I have done all this modification to setup monit and delayed_job.
I have create one file delayed_job.monitrc in my app/current/config.
check process delayed_job
with pidfile /home/sysadmin/app/current/shared/pids/delayed_job.pid
start program = "/usr/bin/env RAILS_ENV=production /home/sysadmin/app/current/scrip...
In Rails 3, how do you change the default primary key type to, say, BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY
In my case I'm only interested in MySQL.
For Rails 2, you can see the answer to "How do I use long IDs in Rails?"1
In Rails 3, however, this will throw an error. I'm not sure if that's because the class is no long u...
class Exercise < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :exercises
Why can't I find all Exercises there were created by users with the role of "admin"?
Exercise.first :include => [:user], :conditions => ['user.role = "admin"']
The error shoes that the users table is not being join...
Is it possible to share a session between my PHP app on a subdomain and my Ruby apps on my other subdomains?
I don't really know where to take it from here. I know I can manually set the domain to the root one so that the cookie is valid for all the subdomains, but how would I get/set stuff from/to the session so that it's shared across...
I want to write a method that simplifies the names of corporations. I would like it to work as follows:
@clear_company = clear_company(@company.name)
What would happen is @company.name = "Company, Inc." @clear_company would be "Company"
If @company.name = "Company Corporation" @clear_company would be "Company"
There wouldn't be ex...
I've just found this comment from mojombo:
The latest on master now has Plugin support. Look at lib/jekyll/converters for examples of how they're done. Also, any *.rb files in a _plugins directory will be loaded so that you can create custom plugins of your own.
I've had a look /lib/jekyll/converters but could not understand how th...
i have a rails app that currently uses activerecord to store and query products.
Each product has a category and sub category and each sub category is defined by multiple field that i can create within the application. From this when a user wants to input a specific product, they are pressented with the relevent form fields.
This ...
I have created my search part successfully with the thinking_sphinx gem and I have searched a word it is showing correct, But the problem with the search is it need full word to be given to search exact match. I dont want to give exact word instead any particular character or part of words also be taken into account. help me to s...
I use ruby infrequently - usually it adds up to writing a script once in two months or more. I do most of my programming with C++, which is very different from ruby.
with such wide gaps between my brushes with ruby I keep forgetting basic aspects of the language (like parsing a text file and other simple stuff).
I would like to d...
So I have tried this out on multiple computers with multiple setups (servers/apps) and I seem to consistently get Rails completing 8-15 requests per second even for doing selects on empty tables with 1 field. I think I'm doing something wrong here because I've read a lot of stats online where people are getting 60-200 with mongrel. So be...
Hi guys,
I know some ruby language. Now I need do some .net development. I don't want to learn a new language. So, after googling I got IronRuby. Now my question is Can I use IronRuby to write all apps that c# can write?
How do I pass a value to a dynamic method name that's called on a rails model?
This gives the error:
wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
If I were to use the same method like this though:
@model.post_id = 123
then it works.
So there is a "setter" method for the method post_id (and t...
I was looking through some code and came across a "require 'etc'" line. Of course, googling for things like "ruby etc gem" has been fruitless. I haven't found any documentation for it (yet) so I thought I'd ask here.
Is there a Ruby equivalent of PHP’s mcrypt_encrypt() function
I'm using Ruby on Rails and need to run a block of Ruby code in one of my html.erb files. Do I do it like this:
<% def name %>
<% name = username %>
<%= name %>
or like this:
<% def name
name = username %>
<%= name %>
Thanks for reading.
If I write the following code
mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $raw, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv);
How to write in ruby?
I am on rails 2.3.8 & I am using mysql as db adapter.
I want to store arrays in my database. After searching I could come up with this very useful article.
Now I need to use GUI for input & not only server console. So say I have a text field called nums which logically should have int array. What should be the format of nums so that it...
Hi, I want to eliminate "=" sign for a particular reason. It might looks like this:
The "as" method here is used to generate a method "kelly" that reference my cat. Could anyone help me with this?
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Jorg was right, I've add a simple...
I use the plugin of acts_as_ferret. when i use find_with_ferret,i got this problem.I got the error messages from the console like this
EOFError in 'DestroysController save destroy require reason'
End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:117 in xpop_context
Error occured in store.c:216 - is_refill
current pos = 0, file length = 0
I have selenium server 1.03 runing on Ubuntu 9.10 with FF 3.5.3.
I use the following code :
require 'selenium/client'
@selenium = Selenium::Client::Driver.new \
:host => "",
:port => 4444,
:browser => "*firefox",
:url => "http://www.google.fr/",
:timeout_in_second => 5