
How can I test regexp and fetch matching parts in Ruby?

I have an input, which can have different structure. I would like to test few patterns and get corresponding matching parts in each case without repeating the regular expressions. For example: a = "hello123" case a when /^([0-9]+)([a-z]+)$/ # how to get matching values? when /^([a-z]+)([0-9]+)$/ # how to get matching values? else en...

Ruby: This "Double dimensional hash" requires processing

I have this: h = { 1 => { 1 => {:a => "x", :b => "y", :c => "z"}, 2 => {:a => "xx", :b => "yy", :c => "zz"} }, 2 => { 1 => {:a => "p", :b => "q", :c => "r"}, 2 => {:a => "pp", :b => "qq", :c => "rr"} } } I want to get this: result = { 1 => { 1 => {:a => "x"}, ...

Associate an XML-Stylesheet with an XML Document with Nokogiri

Is it possible to associate a stylesheet with with Nokogiri, to create this structure? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href=""?&gt; <root> ... </root> ...

Rails 3 Autotest is saying "command not found", any ideas?

Hi... I've been trying to setup autotest with rails 3 beta4 but I getting a "-bash: autotest: command not found" -- any ideas? I installed it by putting the gem in my gemfile and then doing a bundle install.. ...

Only pull IP Address from a line of text

I've got a script that searches through a logfile for a specific trigger, and then pulls out the line when it's found. For example, this is a line I'm looking for: 7/2/10 9:24:12 AM puppetmasterd[63092] Could not resolve no name for It saves this line into a variable "line", but I'd like to be able to extrac...

Do Ruby classes get cleared out between Rake tasks

I have a Rakefile that defines the spec task as task :spec => [:check_dependencies, :load_backends] And then runs the actual rspec tests. During the load_backends task, it loads a class called Story, but in the first spec test, defined?(Story) returns false. I'm assuming that it is intended behavior of Rake to start with a fresh env...

Ruby activerecord seems to ignore set_table_name

I'm running ruby on Mac OSX 10.6.4, using Ruby 1.8 and activerecord 2.3.8. I'm running the following code inside of NetBeans 6.9 but I'm using the ruby interpreter from 10.6 I have the following code: require 'rubygems' require 'active_record' ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection ( :adapter=> "mysql", :host => "localhost",...

How can I use Ruby's Sanitize/Nokogiri to access untagged elements?

Hi all, I'm trying to build a Sanitize transformer that accepts potentially malformed HTML input with elements outside of any tags at all, such as in this example: out of a tag<p>in a tag</p>out again! I want to have the transformer wrap any non-tagged elements in <p> tags so that the above transforms into: <p>out of a tag</p><p>in ...

Ruby variable scope question -- alternatives to class-level variables for class_eval?

I have a question about best practices for Ruby variable scope using class_eval. In the below code snippet, in the class_eval block, the local variables first and second are undefined. def parent_method(opts={}) first = opts[:percent] second = (10 * first).to_i SecondClass.class_eval do def second_method; return {:...

Where is this newline coming from?

I'm using a rake script to tag the AssemblyInfo.cs files in my .NET projects, but there's a phantom carriage return (or newline, etc.) being introduced that's breaking the compilation. The method that gets the version number is: def get_version() version = '' IO.popen("#{SVNVERSION_APPLICATION} #{build_info.root_dir}") do |output| ...

Ruby: using Object.send for assigning variables

Is there any way to do something like this? a = b = a.send(:c) => 1 b.send(:c) => 2 a.send(:c) = b.send(:c) The last line result in error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting $end a.send(:c) = b.send(:c) ^ ...

Begin Rescue not catching error

I'm using some ruby code wrapped in a begin - rescue block but somehow it manages to still crash. the block of code looks like this: # Retrieve messages from server def get_messages'INBOX') @connection.uid_search(['ALL']).each do |uid| msg = @connection.uid_fetch(uid,'RFC822').first.attr['RFC822'] begin...

Ruby: Insert spaces every X number of characters

In a ruby string, how can I insert a space every X number of characters? As an example, I'd like to insert a space every 8 characters of a given string. ...

Limit Ring server to localhost only.'localhost') apparently doesn't work

Am using RingyDingy. Have altered call to to'localhost') in ring_server.rb and in ringy_dingy.rb, but still get, intermittently, attachments to like named services on my compatriots (in the same lan segment) which causes things to disappear trying to run on their machine (or on mine from the...

Insert Something Every X Number of Characters Without Regex

In this question, the asker requests a solution that would insert a space every x number of characters. The answers both involve using a regular expression. How might you achieve this without a regex? Here's what I came up with, but it's a bit of a mouthful. Any more concise solutions? string = "12345678123456781234567812345678" new_st...

Watir - Logging outside of a method

I'm still fairly new in using Watir for automation testing and I've hit another possibly insanely easy problem that I need to reach out to the community for a little bump in the right direction. I'm trying to use logger in Watir, which I can get to work fine if I keep everything within methods. If I don't have a method defined, for ins...

Zlib in Ruby to uncompress .gz

Hello, I have a .gz file that contains an XML document. I was wondering anyone knew how to use Zlib properly. So far, I have the following code: require 'zlib''PRIDE_Exp_Complete_Ac_1015.xml.gz') { |gz| g ="PRIDE_Exp_Complete_Ac_1015.xml", "w") g.write(gz) g.close() } But this creates ...

Delayed_job custom failing assertions?

Hey all, I'm using delayed_job for a priority queue. I was wondering how do i define what a failed job is? Thanks. ...

Ruby Shoes __FILE__ for application exe

Hi there, I created a Shoes application that reads some data from a YAML file on APP_PATH/data folder. The application works so well that I decided to package and send to a friend. I created an Windows executable with Shoes inside. When I run the executable, the relative path ./data does not point to the data folder inside the executa...

grant access to premium content on a rails app from an external proxy server

We want to grant automatic access to premium content (that is ordinarily password protected) to student client requests coming via their university's proxy server. Any ideas on how to go about this for a ruby on rails app? ...