gem. It works fine with ruby 1.9 and utf8 encoding (as opposed to mysql gem). But I have doubts. Does somebody use this gem in production? What about the performance test? Is it faster than mysql gem? Is it stable? ...

cattr_accessor outside of rails

I'm trying to use the google_search ruby library (code follows) but it complains that 'cattr_accessor is an undefined method' - any ideas why this might be or how I could fix it? require 'rubygems' require 'google_search' GoogleSearch.web :q => "pink floyd" ...